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English-German translation for: mark
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Dictionary English German: mark

Translation 1 - 52 of 52


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NOUN   a mark | marks
VERB  to mark | marked | marked ... 
NOUN1   das Mark | -
NOUN2   die Mark [Währung] | die Mark/[ugs. hum.] Märker
NOUN3   die Mark [Grenzland] | die Marken
Mark1 {n}
Mark1 {n}
Mark1 {n}
Mark1 {n}
anat. medulla
Mark1 {n}
geogr. frontier [area]
Mark3 {f} [veraltet] [noch in geogr. Namen]
curr. mark
Mark2 {f}
march [Br.] [e. g. Welsh marches]
Mark3 {f} [Grenzland]
2 Words: Nouns
curr. Deutschmark [former German currency]D-Mark {f} [Deutsche Mark]
curr. Deutschmark <DM, DEM>Deutsche Mark {f} <DM, DEM>
curr. Deutsche Mark <DM, DEM> [former German currency]Deutsche Mark {f} <DM, DEM>
German MarkDeutsche Mark {f} <DM, DEM>
curr. Deutschmarks [former German currency]Deutsche Mark {pl} <DM, DEM>
German MarksDeutsche Mark {pl} <DM, DEM>
curr. Finnish markka <FIM, mk> [replaced in 2002 by the euro]Finnische Mark {f} <FIM, mk> [ehemalige Währungseinheit Finnlands]
hist. commons [common land]gemeine Mark {f} [Allmende]
hist. County of MarkGrafschaft {f} Mark
curr. hist. unit Cologne markKölner Mark {f}
curr. convertible mark [or marka] <BAM, KM> [Bosnia and Herzegovina]Konvertible Mark {f} [auch Marka] <BAM, KM> [Bosnien und Herzegowina]
hist. Margraviate of BrandenburgMark {f} Brandenburg
hist. Mark of BrandenburgMark {f} Brandenburg
hist. Mark Antony [Marcus Antonius]Mark Anton {m}
hist. name Marcus AureliusMark Aurel {m}
geogr. hist. Hungarian MarchUngarische Mark {f}
hist. Wendish MarchWindische Mark {f}
hist. Windic MarchWindische Mark {f}
3 Words: Others
marrow-deep {adv}bis ins Mark
to the core {adv}bis ins Mark
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Styria(die) Grüne Mark {f} [ugs.] [die Steiermark]
comp. byte order mark <BOM>Byte Order Mark {n} <BOM>
coir pithMark {n} der Kokosfaser
anat. corticomedullary junction [of kidney]Mark-Rinden-Grenze {f} [Niere]
hist. pol. travel Thousand Mark Ban [German economic sanction against Austria in order to weaken the Austrian tourism industry, 1933-1936]Tausend-Mark-Sperre {f}
law unregistered trademark <TM> [esp. Am.]Unregistered Trade Mark {f} [auch: Unregistered Trade-Mark, Unregistered Trademark]
4 Words: Verbs
to make a quick buck [Am.] [coll.]die schnelle Mark machen [ugs.] [veraltend]
to make a quick pound [Br.] [coll.]die schnelle Mark machen [ugs.] [veraltend]
to torment sb. mercilesslyjdn. bis aufs Mark quälen [ugs.]
to torment sb. mercilesslyjdn. bis aufs Mark schikanieren [ugs.]
5+ Words: Others
idiom And get this straight, I'm not lending you any more money.Damit das klar ist: ich leihe dir keine müde Mark mehr.
ear-piercing {adj} [deafening] [idiom]durch Mark und Bein gehend [Lärm] [Redewendung]
It goes right through me. [idiom]Es geht mir durch Mark und Bein. [Redewendung]
idiom Got some change? [way of begging]Haste mal 'ne Mark / 'nen Euro? [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be touched to the quick [idiom] [deeply affected]bis ins Mark getroffen sein [fig.] [Redewendung]
to be rotten to the core [fig.]bis ins Mark verdorben sein [fig.]
to be out to make a buck [Am.] [Aus.] [coll.]die schnelle Mark machen wollen [veraltend]
to pierce marrow and bone [idiom]durch Mark und Bein dringen [Redewendung]
to not have a bean [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to have no money at all]keine müde Mark (mehr) in der Tasche haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to not have a penny to one's name [idiom]keine müde Mark in der Tasche haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
curr. hist. East German mark [currency of the German Democratic Republic]Mark {f} der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [offizielle Bezeichnung für die Währung der DDR]
heart-piercing cry [idiom]Schrei {m}, der durch Mark und Bein geht [Redewendung]
comm. law service mark / servicemark <SM>Service Mark / Service-Mark / Servicemark {f} <SM>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Fatal Voyage [Kathy Reichs]Durch Mark und Bein
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A 2023-03-29: Please, people, you can discuss the "trans issue" but please mark it as CH...
Q 2022-11-21: Offensive words; historic usage; how to mark?
A 2022-02-25: agree with curiosity-killed-the-cat: Probably the same as "off colour" - ...
Q 2021-07-30: no mark
A 2021-03-11: scratched the EUR 30 mark ?
A 2020-11-25: mark as missing/marked as missing
A 2020-11-25: give an X mark
A 2020-11-16: MARK DATE
Q 2020-04-21: the mark of the mind
A 2020-03-02: to mark the occasion
A 2019-08-29: Mark Twain hätte seine helle Freude.
A 2018-12-09: Only the question mark, before the quotation mark. No full stop.
A 2018-12-03: Mark not only the number, but also the sign *#*. Dann *kopieren* und *einfügen.
A 2018-10-05: comment with a question mark.
A 2018-06-05: "Entirely off the mark"
A 2018-02-16: Typo: Angetreten! > Fall in! [exclamation mark] (at attention)
A 2017-07-24: Ambiguous usage: smear (a) A mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substanc...
Q 2017-07-14: put one's mark down
A 2017-06-20: Apéro riche: the Swiss had a way of making their mark in the UK. Remember...
A 2017-05-03: https://www.google.de/#q=%22sprungmarke%22+%22jump+mark%22

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