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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: hippokratischer Finger
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hippokratischer Finger in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: hippokratischer Finger

Translation 1 - 50 of 189  >>

med. Hippocratic finger [Digitus hippocraticus] [clubbed finger]hippokratischer Finger {m} [veraltet bzw. selten]
Partial Matches
med. Hippocratic oathhippokratischer Eid {m}
med. finger-to-finger test <FFT>Finger-Finger-Versuch {m} <FFV>
dent. finger-on-finger restFinger-auf-Finger-Abstützung {f}
med. finger-to-finger test <FFT> [also: finger-finger test]Finger-Finger-Test {m}
comp. photo. tech. two-finger zoom feature <2-finger zoom feature>Zwei-Finger-Zoom-Funktion {f} <2-Finger-Zoom-Funktion>
zool. dactylFinger {m}
anat. zool. digitFinger {m}
anat. finger [Digitus manus]Finger {m}
anat. fingers [Digiti manus]Finger {pl}
Hands off!Finger weg!
extended fingerausgestreckter Finger {m}
med. Dawson's fingersDawson-Finger {pl}
med. drop finger [Digitus malleus]Drop-Finger {m}
clever fingersgeschickte Finger {pl}
subtle fingersgeschickte Finger {pl}
sticky fingersklebrige Finger {pl}
anat. auricular finger [Digitus auricularis, Digitus minimus (manus), Digitus quintus] [little finger]kleiner Finger {m}
anat. baby finger [coll.] [little finger]kleiner Finger {m}
anat. little fingerkleiner Finger {m}
pinkie [coll.]kleiner Finger {m}
anat. pinky [coll.]kleiner Finger {m}
med. Reil's finger [Digitus mortuus]Reil-Finger {m}
idiom bad boyschlimmer Finger {m}
med. trigger digit [Digitus saltans, also: Tendovaginosis stenosans, Tendovaginitis stenosans]schnellender Finger {m}
med. trigger fingerschnellender Finger {m}
clumsy fingersunbeholfene Finger {pl}
bandaged fingerverbundener Finger {m}
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bot. T
bot. T
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bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
gastr. finger foodFinger-Food {n} [Rsv.]
med. dropped finger [Digitus malleus] [mallet finger]Mallet-Finger {m} [Hammerfinger]
med. mallet finger [Digitus malleus]Mallet-Finger {m} [Hammerfinger]
Your finger is bleeding.Dein Finger blutet.
to pinch the fingerden Finger einklemmen
idiom to leave it / them well alonedie Finger davonlassen
to lift a fingereinen Finger heben
to bruise a fingereinen Finger quetschen
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