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English-German translation for: high
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Dictionary English German: high

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ADJ   high | higher | highest
NOUN   a high | highs
ADJ  high | higher | am highsten ... 
drugs stoked {adj} [sl.] [with drugs]
drugs zonked {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [highly drugged]
high [ugs.]
drugs high {adj} [coll.] [on drugs]
high [ugs.] [unter Rauschgifteinfluss]
stoned {adj} [sl.]
high [ugs.]
hopped up {adj} [sl.]high [ugs.]
hyped up {adj} [sl.]high [ugs.]
spaced out {adj} [sl.]high [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
high-end {adj}High-End-
sports high-impact {adj}high-impact [mit hoher Belastung, wird im Dt. nicht übersetzt]
2 Words: Nouns
audio high fidelity <hi-fi, hifi>High Fidelity {f} <Hi-Fi> [Qualitätsstandard in der Tontechnik]
high five [Am.]High five {m} [Abklatschen zur Begrüßung oder Freude]
cloth. high heelsHigh Heels {pl}
geogr. High Line [Manhattan park]High Line {f} [Parkanlage]
high rollerHigh Roller {m} [Glücksspieler mit hohen Einsätzen]
bon tonHigh Society {f}
high societyHigh Society {f}
geogr. highveld [S.Afr.]High Veld {n} [Höhengraslandgebiet in Ostsüdafrika]
geogr. High WycombeHigh Wycombe {n}
electr. high output currentHigh-Ausgangsstrom {m}
spec. high levelHigh-Pegel {m}
3 Words: Nouns
photo. high dynamic range <HDR>High Dynamic Range {f} <HDR>
tech. high performance cutting <HPC>High Performance Cutting {n} <HPC> [Hochleistungszerspanung]
med. QM High 5s projectHigh-5s-Projekt {n} [auch: Projekt High 5s]
sports high-intensity training <HIT>High-Intensity-Training {n} <HIT>
film photo. RadioTV high-key lightingHigh-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: High-key-Ausleuchtung]
film photo. RadioTV high-key photographyHigh-key-Fotografie {f}
educ. high school transcript [esp. Am. and Can.] [school report]High-School-Zeugnis {n}
tech. high-speed assemblyHigh-Speed-Montage {f}
biochem. pharm. high-throughput screening <HTS>High-Throughput-Screening {n} <HTS>
high-top trainer (sneaker)High-Top-Sneaker {m} [knöchelhoher Schuh für Sport, Training usw.]
hist. Lord High Steward [Br.]Lord High Steward {m}
aviat. mile high clubMile High Club {m} [fiktiver Club, in dem man Mitglied wird, wenn man während eines Fluges Sex hatte]
4 Words: Nouns
MedTech. high-end digital systemdigitales High-End-System {n}
electr. high electron mobility transistor <HEMT>High-Electron-Mobility-Transistor {m} <HEMT> [Transistor mit hoher Elektronenbeweglichkeit]
FoodInd. gastr. high-fructose corn syrup <HFCS>High-Fructose-Corn-Sirup {m}
RadioTV ultra high definition video <UHDV>Ultra High Definition Video {n} <UHDV>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Now What [USA] / The Sausage Factory [Canada]American HighHier steigt die Party!
lit. F The Lottery [Beth Goobie]Ausgelost - Mobbing in der High-School
RadioTV F Blue Water HighBlue Water High - Die Surf-Academy
film F Rogue Trader [James Dearden]Das schnelle Geld - Die Nick-Leeson-Story / [Alternativtitel] High Speed Money - Die Nick Leeson Story
lit. F Emily Climbs [Lucy Maud Montgomery]Emily auf der High-School
RadioTV F The High ChaparralHigh Chaparral
film lit. F High Fidelity [novel: Nick Hornby, film: Stephen Frears]High Fidelity
film F High Tension [USA] [Alexandre Aja]High Tension
film F Switchblade Romance [UK]High Tension
lit. F High-Rise [J. G. Ballard]High-Rise
film F Return to Horror High [Bill Froehlich]Return to Horror High
film F Shanghai Noon [Tom Dey]Shang-High Noon
film F The Telegraph Trail [Tenny Wright]High Wolf
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Q 2024-04-22: Vicious Nazis officially held in high esteem stateside?
A 2023-09-17: here: insane - outrageously high or extreme
A 2023-05-14: Vielen Dank, aber ich habe gerade eine Anstellung an der Yorkville High Sc...
A 2022-12-10: He's high functioning
Q 2021-12-13: under/over high risk charge
Q 2021-07-05: very-high-risk patient
A 2021-05-20: high-priestly know-it-all , it's a slur against Annalena Baerbock indeed
Q 2021-03-27: live in high poverty
A 2021-01-23: descends from high drama into a farce
Q 2021-01-15: in high case
Q 2021-01-14: PTFE - high bend and dialectic strenght
A 2020-12-15: high case
Q 2020-12-15: high case
A 2020-11-30: Fog stratus conditions, high fog conditions
A 2020-04-04: The organisation rightly puts high demands on its members
Q 2019-11-27: What are classes called at American high schools?
A 2019-06-12: Maybe +high bailiff of a city+
A 2019-03-19: Point of grammar: In +a high risk of failure+ / 15:09 only +high+-is an ad...
A 2019-03-19: high-risk
Q 2019-03-19: X is high risk or high-risk?

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Higglystadt Helden
• High
High Chaparral
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