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English-German translation for: will
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Dictionary English German: will

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NOUN1   a will | wills
NOUN2   a Will | Wills
NOUN3   will | -
VERB  to will | willed | willed ... 
SYNO   volition | will | testament ... 
VERB  wollen | wollte | gewollt/[mit zweitem Infinitiv] wollen [z. B. tun wollen] ... 
[I] wanna [nonstandard] [want to]
[ich] will
sb. wants
jd. will
2 Words: Others
sb. shan't [shall not]jd. will nicht
3 Words: Others
He would rather ...Er will lieber ...
hist. relig. God wills it. [Deus (lo) vult]Gott will es. [Deus (lo) vult]
I want to get back to ...Ich will wieder ... [wie früher]
I want to pay.Ich will zahlen.
admin. Yes I do. [wedding vow]Ja, ich will. [Jawort]
idiom sb. is out for blood [fig.]jd. will Blut sehen [fig.]
sb. claims to have done sth.jd. will etw. getan haben [angeblich]
sb. won't be left behindjd. will nicht zurückstehen
deo volente <DV>so Gott will
God willingso Gott will
as God willsso Gott will
relig. if God willsso Gott will
at will {adv}wie man will
3 Words: Verbs
to do sb.'s bidding [idiom]tun, was jd. will
3 Words: Nouns
Will-Rogers phenomenonWill-Rogers-Phänomen {n}
4 Words: Others
..., I trust...., will ich hoffen.
It's got to be done.Das will getan sein.
I should say so!Das will ich meinen!
That's saying a lot.Das will viel sagen.
He is really keen to win.Er will unbedingt gewinnen.
idiom Let's see the colour [Br.] / color [Am.] of your money!Ich will Bargeld sehen!
I do not want this.Ich will das nicht.
I want to marry you.Ich will dich freien. [veraltet]
I want to have children.Ich will Kinder haben.
idiom I'll be damned!Ich will verdammt sein!
I'll be damned! [coll.]Ich will verdammt sein! [ugs.]
I want you to ...Ich will, dass du ...
sb. is having none of it [coll.]jd. will davon nichts wissen
Sb. is calling the challenge.Jd. will es wissen.
Sb. is going for it. [coll.] [willing to make an experience on his own, refusing good advice]Jd. will es wissen.
It seems to me that ...Mir will scheinen, dass ...
as much as one likesso viel man will
What is he on about? [coll.]Was will er (sagen)?
What ever does he want?Was will er nur?
idiom What more could one want?Was will man mehr?
idiom if you like [so to speak]wenn man so will
if you willwenn man so will
Who's asking?Wer will das wissen?
Who wants to know?Wer will das wissen?
What's his angle?Worauf will er hinaus?
What's he driving at?Worauf will er hinaus?
His immediate plan is to ...Zunächst einmal will er ...
4 Words: Verbs
to get sb.'s drift [idiom]verstehen, worauf jd. hinaus will
to know one's own mindwissen, was man will
5+ Words: Others
..., Allah willing...., so Allah es will.
... if he wishes to do so...., wenn er dies will.
(but) be that as it may(doch) sei es, wie es will
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A 2025-02-05: "to will"
A 2024-12-27: Der Geist weht, wo er will!
Q 2024-10-30: sb. won't [will not] =? jd. will nicht
A 2024-08-01: Ah, sorry about that. Will try to correct my error.
A 2024-05-06: Ich will und und werde hier gar nichts bestimmen.
A 2024-03-21: Das will vermutlich sagen:
A 2024-02-06: Ich will auch mitraten!
A 2024-01-02: Was sie dir damit sagen will, steht genau in dem Artikel. Warum sollte sie...
A 2023-11-25: Okay, I will resubmit as a Swiss thing.
A 2023-04-29: Ich habe heute Antwort des Dom- und Diözesanarchivs des Bistums Mainz erha...
Q 2023-04-19: @Paul: Ich will ein dark theme.
A 2023-04-09: Wer die Schweizer als Kunden will, muss aufs ß verzichten
A 2023-03-08: will do ....
A 2023-02-15: I will say, I find the "missing" function incredibly useful.
Q 2023-01-05: you will be mailed information
A 2023-01-03: dann vielleicht: We will hopefully manage to carry him through (as we did ...
A 2022-12-21: Habe ein Self-DEL gemacht; ich kann bzw. will keine Eigenkorrektur machen,...
A 2022-11-15: "Ein ewig Rätsel will ich bleiben mir und anderen" (Ludwig II.)
A 2022-11-14: Oh, I'm confident somebody will fix it.
A 2022-10-30: We are watching - we will watch.

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