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English-German translation for: on the go
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Dictionary English German: on the go

Translation 1 - 50 of 319  >>


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Keywords contained
idiom The show must go on.The show must go on.
Partial Matches
lit. F The Go-Between [L. P. Hartley]The Go-Between [2008]
gastr. on the rocks {adj} [idiom] [over ice cubes]on the rocks [Getränk]
film F Arthur 2: On the Rocks [Bud Yorkin]Arthur 2 – On the Rocks
film F Life on the Line [David Hackl]Der SturmLife on the Line
film F The Last Man on Earth [Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow]The Last Man on Earth - Die wahre Legende
educ. jobs on-the-job trainingOn-the-Job-Training {n} [Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz durch Zusehen und Mitmachen unter Anleitung einer Facharbeitskraft]
spec. go/no-go decisionGo/No-Go-Entscheidung {f}
dance go-go dancer [female]Go-go-Girl {n}
dance go-go dancerGo-go-Tänzerin {f}
law rules {pl} of order <ROO>Geschäftsordnung {f} <GO>
games Go [board game]Go {n} [Brettspiel]
pol. ground organisation [esp. Br.] [esp. in the GDR]Grundorganisation {f} <GO>
go-cartGo-Kart {m}
go-kartGo-Kart {m}
go-slow (strike)Go-Slow {m} {n}
pol. no-no [coll.]No-Go {n} [ugs.]
gastr. takeaway coffee [Br.]Coffee {m} to go
toys go-cart modelGo-Kart-Modell {n}
no-go areaNo-go-Area {f}
no-go zoneNo-go-Area {f}
film F Buffalo Soldiers [Gregor Jordan]Army Go Home!
go-ahead [coll.] [permission to start doing sth.]Go {n} [ugs.] [Startsignal, Genehmigung]
traffic bumper-to-bumper trafficStop-and-go-Verkehr {m}
traffic stop-and-go trafficStop-and-go-Verkehr {m}
yap [coll.] [mouth]Go {f} [wienerisch] [ugs.] [von Gosche(n)]
med. osteonecrosis <ON>Osteonekrose {f} <ON>
comp. add-onAdd-on {n}
comp. expansion packAdd-on {n}
biol. on-reactionOn-Reaktion {f}
Austrian Standards InstituteÖsterreichisches Normungsinstitut {n} <ON>
strap-onStrap-on {m} [Umschnalldildo]
hands-on managerHands-on-Manager {m}
comp. on-board solutionOn-Board-Lösung {f}
on-and-off relationshipOn-off-Beziehung {f}
sociol. on-and-off relationshipsOn-off-Beziehungen {pl}
MedTech. RadioTV on-screen display <OSD>On-Screen-Einblendung {f}
geogr. Stoke-on-TrentStoke-on-Trent {n}
film F Breakfast on Pluto [novel: Patrick McCabe, film: Neil Jordan]Breakfast on Pluto
film F Night on Earth [Jim Jarmusch]Night on Earth
comp. online {adv}on [kurz für: online]
free on plane <fop>free on plane <fop>
free on waggon <fow>free on waggon <fow>
publ. print on demand <POD>Book-on-Demand {n} [Abrufbuch]
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
fin. stocks return on investment <ROI>Return {m} on Investment <ROI>
Internet telecom. RadioTV video on demand <VOD>Video-on-Demand {n} <VoD>
RadioTV F On-X [Rainbow Brite]On-X [Regina Regenbogen]
film F Snakes on a Plane [David R. Ellis]Snakes on a Plane
on top {adv} [in addition to]on top [ugs.] [darüber hinaus]
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Q 2011-09-26: on the go
Q 2011-09-11: the investigation the report called on the government to handle
A 2010-04-13: That was a late night extra. Pity you didn't twig the drift of it. Or are ...
A 2009-12-28: It is, however, a pun on the Goethe poem
A 2007-09-28: ? this company is on the go again
A 2007-03-02: Kornelius, ddr is right, it will depend on the Goethe translation, so I ha...
A 2005-08-22: a snack for when you're on the go
Q 2003-11-05: He's got two women on the go.

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