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English-German translation for: station
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Dictionary English German: station

Translation 1 - 35 of 35


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NOUN   a station | stations
VERB  to station | stationed | stationed ... 
SYNO   place | station | post | to place ... 
NOUN   die Station | die Stationen
SYNO   Krankenstation | Station | Bahnhof ... 
med. ward [hospital]
Station {f} [Krankenhaus]
Station {f}
stop off / over [also fig.]Station {f} [auch fig.]
2 Words: Verbs
to stop offStation machen
2 Words: Nouns
med. outpatient wardambulante Station {f}
med. surgical wardchirurgische Station {f}
engin. ind. tech. engineering stationEngineering-Station {f}
jobs found [room and board included as salary]freie Station {f} [freie Kost und Logis]
med. psych. secure wardgeschlossene Station {f}
med. psych. semi-secure wardhalbgeschlossene Station {f}
mobile stationmotorisierte Station {f}
med. mental wardpsychiatrische Station {f}
master stationtaktgebende Station {f}
med. triage stationTriage-Station {f} [auch: Triagestation]
med. triage ward [in a hospital]Triage-Station {f} [auch: Triagestation] [im Krankenhaus]
3 Words: Nouns
jobs pol. chief of station <COS> [CIA]Chief of Station {m} [offizielle behördeninterne Amtsbezeichnung für den jeweiligen Residenten der CIA in einer US-Botschaft im Ausland]
FireResc med. first-aid stationErste-Hilfe-Station {f}
med. intermediate care (unit) <IMC> [Am.]Intermediate-Care-Station {f} <IMC-Station, IMC> [Behandlungsstation zwischen Intensivstation und Normalstation]
relig. station of the crossKreuzweg-Station / Kreuzwegstation {f}
agr. hist. machine lending station [GDR]Maschinen-Ausleih-Station {f} <MAS> [DDR]
agr. hist. Machine and Tractor Station <MTS> [GDR]Maschinen-Traktoren-Station {f} <MTS> [DDR]
comp. single attachment station <SAS>Single-Attachment-Station {f} <SAS> [einzeln angeschlossene Stationen]
lifeguard stationStation {f} der Rettungsschwimmer
comp. MedTech. token ring stationToken-Ring-Station {f}
rail metro stationU-Bahn-Station {f}
rail subway station [Am., Glasgow]U-Bahn-Station {f}
rail tube station [in London]U-Bahn-Station {f}
rail underground station [Br.]U-Bahn-Station {f}
5+ Words: Others
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the metro station.Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the underground station. [Br.]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Pardon me, I'm looking for the subway station. [Am.]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the tube station. [in London]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [in London] [formelle Anrede]
5+ Words: Nouns
meteo. thunderstorm but no observed precipitation [WMO code 17]Gewitter {n}, aber kein Niederschlag an der Station
meteo. dust or sandstorm seen at or near station [WMO code 09]Staub- oder Sandsturm {m} an der Station oder in Sichtweite
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Station at the HorizonStation am Horizont [Erich Maria Remarque]
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A 2024-08-17: Waterloo Station Train Shed Refurbishment
A 2024-08-16: Photo of train station concourse, Waterloo station
A 2024-08-14: St Pancras station train shed
A 2024-08-14: Hauptbahnhof – Bahnhofshalle – train station concourse
A 2024-08-14: 4. railway station canopy roof
A 2024-08-14: 3. train station concourse
Q 2020-11-26: eine Station weitersetzen?
A 2020-04-10: In dem Sinn wohl besser +fire station+
Q 2019-07-01: auf seiner Station/an seiner Station/in seiner Station?
A 2015-12-15: I had no clue. So you might specify +cold preparation area / station for f...
A 2015-12-15: Rüstküche > cold preparation area / station
A 2015-10-13: Reha-Station (Normalpflege), Reha-Zentrum (komplexe Pflege)
A 2015-05-26: Zitat: +Polizeiinspektion (CH) - ... sollte als Helvetismus gekennzeichnet...
A 2015-04-27: Horchstation > listening station
Q 2015-04-08: Thema (der Station) - Tag der offenen Tür
A 2015-03-02: mission station rules / regulations
A 2014-12-15: In most cases a simple +is+ is best - the shop is near the main station.
A 2014-12-12: It's a common placename (Station Square)
A 2014-09-23: ? Milch-und-Zucker-Selbstbedienungsbar / ...-Bar / ...-Station / ...-Ecke
A 2014-09-23: Where's the +condiment station condiment shelf?+ Where is it?

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Ähnliche Begriffe
Statik starrer Körper
• Station
Station am Horizont
stationär aufnehmen
stationär behandeln
stationär behandelter Patient
stationäre Aufnahme
stationäre Behandlung
stationäre Elektrode

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