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English-German translation for: go
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Dictionary English German: go

Translation 1 - 24 of 24


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NOUN1   a go | goes
NOUN2   Go [board game] | -
VERB  to go | went | gone/[archaic] agone ... 
NOUN1   (das) Go [Brettspiel] | -
NOUN2   die Go/No-Go-Entscheidung | die Go/No-Go-Entscheidungen
NOUN3   das Go [Startsignal] | die Gos
law rules {pl} of order <ROO>Geschäftsordnung {f} <GO>
yap [coll.] [mouth]Go {f} [wienerisch] [ugs.] [von Gosche(n)]
games Go [board game]Go {n} [Brettspiel]
go-ahead [coll.] [permission to start doing sth.]Go {n} [ugs.] [Startsignal, Genehmigung]
pol. ground organisation [esp. Br.] [esp. in the GDR]Grundorganisation {f} <GO>
2 Words
go-cartGo-Kart {m}
go-kartGo-Kart {m} {n}
go-slow (strike)Go-Slow {m} {n}
pol. no-no [coll.]No-Go {n} [ugs.]
3 Words
gastr. takeaway coffee [Br.]Coffee {m} to go
dance go-go dancer [female]Go-go-Girl {n}
dance go-go dancerGo-go-Tänzerin {f}
toys go-cart modelGo-Kart-Modell {n}
FireResc load and goLoad and Go {n} [Rettungskonzept / Einsatzstrategie betr. Notfallpatienten: schnellstmöglicher Transport in ein Krankenhaus]
no-go areaNo-go-Area {f}
no-go zoneNo-go-Area {f}
aviat. touch-and-go [landings followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice]Touch-and-go {n} {m} [Aufsetzen und Durchstarten, z. B. zum Üben des Landeanfluges]
4 Words
spec. go/no-go decisionGo/No-Go-Entscheidung {f}
traffic bumper-to-bumper trafficStop-and-go-Verkehr {m}
traffic stop-and-go trafficStop-and-go-Verkehr {m}
5+ Words
idiom The show must go on.The show must go on.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Buffalo Soldiers [Gregor Jordan]Army Go Home!
film F Go [Doug Liman]Go! Das Leben beginnt erst um 3.00 Uhr morgens [Kinotitel] / Go! Sex, Drugs & Rave'N'Roll [DVD-Titel]
lit. F The Go-Between [L. P. Hartley]The Go-Between [2008]
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A 2024-10-26: If Wegesrand is correct, the EN side has to go into square brackets as an ...
Q 2024-08-04: to go all the way = aufs Ganze gehen
Q 2023-12-08: go
A 2023-11-21: Probably miss heard- should be to go off piste
Q 2023-11-18: to go off-piece
Q 2023-10-29: "to go away / off"
A 2023-09-15: ich vermute eher, dass der Ausdruck auf einen enthusiastischen Aufbruch ("...
A 2023-09-14: maybe: get-up-and-go
A 2023-06-19: Touch and go?
Q 2023-03-21: Here we go again
A 2022-11-25: Sticklers for literal translation might go in for +nexus of interests+ whi...
A 2022-09-10: @renbyska: Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to thouroughly go into this!
A 2022-07-20: No, I wouldn't use it, at least not there. Would go with present perfect.
A 2021-10-18: Set here is Satz (not a translation suggestion), a collection of things th...
A 2021-10-01: hier kann man etwas "tiefer schürfen" http://www.li-go.de/uebungsansicht/r...
A 2021-02-28: @hausamsee Zigeuner. In D inzwischen no-go!
A 2021-02-22: oder non-fig.: die Tournee durchziehen ("the show must go on")
A 2021-01-10: BE +Dutch party / go Dutch / bottle party+ > LINKS No comprehensive corre...
Q 2020-11-02: One day to go .... Auf ein fröhliches Voten, Amerika - die Welt schaut au...
Q 2020-10-30: Go to the bottom of the class!

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