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English-German translation for: Welt
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Dictionary English German: Welt

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NOUN   a welt | welts
VERB  to welt | welted | welted ... 
SYNO   wale | weal | welt | wheal ... 
NOUN   die Welt | die Welten
SYNO   Blauer Planet [ugs.] | Erde | Globus ... 
mundane {adj}
Welt {f}
Welt {f}
games World <XXI> [also: world] [Tarot card]Welt {f} <XXI> [Tarotkarte]
2 Words: Nouns
all the world [everybody]alle Welt [ohne Art.] [jeder]
geogr. pol. Arab worldarabische Welt {f}
inhabited worldbewohnte Welt {f}
evil worldböse Welt {f}
digital worlddigitale Welt {f}
Third WorldDritte Welt {f}
real worldechte Welt {f}
ling. English-speaking worldenglischsprachige Welt {f}
developed worldentwickelte Welt {f}
philos. disenchanted worldentzauberte Welt {f}
First WorldErste Welt {f} [reiche Industrieländer]
fictional worldfiktionale Welt {f}
art Lady World [often left untranslated or treated as a gloss]Frau Welt {f}
pol. free worldfreie Welt {f}
world at peacefriedliche Welt {f}
relig. spiritual worldgeistliche Welt {f}
shared worldgemeinsame Welt {f}
domestic worldhäusliche Welt {f}
idyllic worldheile Welt {f}
ideal worldheile Welt {f} [vollkommene Welt]
animate worldlebendige Welt {f}
magical worldmagische Welt {f}
philos. world of mattermaterielle Welt {f}
Mediterranean worldmediterrane Welt {f}
multicultural worldMultikulti-Welt {f} [ugs.]
perfect worldperfekte Welt {f}
philos. material worldsinnliche Welt {f}
relig. spiritual worldspirituelle Welt {f}
the unseenunsichtbare Welt {f}
lost worlduntergegangene Welt {f}
idiom looking-glass worldverkehrte Welt {f}
topsy-turvy world [coll.] [idiom]verkehrte Welt {f} [Redewendung]
upside-down world [idiom]verkehrte Welt {f} [Redewendung]
lost worldverlorene Welt {f}
Internet virtual worldvirtuelle Welt {f}
bon tonvornehme Welt {f}
wide worldweite Welt {f}
stocks Unverified Global Equities IndexWelt-Aktienindex {m}
econ. pol. The Westwestliche Welt {f}
econ. pol. Western worldwestliche Welt {f}
meatspace [coll.]wirkliche Welt {f} [nicht-virtuelle Welt]
civilized worldzivilisierte Welt {f}
3 Words: Others
in this world {adv}auf dieser Welt
from around the world {adv}aus aller Welt
from throughout the world {adv}aus aller Welt
from all over the world {adv}aus aller Welt
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