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English-German translation for: die
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Dictionary English German: die

Translation 1 - 50 of 13443  >>


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NOUN1   a die [semiconductor] | die/dies/dice
NOUN2   a die [manufacturing, architecture] | dies
NOUN3   a die [polyhedron for games] | dice
VERB  to die | died | died ... 
NOUN1   der Die [Halbleitertechnik: »Nacktchip«] | die Dies
PRON1   den [Akkusativ] | die | das | die
PRON2   der | die | das | die
NOUN2   die | Formwandlerin | die Formwandlerinnen
the [sg. female and plural]
die [weiblicher Artikel; Artikel im Plural]
who {pron} [relative pronoun, female or plural]
die [Relativpronomen, z. B. eine Frau, die ... bzw. Menschen, die ...]
these {pron}
die [Demonstrativpronomen, Plural] [diese]
that {pron}
which {pron}
this one {pron} [female]die [Demonstrativpronomen] [diese]
Tuesday <Tue., Tu.>
Dienstag {m} <Di., Die., Dienst.>
comp. electr. die1 [semiconductor chip]
Die1 {m} [einzelner ungehäuster Halbleiter-Chip]
astron. Venus's atmosphereVenusatmosphäre {f} [meist »die«, selten »eine«]
2 Words: Others
all whoalle die
as much as [almost this amount]an die [fast, beinahe]
circa {prep} <ca.> [a hundred people]an die [hundert Leute]
the very bestdie allerbesten
the vast majority (of sb./sth.) {pron}die allermeisten (jdn./etw.)
all of whom {pron}die allesamt
the two of them {pron}die beiden
yours {pron}die Deinen {pl}
yours {pron}die deinen {pl}
yours {pron}die deinigen {pl}
yours {pron}die Deinigen {pl}
the only ones {pron}die einzigen
yours {pron}die Eueren {pl}
yours {pron}die eueren {pl}
yours {pron}die Euren {pl}
yours {pron}die euren {pl}
yours {pron}die Eurigen {pl}
yours {pron}die eurigen {pl}
the same ... [sharing the same characteristics]die gleiche ... [vgl. dieselbe]
yours {pron}die Ihren {pl}
theirs {pron} [e.g. the children are theirs]die ihren {pl} [z. B. die Kinder von den Eltern]
hers {pron} [e.g. the children are hers, his eyes met hers]die ihren {pl} [z. B. die Kinder von der Frau]
hers {pron}die ihrigen {pl}
theirs {pron}die ihrigen {pl}
yours {pron}die Ihrigen {pl}
most {adj} {pron}die meisten
his {pron}die Seinen {pl}
his {pron}die seinen {pl}
his {pron}die Seinigen {pl}
his {pron}die seinigen {pl}
ours {pron}die Unseren {pl}
ours {pron}die unseren {pl}
ours {pron}die unsren {pl}
ours {pron}die Unsren {pl}
ours {pron}die Unsrigen {pl}
ours {pron}die unsrigen {pl}
the fewest {adj}die wenigsten
that {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
which {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
who {pron}die wo [südd.] [ugs.] [die]
It is exactly those ...Gerade die, ...
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