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English-German translation for: ground
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Dictionary English German: ground

Translation 1 - 11 of 11


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ADJ   ground | - | -
NOUN1   a ground | grounds
NOUN2   ground [soil, earth] | -
VERB1  to grind | ground | ground/[archaic] grounden ... 
VERB2  to ground | grounded | grounded ... 
sports ground rules [Am.] [baseball]Ground Rules {pl} [Baseball-Platzregeln]
geogr. meteo. ground truthGround Truth {f}
Ground Zero [collapse site of the World Trade Center, NYC]Ground Zero {m} [Einsturzstelle des World Trade Center, NYC]
sports ground ball [baseball]Ground-Ball {m} [Baseball]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Ground Control [Richard Howard]Ground Control
RadioTV F Higher GroundHigher Ground
lit. F Ripley Under Ground [Patricia Highsmith]Ripley Under Ground
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2023-08-29: kein Wortspiel, aber kurz und knapp: No own bike? We'll get you off the ground!
A 2023-07-17: In 1867, apparently a name for ground gypsum. Not sure about the dead burn...
A 2023-01-18: pivotal / ground(-)laying speech
A 2022-04-24: How did you manage to know your "hero" down to the ground?
A 2021-02-10: to rase / raze (to the ground) https://www.lexico.com/definition/raze
A 2020-11-24: objects having lain in the ground for centuries
Q 2020-10-27: ground drive
Q 2020-09-19: few inches off the ground
A 2020-06-21: 15th c. notation has been but patchily explored. Thus it provides ample gr...
Q 2020-02-22: X might not be the ground zero for Y
Q 2019-05-07: to ground hog (IT)
A 2018-10-11: Erlaubnissatz = Rechtfertigungsgrund (ground of justification)
A 2018-06-21: sorry, the correct term is: charnel ground
Q 2018-06-21: funderal ground
A 2018-03-05: The snake rises, raises the head, or lifts the head off the ground.
A 2018-01-22: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=CRBmWsnyHMnPsAfqnozYDA&q=%22o...
A 2018-01-11: frei formuliert: nature is no dumping ground (for rubbish)
Q 2017-12-29: ground clearance / Bodenfreiheit
A 2017-11-15: In Wales / UK officially: ´floor built into the slope´ / Also: +ground flo...
A 2017-10-19: +sustentation+ seems to be on solid ground, as against wobbly ground for +...

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Ähnliche Begriffe
grottenschlecht sein
• Ground
Ground Control
Grounded Theory

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