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English-German translation for: charge
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Dictionary English German: charge

Translation 1 - 11 of 11


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NOUN1   a charge | charges
NOUN2   charge | -
VERB  to charge | charged | charged ... 
SYNO   burster | bursting charge | charge ... 
NOUN   die Charge | die Chargen
SYNO   Charge | Dienstgrad | Lot ... 
comm. transp. batch
Charge {f}
econ. lot
Charge {f}
film RadioTV theatre [supporting role, often a comical one]Charge {f} [Chargenrolle, scharf oder übertrieben gezeichnete Nebenrolle]
film RadioTV theatre supporting actor [playing slightly or strongly exaggerated figures]Charge {f} [Schauspieler, der Chargenrollen spielt] [auch: Chargenspieler]
2 Words
pol. chargé (d'affaires)Chargé d'affaires {m}
med. CHARGE associationCHARGE-Assoziation {f}
med. CHARGE syndromeCHARGE-Syndrom {n}
3 Words
pharm. QM batch or lot [cGMP / FDA]Charge oder Ansatz [cGMP / FDA]
chem. phys. charge-transfer complex <CT complex; CTC>Charge-Transfer-Komplex {m} <CT-Komplex>
batch sizeGröße {f} der Charge
fin. reverse-charge procedureReverse-Charge-Verfahren {n}
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Q 2022-08-12: Core charge
Q 2021-12-13: under/over high risk charge
Q 2021-04-23: In charge of as a co-responsible
A 2021-01-17: +X (is) available at extra charge+ is ok in BE.
A 2020-05-26: I'd say: depending on the accrual basis / period of service-charge(s) acc...
Q 2019-12-05: verrechnen [österr.] [schweiz.] - to charge
A 2019-04-18: Charge(s)
A 2019-03-19: It's much of a muchness. Certificates issued tend to be signed by the beak...
A 2019-03-19: ausfertigen > (here) to issue / (of the judge / civil servant in charge) to sign
A 2018-10-09: subsequent levying of the toll charge
Q 2018-07-28: to admit to the fact(s) but not to the charge
A 2018-07-17: (your) doctor in charge ?
A 2018-02-18: kiln charge / kiln batch \ Not to be confused with an +incinerator charge+
Q 2017-12-18: defence (against a criminal charge)
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+charge%22&oq=%22state...
Q 2017-04-22: I move to charge Tina with murder.
A 2016-09-25: The Charge of the Light Brigade
Q 2016-09-24: Charge!
A 2016-07-31: Call-out charge, in UK EN
A 2016-06-29: +free of charge+ or +at a reduced rate / flat rate+

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Ähnliche Begriffe
Chargaff'sche Regeln
Charg. B.
• Charge
Chargé d'affaires

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