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English-German translation for: major
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Dictionary English German: major

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ADJ   major | - | -
NOUN   a major | majors
VERB  to major | majored | majored ... 
SYNO   John Major | John R. Major ... 
NOUN1   der Major | die Majore
NOUN2   die Major [Fachjargon: marktbeherrschende Firma] | [meist im Plural] die Majors
mil. Major [USAAF]
Major {m} [Luftwaffe]
mil. major [Maj.]
Major {m} [Mj.]
film mus. major [big company]Major {f} [Fachjargon, bes. Filmbranche] [meist Pl.]
mil. Squadron Leader [RAF]Major {m} [Luftwaffe]
2 Words
mil. brevet majorBrevet-Major {m} [Titularrang (ehrenhalber verliehener Rang)]
med. Huntington's chorea <HC> [Chorea major]Chorea major {f}
comp. major releaseMajor Release {n}
med. major complicationsMajor-Komplikationen {pl}
med. MedTech. major crossmatch / cross-matchMajor-Reaktion {f}
3 Words
sports Major League Baseball <MLB>Major League {f} Baseball <MLB> [2 nordamerikanische Baseball-Profiligen]
anat. major duodenal papillaPapilla {f} duodeni major
4 Words
mil. to brevet sb. a majorjdn. zum Major ehrenhalber ernennen [Ernennung ohne die höhere Besoldung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Major Payne [Nick Castle]Auf Kriegsfuß mit Major Payne
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2023-03-14: Language keeps changing, but who can keep abreast of latest usage without ...
A 2023-03-08: +gröberes Problem+ scheint sich bisweilen doch mit +major problem+ zu über...
A 2019-10-30: maybe: major / minor (graded) accomplishments
A 2019-01-18: major
Q 2018-01-29: talking major hayseed
A 2017-05-16: It means she will just make a quick call, just to check that nothing major...
A 2017-02-22: Rather than worrying about minor differences in spelling, why not limit us...
A 2017-02-15: "a major revamp"
A 2015-08-07: ... when both major powers and in addition some medium-sized powers declin...
A 2015-06-14: The other major problem with wMw's entries is/was that...
A 2015-03-12: Wenn an dem Abend die Major Thinkers gespielt haben, war es Anfang bis Mit...
Q 2015-02-27: Now, anyone can bum rush the comments section of any major publication.
Q 2015-02-04: Seen this? Major Internet Explorer vulnerability could lead to convincing ...
A 2015-01-25: No space with three major U.S. style guides. There is no official guide in...
A 2015-01-18: The +drum major instinct+ has a certain currency among intellectuals
Q 2015-01-18: "drum major instinct"
Q 2014-11-05: brief overview of current practices and plans of OR from the major hotel c...
A 2014-10-15: Want to sit in on trials conducted by a major judicial terrorist?
A 2014-02-11: This is primarily due to stopping loss-prone major business relationships ...
A 2014-02-11: "relationships with major clients" is ok

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