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English-German translation for: bridge
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Dictionary English German: bridge

Translation 1 - 10 of 10


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NOUN1   bridge [card game] | -
NOUN2   a bridge | bridges
VERB  to bridge | bridged | bridged ... 
SYNO   to bridge | to bridge over | bridge ... 
NOUN   das Bridge | -
games bridge [card game]
Bridge {n} [Kartenspiel]
mus. bridgeBridge {f} [charakteristischer überleitender Formteil in Jazz, Pop und Rock]
2 Words
bridge piercingBridge-Piercing {n}
games contract bridgeKontrakt-Bridge {n}
archi. geogr. Mackinac BridgeMackinac Bridge {f}
archi. geogr. Mighty Mac [coll.] [Mackinac Bridge; Great Lakes, U.S.]Mackinac Bridge {f}
3 Words
geogr. transp. travel Golden Gate BridgeGolden Gate Bridge {f}
4 Words
hist. mil. Battle of Stirling BridgeSchlacht {f} von Stirling Bridge
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Waterloo Bridge [Vincent Ward]Ihr erster Mann [Deutschland] / Abschied auf Waterloo Bridge [Österreich]
film F Waterloo Bridge [James Whale] [1931]Waterloo Bridge
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Q 2021-01-07: bridge bonus
A 2020-06-21: access bridge
Q 2019-11-04: bridge breaker system
Q 2018-12-19: play chicken on the covered bridgefo_title=play chicken on the covered bridge
A 2018-11-13: Federhaus - barrel, Federhausbrücke - barrel bridge
A 2018-04-19: but it lacks the connotation "ahead of time", "promotion in order to bridg...
A 2016-11-23: Much to the chagrin of my father, an avid and good bridge player, I have n...
A 2016-09-14: test train (for bridge testing)
A 2015-07-16: Oh those golden days without a bridge to Skye!
A 2015-06-16: pierless bridge / vacillating feet: +rocked in steel+ might mean +being sw...
Q 2015-04-20: to declare (a bridge hand) ?ausspielen?
A 2015-04-15: z.B. Bridge was added to the German term later on
A 2015-04-14: +Bridge+ as described in Wiki
A 2015-02-23: scupper hole > Brückenauge, Brückenloch / bridge eye > Brückenauge
A 2015-02-23: ...also used on bridge decks
Q 2014-12-16: "bridge the gap"
Q 2013-11-10: A Bridge Too Far - movie translation question
Q 2013-09-16: This has to be a Brooklyn bridge thing
A 2013-08-15: +Schmal+ is correct. Just for information: One-lane bridge > nur eine Fahr...
A 2013-08-15: yes, it is a three years old boy who ran away from home finding himself on...

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