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English-German translation for: score
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Dictionary English German: score

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NOUN   a score | scores
VERB  to score | scored | scored ... 
SYNO   musical score | score | account ... 
med. Apgar scoreApgar-Score {m}
med. Bishop's / Bishop score [pre-labour scoring system]Bishop-Score {m} [geburtshilfliches Scoring-System]
med. CHADS score [CHADS2 score]CHADS-Score {m} [CHADS2-Score]
fin. credit scoreCredit Score {m} [Kreditwürdigkeit]
med. Gleason scoreGleason-Score {m}
med. Glogau score [classification of wrinkles]Glogau-Score {m} [Faltenscore]
med. Karnofsky score <KS>Karnofsky-Score {m} <KS>
fin. credit scoreKredit-Score {m}
med. Lansky scoreLansky-Score {m}
med. Unverified polygenic index <PGI>polygener Score {m}
med. Unverified polygenic score <PGS>polygener Score {m}
med. Ranson score [also: Ranson's score]Ranson-Score {m}
med. pain scoreSchmerz-Score {m}
med. Zubrod scoreZubrod-Score {m}
3 Words
agr. VetMed. body condition score <BCS>Body-Condition-Score {m} <BCS> [Beurteilungssystem für die Körperkondition]
FireResc med. injury severity score <ISS>Injury Severity Score {m} <ISS>
med. Injury Severity Score <ISS> [is an established medical score to asses trauma severity]Injury Severity Score {m} <ISS> [wird in der Traumatologie zur Klassifikation und statistischen Erfassung von Verletzungsmustern bzw. Mehrfachverletzungen benutzt]
med. lung allocation score <LAS>Lungen-Allokations-Score {m} <LAS> [auch: Lungenallokationsscore, Lungenallokations-Score]
math. stat. z-score valuez-Score-Wert {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Score [Frank Oz]The Score
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Search time: 0.009 sec

A 2024-08-26: Dropped score
Q 2022-11-10: cut-score
A 2021-03-24: You might do the same in German, callixte, with a score far better than th...
A 2018-11-11: I have attempted to tidy up the entries for "score" and "scores" as a numeral,
A 2018-09-04: Consumer score
A 2017-04-19: It's not really figurative, it means a musical score - http://www.dict.cc/...
Q 2017-04-19: to write out a score
A 2017-02-16: A score
Q 2017-02-16: a score of times
Q 2016-02-22: Overall unhealthiness score
A 2016-01-03: The Score!
A 2015-06-21: One more time is not going to change the score.
Q 2015-03-10: to pull a score = einen Bruch (=Einburch/Raubüberfall) machen?
A 2014-06-25: German is obviously way ahead of English on that score ;-)
Q 2012-07-19: klout score
A 2011-12-30: kritischer Wert (critical value, cutoff sample score)
A 2011-06-21: E would have levelled the score had it not been for poor refereeing.
A 2011-06-21: The English side could have leveled the score if it had not been for poor ...
Q 2011-05-10: Was wird hier gespielt = what's the score --> kann man diesen englischen S...
A 2011-04-27: HoF Score changed one last time!

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