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English-German translation for: service
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Dictionary English German: service

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NOUN1   a service | services
NOUN2   service | -
VERB  to service | serviced | serviced ... 
NOUN1   das Service | die Service
NOUN2   der/[österr. auch] das Service | die Services
Service {m} [österr. auch {n}] [Dienstleistung]
gastr. service [set of plates]
Service {n} [Betonung auf 2. Silbe: Gedeck]
gastr. set [of plates]
Service {n}
gastr. dinnerware
Service {n} [Geschirr]
tip [gratuity]Service {n} [schweiz.] [Trinkgeld]
gastr. sets of dinnerwareService {pl} [Geschirr-Sets]
2 Words: Nouns
Internet journ. RadioTV subscription serviceAbo-Service {m}
aviat. alerting service <ALRS>Alerting Service {m} <ALRS>
special servicebesonderer Service {m}
replacement serviceErsatz-Service {m}
spare parts serviceErsatzteil-Service {m}
tech. field serviceField Service {m}
party serviceParty-Service {m}
one-on-one servicepersönlicher Service {m}
travelling servicereisebezogener Service {m}
comp. remote serviceRemote Service {m}
repair serviceReparatur-Service {m}
cowboy operatorschlechter Service {m}
quick reference serviceSchnellnachweis-Service {m}
admin. MI5 [coll.] [Security Service; UK's domestic intelligence agency]Security Service {m} [Inlandsgeheimdienst des Vereinigten Königreiches]
market. service brandService Brand {n}
comp. service packService Pack {n}
market. service brandService-Brand {n}
comp. QM service governanceService-Governance {f}
econ. ind. service hotlineService-Hotline {f}
innovative servicesService-Innovationen {pl}
service management <SM>Service-Management {n} <SM>
service bulletinService-Merkblatt {n}
service providerService-Provider {m}
comp. service registryService-Registry {f}
tech. service software <SS>Service-Software {f} <SS>
tech. service teamService-Team {n}
econ. service value chainService-Wertschöpfungskette {f}
TrVocab. shuttle serviceShuttle-Service {m} [österr. auch {n}]
Internet telecom. text messaging serviceSMS-Service {m}
TrVocab. turndown service [in hotels]Turndown-Service {m} [in Hotels]
event-related serviceveranstaltungsbezogener Service {m}
3 Words: Nouns
comm. after-sales serviceAfter-Sales-Service {m}
comp. QM continual service improvement <CSI> [gap analysis]Continual Service Improvement {n} <CSI>
End of Service / end of service <EOS>End {m} of Service <EOS>
med. tech. first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service]First-Line-Service {m}
comm. econ. full service providerFull-Service-Dienstleister {m}
tech. full-service contractFull-Service-Vertrag {m}
TrVocab. turndown service [in hotels]Gute-Nacht-Service {m} [in Hotels]
comp. QM IT service managementIT-Service-Management {n}
comp. telecom. remote access service <RAS>Remote Access Service {m} <RAS>
tech. remote service technologyRemote-Service-Technologie {f}
QM service chain optimization <SCO>Service-Chain-Optimierung {f}
comp. QM service level agreement <SLA>Service-Level-Agreement {n} <SLA>
econ. law service level agreement <SLA>Service-Level-Vereinbarung {f} <SLA>
comp. service level objective <SLO>Service-Level-Ziel {n}
econ. service profit chainService-Profit-Kette {f}
tech. service certificateServicezertifikat / Service-Zertifikat {n}
mil. Special Air Service <SAS>Special Air Service {m} <SAS> [Spezialeinheit der britischen Armee]
TrVocab. turn-down serviceTurn-down-Service {m} [abendlicher Service des Hotels, bei dem das Zimmer für die Nacht vorbereitet wird]
on-site serviceVor-Ort-Service {m}
4 Words: Others
comp. tech. How to use the service programAnwendung des Service-Programms [in Dokumentationen, oft als Überschrift]
4 Words: Nouns
Secret Service agentAgent {m} des Secret Service
fin. debt service cover ratio <DSCR>Debt Service Cover Ratio {f} <DSCR> [Verschuldungskennziffer]
comp. tech. mean time to restore service <MTTRS>durchschnittliche Wiederherstellungszeit {f} des Service
End of Service Life / end of service life <EOSL>End of Service Life {n} <EOSL>
end-to-end serviceEnd-to-End-Service {m}
comp. tech. point-to-point servicePunkt-zu-Punkt-Service {m}
comp. software as a service <SaaS>Software as a Service <SaaS> [Bereitstellung von Software über das Internet]
United States Postal Service <USPS, US Postal Service>United States Postal Service {m} <USPS, US Postal Service> [Postservice der USA]
RadioTV Ceefax®Videotext-Service {m} der BBC
5+ Words: Others
That's service for you!Und so was / sowas nennt man Service!
5+ Words: Nouns
factory-trained service engineers [with degree qualification]im Werk ausgebildete Service-Ingenieure {pl}
factory-trained service engineersim Werk ausgebildete Service-Techniker {pl}
gastr. service not included [restaurant]Service {m} nicht im Preis inbegriffen
comm. law service mark / servicemark <SM>Service Mark / Service-Mark / Servicemark {f} <SM>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Danger Route [Seth Holt]Ratten im Secret Service
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A 2024-10-26: Civil Service (UK) ≠ öffentlicher Dienst
Q 2024-08-11: Benötigt die Android App "dict.cc +" Google Play Service?
Q 2023-02-24: Support and Service Center (in a company)
A 2022-04-19: Grab neu belegen > re-allocate a grave to a third party < This seems to be...
A 2021-12-13: In the U.S. Navy, the current equivalent would be the "Food Service Officer."
A 2021-08-30: Hier ein EU "ISO-Dokument" mit tree service / Baumpflege
Q 2021-08-29: Tree service
A 2020-09-11: ... that +public and public service broadcasting+ simply ignored the exper...
Q 2020-07-08: Schneller und sicherer Service
A 2020-05-26: I'd say: depending on the accrual basis / period of service-charge(s) acc...
A 2020-01-20: Quote: The Financial Ombudsman Service was set up by Parliament as the off...
A 2019-10-31: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/120691/
A 2019-10-30: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/120691/
A 2019-10-15: Es gibt schon auch +Wohnung mit Service+ \ BE +serviced flat+
A 2019-08-29: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=r6pnXabLGYLisAeK-6v4Bg&q=%22f...
A 2019-04-18: Shuttle Service / Zubringerdienst
A 2019-01-12: Dishwasher Repair Service in Mumbai
A 2018-11-26: http://www.canoo.net/services/Controller?input=geltend&service=canooNet
A 2018-10-24: In other words, the +civil service+ means bureaucracy and the +public sect...
A 2018-10-24: Very clever. So perhaps > (ordinary) works agreement / civil service works...

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