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English-German translation for: call
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Dictionary English German: call

Translation 1 - 16 of 16


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NOUN   a call | calls
VERB  to call | called | called ... 
SYNO   call | phone call | telephone call ... 
NOUN   der Call | die Calls
dance games stocks call
Call {m}
2 Words
market. call center [Am.]Call-Center {n}
market. call centre [Br.]Call-Center {n}
market. call centers [Am.]Call-Center {pl}
market. call centres [Br.]Call-Center {pl}
stocks call priceCall-Kurs {m}
stocks call option warrantCall-Optionsschein {m}
stocks call priceCall-Preis {m}
fin. margin callMargin Call {m}
3 Words
acad. call for papers <CFP>Call {m} for Papers <CfP>
mus. call and responseCall and Response {m}
biol. Call-Exner bodiesCall-Exner-Körperchen {pl}
market. call to action <CTA>Call-to-Action {m} <CTA>
naked short callungedeckter Short Call {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Booty Call [Jeff Pollack]Booty CallOne-Night-Stand mit Hindernissen
film F Cellular [David R. Ellis]Final CallWenn er auflegt, muss sie sterben
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A 2024-01-12: In SAP we call it "posting conditions"
Q 2023-09-12: Anyone raised chickens? What do you call "lash eggs" in German?
A 2023-08-04: Online-Meetings heißen übrigens "Call".
A 2023-05-17: as a student, she would possibly call it "ein Wisch" [pej.]
A 2023-02-28: Please define "group call"
Q 2023-02-02: I would not call “Strafregister” “judicial record”.
A 2022-10-29: call it Articles of Association
A 2022-10-21: Guessing only, wild guess – the first call to prayer, before sunrise
A 2022-10-21: Es reimnt sich so schön auf "call"
A 2022-03-04: +to call someone's bluff+ nicht selten: jemandem nicht auf den Leim gehen,...
A 2022-03-03: Im Poker heißt +to call+ auf Deutsch "mitgehen". https://www.google.de/se...
A 2022-03-03: in dem Ausdruck ist "to call" enthalten; das bedeutet, dass man den Täusch...
Q 2022-03-02: to call someone's bluff
A 2021-11-28: 1. invoke/call the API 2. consult, talk through
A 2021-11-27: invocation / call
A 2020-12-21: Entspricht nicht dem +Wirtschaftshof+ des +Vierseithofs+ what we call the ...
Q 2020-10-05: How would I say "call", in the context of "calling for change/resignation"
A 2020-09-22: when the police answer an emergency call
A 2020-06-07: I'm going to call it a day early / earlier today
A 2020-06-01: I call both the crust, which can also mean the whole outside of a loaf,

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