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Dictionary English German: on

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comp. online {adv}
on [kurz für: online]
med. osteonecrosis <ON>Osteonekrose {f} <ON>
2 Words: Others
on top {adv} [in addition to]on top [ugs.] [darüber hinaus]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. add-onAdd-on {n}
comp. expansion packAdd-on {n}
biol. on-reactionOn-Reaktion {f}
Austrian Standards InstituteÖsterreichisches Normungsinstitut {n} <ON>
strap-onStrap-on {m} [Umschnalldildo]
3 Words: Others
free on plane <fop>free on plane <fop>
free on waggon <fow>free on waggon <fow>
gastr. on the rocks {adj} [idiom] [over ice cubes]on the rocks [Getränk]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. bolt-on neck [electric guitar]Bolt-on Neck {m} [angeschraubter Gitarrenhals]
publ. print on demand <POD>Book-on-Demand {n} [Abrufbuch]
hands-on managerHands-on-Manager {m}
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
automot. on-board diagnostic system <OBD, OBD system>On-Board-Diagnosesystem {n} <OBD, OBD-System>
comp. on-board solutionOn-Board-Lösung {f}
on-and-off relationshipOn-off-Beziehung {f}
sociol. on-and-off relationshipsOn-off-Beziehungen {pl}
RadioTV on-screen display <OSD>On-Screen-Display {n} <OSD> [Bildschirmanzeige]
MedTech. RadioTV on-screen display <OSD>On-Screen-Einblendung {f}
fin. stocks return on investment <ROI>Return {m} on Investment <ROI>
geogr. Stoke-on-TrentStoke-on-Trent {n}
electr. system on chip <SoC, SOC>System-on-Chip {n} <SoC, SOC>
Internet telecom. RadioTV video on demand <VOD>Video-on-Demand {n} <VoD>
4 Words: Others
mil. naut. roll-on / roll-off {adj} [also: roll-on, roll-off] <RORO, ro-ro>Roll-on-roll-off- <Ro-ro->
4 Words: Nouns
comp. electr. chip-on-board technology <COB>Chip-on-Board-Technologie {f} <COB>
automot. on-board diagnosis system <OBD system>On-Board-Diagnose-System {n} <OBD-System>
educ. jobs on-the-job trainingOn-the-Job-Training {n} [Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz durch Zusehen und Mitmachen unter Anleitung einer Facharbeitskraft]
comp. Ruby on Rails® <Rails, RoR> programming languageRuby-on-Rails-Programmiersprache {f} [Ruby on Rails®]
stay-on-tab [beverage can]Stay-On-Tab-Verschluss {m} [Getränkedose]
electr. system on a chip <SoC, SOC>System-on-a-Chip {n} <SoC, SOC>
5+ Words: Others
idiom The show must go on.The show must go on.
5+ Words: Nouns
acc. econ. cash flow return on investment <CFROI>Cash Flow Return {m} on Investment <CFROI>
travel TrVocab. hop-on-hop-off ticketHop-on-Hop-off-Fahrkarte {f} [Ticket, das zum beliebigen Ein- und Aussteigen (wörtlich: „Hüpf rein, hüpf raus“) berechtigt.]
ecol. pol. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change <IPCC>Intergovernmental Panel {n} on Climate Change <IPCC> [Weltklimarat]
naut. roll-on / roll-off ship <RORO ship, ro-ro ship>Roll-on-roll-off-Schiff {n} <Ro-ro-Schiff>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Arthur 2: On the Rocks [Bud Yorkin]Arthur 2 – On the Rocks
film F Breakfast on Pluto [novel: Patrick McCabe, film: Neil Jordan]Breakfast on Pluto
film F Life on the Line [David Hackl]Der SturmLife on the Line
film F Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare [Rachel Talalay]Freddy's FinaleNightmare on Elm Street 6
RadioTV F Life on MarsLife on MarsGefangen in den 70ern
film F Night on Earth [Jim Jarmusch]Night on Earth
film F A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master [Renny Harlin]Nightmare on Elm Street 4
film F A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child [Stephen Hopkins]Nightmare on Elm Street 5 – Das Trauma
RadioTV F On-X [Rainbow Brite]On-X [Regina Regenbogen]
film F Snakes on a Plane [David R. Ellis]Snakes on a Plane
film F The Last Man on Earth [Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow]The Last Man on Earth - Die wahre Legende
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A 2025-02-04: OP-disappearance seems to be a common occurrence in all on-line discussion...
Q 2025-01-14: fits like an ass on a bucket
A 2024-12-31: I grew up on a farm with cows in our stables. That's where the milk came f...
A 2024-12-06: Right, Fleischhauer is entertaining. A couple of years ago, he left "DER S...
A 2024-11-17: No, that was you. Click on Mic, it shows your profile.
A 2024-11-08: no issue on my side
A 2024-11-01: It's got subject "Accounting". Additional disambiguation on both sides wou...
A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
A 2024-10-20: Anything ever any spammier on this Forum???
Q 2024-10-06: on a different note...
A 2024-08-12: Oral – The in-between category – must plod on
A 2024-08-10: soldiering on
A 2024-08-10: "Must get on, after all"
A 2024-05-10: oder z.B.: The Police WHO was quickly on the scene ...
Q 2024-04-18: I'm lost on the apparently double function of "von" in this sentence
A 2024-04-05: Unreliable to put in “law” entries based on Wiki
A 2024-03-13: “commenting on the richness of the experience” – imbecile
A 2024-02-21: the almost endless / interminable melodies, the melodies running on almos...
A 2024-01-23: Ausstieg in Fahrtrichtung links. - Exit on the left.

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