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English-German translation for: most
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Dictionary English German: most

Translation 1 - 10 of 10


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ADJ1   much | more | most
ADJ2   many | more | most
SYNO   most | to the highest degree | about ... 
NOUN   der Most | die Moste
SYNO   Fruchtwein | Most [vergoren] ... 
gastr. cider
Most {m} [österr., regional] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Apfelwein]
oenol. must
Most {m} [für Wein]
gastr. fruit juiceMost {m}
gastr. grape juice [fresh]Most {m} [in Wien]
gastr. apple and pear wineMost {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Apfel- und Birnenwein]
gasoline [Am.]Most {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Benzin]
petrol [Br.]Most {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Benzin]
oenol. fruit wineMost {m} [vergoren]
5+ Words
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Barthel den Most holt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F A Most Wanted Man [Anton Corbijn]A Most Wanted Man
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A 2024-10-18: Called 'baseboard moulding' or 'baseboard' in most US home improvement stores.
A 2024-03-12: zwei sehr ähnliche Sinnebenen - the most commonly confused words in English
A 2023-12-04: the most reflective films
A 2023-09-12: Most scary prediction:
A 2023-05-05: Correction: ... +collection of the most usual ... and the most remarkable+ ...
A 2023-04-17: but in most cases it is obvious which of the similar-looking words is correct.
A 2023-03-29: I've done a little research, and it seems that most German newspapers have...
Q 2022-12-31: That is the most increases since 2015
A 2022-07-16: most interested, +not+ most interesting
A 2021-04-15: The most recent example
A 2021-02-19: Bedeutung von "not to swing at most pitches"
Q 2021-02-18: to swing at most pitches
A 2021-02-08: this most perfidious of all dastardly lies
Q 2021-01-06: The most important of these channels were the social actions secretaries...
A 2020-10-19: Good query. Many if not most natives make mistakes here.
A 2020-07-28: I agree with Windfall, most recipes would say +grease and flour the tin (BE),+
A 2020-07-02: > 23:07 If M's post +has merit+ it is miles above most of your posts, timfefe
Q 2020-06-07: What is the most common phrase for "I mache heute früher Feierabend"?
A 2020-05-08: Yes, most of the time it's "Kaiserschmarrn" here.
A 2020-05-04: > owner-run business, I should think. 16:02 usage would be most misleading.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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