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English-German translation for: in Tritt kommen
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Dictionary English German: in Tritt kommen

Translation 1 - 50 of 15009  >>

VERB   in Tritt kommen | kam in Tritt/in Tritt kam | in Tritt gekommen
to kick into gearin Tritt kommen
to get into gear [idiom]in Tritt kommen [Redewendung]
Partial Matches
to get out of stepaus dem Schritt / Tritt kommen [nicht mehr im Takt / Gleichschritt gehen]
kick in the gutTritt {m} in die Magengrube
kick in the ass [Am.] [vulg.]Tritt {m} in den Arsch [vulg.]
kick up the arse [Br.] [vulg.]Tritt {m} in den Arsch [vulg.]
kick up the backside [coll.]Tritt {m} in den Arsch [vulg.]
kick in the nuts [vulg.]Tritt {m} in die Eier [vulg.]
kick to the lunchbox [Br.] [sl.]Tritt {m} in die Eier [vulg.]
a boot / kick up the backside [coll.]ein Tritt {m} in den Hintern [ugs.]
zool. The stag is going to rut.Der Hirsch tritt in / auf die Brunft.
a kick in the pants [coll.] [idiom] [a forceful reminder to start or get going]ein Tritt {m} in den Hintern [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
The law shall come into force as of January first.Das Gesetz tritt per ersten Januar in Kraft. [selten für: am 1. Januar]
sth. occurs in sth.etw. tritt in etw.Dat. auf
sports to get possession (of the ball)in Ballbesitz kommen
to come into considerationin Betracht kommen
to come into questionin Betracht kommen
to come under deliberationin Betracht kommen
to move into gearin Bewegung kommen
sports to hit formin Form kommen
idiom to get going [start happening or taking place]in Gang kommen
to get startedin Gang kommen
to come into general usein Gebrauch kommen
to get into dangerin Gefahr kommen
to come into contactin Kontakt kommen
to come in crowdsin Massen kommen
to become the fashionin Mode kommen
to come into fashionin Mode kommen
to come into voguein Mode kommen
to come into rangein Reichweite kommen
to come within reachin Reichweite kommen
to get behindin Rückstand kommen
to come a-flocking [coll.]in Scharen kommen
to get into a tanglein Schwierigkeiten kommen
to get into troublein Schwierigkeiten kommen
to run into troublein Schwierigkeiten kommen
idiom to build momentumin Schwung kommen
idiom to gain momentumin Schwung kommen
to liven upin Schwung kommen
to become visiblein Sicht kommen
to come in sightin Sicht kommen
to come in viewin Sicht kommen
to come into sightin Sicht kommen
to come into viewin Sicht kommen
naut. to heave into sight [idiom]in Sicht kommen
naut. to heave into view [idiom]in Sicht kommen
to get to fightingin Streit kommen
to start scufflingin Streit kommen
to come under stressin Stress kommen
to come in superior numbersin Überzahl kommen
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intrinsische Eigenschaften
intrinsische Leitung
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• in Tritt kommen
in trockenen Tüchern
in trockenen Tüchern sein
in Troglage
introgressive Hybridisierung

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