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English-German translation for: rate
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Dictionary English German: rate

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NOUN   a rate | rates
SYNO   pace | rate | to rate | to value ... 
NOUN   die Rate | die Raten
SYNO   Rate | Satz | Tarif | Abschlag ... 
fin. instalment [esp. Br.]
Rate {f}
installment [Am.]
Rate {f}
rate [ratio, proportion, frequency]
Rate {f} [Prozentsatz, Verhältnis, Frequenz]
2 Words: Others
Guess what!Rate mal!
2 Words: Nouns
agreed rateabgemachte Rate {f}
biol. attack rateAttack-Rate {f}
baud rateBaud-Rate {f}
econ. market. churn rate [customer relationship management]Churn Rate {f} [Kundenabwanderungsrate, Abwanderungsquote]
first instalmenterste Rate {f}
fixed ratefeste Rate {f}
set ratefestgesetzte Rate {f}
gastr. travel foreign individual traveler rate <FIT rate>FIT-Rate {f}
flat rateFlat Rate {f} [Rsv.]
astron. Hubble rateHubble-Rate {f}
fin. hurdle rateHurdle Rate {f} [kalkulatorische Grundverzinsung]
telecom. unit IPC rate [instructions per cycle rate]IPC-Rate {f}
fin. annual installment [Am.]jährliche Rate {f}
annual instalmentjährliche Rate {f}
yearly instalmentjährliche Rate {f}
fin. final instalmentletzte Rate {f}
telecom. Nyquist rateNyquist-Rate {f}
fin. prime [Am.] [coll: prime rate]Prime Rate {f} [kurzfr. Zinssatz für erstklassige Adressen]
fin. prime rate [Am.]Prime Rate {f} [kurzfr. Zinssatz für erstklassige Adressen]
gastr. rack rate [hotel industry]Rack-Rate {f} [auch: Rackrate] [offizieller, veröffentlichter Zimmerpreis (Schrankpreis)]
med. stat. crude rate [epidemiology]rohe Rate {f} [unbearbeitete Inzidenzrate der Gesamtbevölkerung] [Epidemiologie]
fin. back installment [Am.]rückständige Rate {f}
electr. MedTech. slew rate <SR>Slew-Rate {f} <SR>
3 Words: Others
following your adviceIhrem Rate nachkommend
3 Words: Verbs
to consult sb./sth.jdn./etw. zu Rate ziehen
3 Words: Nouns
fin. burn rateCash-Burn-Rate {f} <CBR>
drop-out rateDrop-out-Rate {f}
med. false positive rate <FPR>Falsch-Positiv-Rate {f} <FPR>
admin. fin. Federal Funds Rate <Fed Rate>Federal Funds Rate {f} [Leitzins der US-Notenbank]
econ. jobs rate of unemploymentRate {f} der Arbeitslosigkeit
med. true positive rate <TPR>Richtig-Positiv-Rate {f} <RPR>
med. pharm. screen failure rate <SFR>Screen-Failure-Rate {f} [Ausschlussrate wegen nicht erfüllter Kriterien zur Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie (Proband, Patient)]
astron. Zenithal Hourly Rate <ZHR>Zenithal Hourly Rate {f} <ZHR>
4 Words: Others
I advise the two of you ...Ich rate euch beiden ...
4 Words: Verbs
to consult togethergemeinsam zu Rate sitzen
to consult each othergemeinsam zu Rate sitzen
to consult sb.mit jdm. zu Rate gehen
to consult with sb.mit jdm. zu Rate gehen
to deliberate with sb. [consult, discuss]mit jdm. zu Rate gehen
to seek sb.'s advicemit jdm. zu Rate gehen
to take counsel with sb.mit jdm. zu Rate gehen [sich mit jdm. beraten]
to consult with sb.mit jdm. zu Rate sitzen
to consult together about sth.wegen etw. zu Rate sitzen
4 Words: Nouns
fin. Unverified Swiss Average Rate Overnight <SARON®>Swiss Average Rate Overnight {m} <SARON®>
5+ Words: Others
EU Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions / safety data sheets. [safety phrase S61]Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen / Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen. [Sicherheitssatz S61]
I can't advise you either way.Ich rate dir weder zu noch ab.
idiom I can't advise you one way or the other.Ich rate dir weder zu noch ab.
idiom Guess who I met! [coll.]Rate mal, wen ich getroffen habe!
5+ Words: Verbs
law to consult a lawyereinen Anwalt zu Rate ziehen
med. to consult a doctoreinen Arzt zurate / zu Rate ziehen
to call in a specialisteinen Spezialisten zu Rate ziehen
to commune with one's heart [idiom]mit sichDat. selbst zu Rate gehen
to give the matter a lot of thoughtmit sich zu Rate gehen
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A 2024-09-21: Try "... they become a first-rate interpretation."
Q 2023-05-06: Booking Rate
A 2020-11-13: PS: Da eine Festplatte gegenüber unserer Seele lächerlich unterkomplex ist...
Q 2020-02-24: Combined Federal and State Corporate Tax Rate
A 2019-04-16: Nach 30 Jahren als Hundezüchterin und Hundeausstellerin und Verfasserin ei...
Q 2019-01-14: off-rate
A 2017-12-08: Comparative statistics — List of countries by firearm-related death rate
Q 2017-09-19: Treasury Constant Maturity Rate
A 2017-07-28: PS: At any rate +sich kümmern um+ is +to care for+ and NEVER +to care abou...
A 2017-05-16: Published rate
A 2017-04-24: "The rate of employment remained stable" means ...
A 2017-01-12: recovery rate
Q 2017-01-12: recovery rate
A 2016-10-13: The overall long-term death rate is, everywhere and inevitably, 100%.
A 2016-10-13: Death rate
A 2016-09-01: hit rate - Abschlussquote
Q 2016-09-01: Improve Product-hit rate
A 2016-07-12: At any rate, here +prosequieren+ would seem to be +to pursue;+ hence +Pros...
A 2016-06-29: +free of charge+ or +at a reduced rate / flat rate+
A 2016-03-01: Reserve Requirement Rate/Ratio

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• Rate
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Rate mal

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