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English-German translation for: be
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Dictionary English German: be

Translation 1 - 26 of 26


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VERB  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
SYNO   to be | to exist | to cost | to equal ... 
SYNO   Be [Symbol] | Beryllium
geogr. pol. Berlin
Berlin {n} <Bn., Bln., Berl., BE>
mus. flat
Be {n} [Vorzeichen]
chem. beryllium <Be>
Beryllium {n} <Be>
med. base excess <BE>Basenabweichung {f} <BE> [Blutgasanalyse]
electr. power ground <PG> [Am.]Betriebserdung {f} <BE>
electr. operational earthing [esp. Br.] [IEC 60050]Betriebserdung {f} <BE> [IEC 60050]
med. unit bread unitBroteinheit {f} <BE>
med. unit carbohydrate exchange [Br.]Broteinheit {f} <BE>
med. unit bread exchange unitBroteinheit {f} <BE>
2 Words
med. bacterial endocarditis <BE>bakterielle Endokarditis {f} <BE>
med. base excess <BE>Base Excess {m} <BE>
med. unit Bethesda unit <BU> [measure of blood coagulation inhibitor activity]Bethesda-Einheit {f} <BE, B.E.>
geogr. Canton of Bern <BE>Kanton {m} Bern <BE>
geogr. Canton of Berne <BE>Kanton {m} Bern <BE>
3 Words
to load or unloadbe- oder entladen
to load and unloadbe- und entladen
naut. to stevedore sth. [to load or unload the cargo of a ship]etw.Akk. be- und entladen [ein Schiff]
educ. Bachelor of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, B.E.>Bachelor {m} of Engineering <B.Eng., BEng, BE>
loading and unloading staff {sg}Be- und Entlader {pl} [Personal, Mannschaft]
transp. loading and unloadingBe- und Entladung {f}
aeration plantBe- und Entlüftungsanlage {f}
hydro. irrigation and drainageBe- und Entwässerung {f}
5+ Words
geogr. hydro. sth. is fed and drained by sth.etw.Akk. wird von etw.Dat. be- und entwässert
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Be Cool [F. Gary Gray]Be CoolJeder ist auf der Suche nach dem nächsten großen Hit
film F Wild Hogs [Walt Becker]Born to be WildSaumäßig unterwegs
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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A 2024-10-15: +oath hand+ not to be found in medical sources; +benediction hand+ seems t...
Q 2024-10-11: to be committed to sth. = sich etw. [Dat.] verschreiben
A 2024-10-11: In English you would be right
A 2024-10-11: Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be
A 2024-09-10: the constitution is (always) my/her/his guiding principle, to be (strict...
Q 2024-09-06: ... in order to be admitted to the university (einen Studienplatz bekommen)
A 2024-08-26: to be fed up with s.th. , to have it / s.th. up to here (often accompani...
Q 2024-08-23: to drown vs. to be drowned
Q 2024-08-18: „Even a dry towel can still be twisted.“
A 2024-07-23: Would it be helpful
A 2024-07-23: Ute should be tagged, too. ;-)
Q 2024-07-19: be pitched (US?)
A 2024-07-06: The second one is a 5-way split, so that would be some work.
A 2024-05-14: Does it mean that "werden" can always be replaced with "sein" in all sort ...
A 2024-05-13: "... sollen erlaubt werden" refers to the future: "... are going to be a...
A 2024-05-13: Local shops (BE)
Q 2024-05-03: to be bad at bad
A 2024-05-02: more context? Could be "highly regarded / widely seen as a (powerful) symbol"
Q 2024-04-25: To be or not to be: 1500424
A 2024-02-21: The word +blinkers+ might be misleading though.

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B.d.U. Op.
B.d.U. Org.
• BE
beabsichtigen etw. zu tun
(beabsichtigter) Wellensalat

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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