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English-German translation for: Welchman-Turing-Bombe
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Welchman-Turing-Bombe in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Welchman Turing Bombe

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comp. hist. Welchman-Turing bombe [Br.] [also: Turing-Welchman bombe]Welchman-Turing-Bombe {f} [auch: Turing-Welchman-Bombe]
hist. bombe [Br.] [Turing bombe, Turing-Welchman bombe; an electromechanical device used by British cryptologists]Turing-Bombe {f} [ugs.: Bombe]
Partial Matches
comp. Turing testTuring-Test {m}
comp. math. Church-Turing thesisChurch-Turing-These {f}
comp. Turing complete {adj}Turing-vollständig [auch: turingvollständig]
weapons bombBombe {f}
mil. bombshellBombe {f}
sports cannonball [sl.]Bombe {f} [Fußball]
sports fantastic shotBombe {f} [Fußballjargon]
geol. bombBombe {f} [vulkanisch]
mil. weapons ballistic bombballistische Bombe {f}
gravity bombballistische Bombe {f}
mil. weapons concrete-piercing bombbetonbrechende Bombe {f}
mil. weapons biological bombbiologische Bombe {f}
chem. mil. chemical bombchemische Bombe {f}
mil. weapons Unverified Disney bombDisney-Bombe {f}
mil. weapons Unverified Disney Swish (bomb)Disney-Bombe {f}
weapons gravity bombdumme Bombe {f}
exploding bomb [also GHS pictogram]explodierende Bombe {f}
weapons parachute-drag bombfallschirmgebremste Bombe {f}
weapons parachutedrag bombfallschirmgebremste Bombe {f}
TV-guided bombfernsehgelenkte Bombe {f}
flying bombfliegende Bombe {f}
weapons fin-retarded bombflossengebremste Bombe {f}
free-fall bombfreifallende Bombe {f}
free-falling bombfreifallende Bombe {f}
gravity bombfreifallende Bombe {f}
weapons guided bombgelenkte Bombe {f}
weapons H-bombH-Bombe {f}
mil. semi-armor piercing bomb [Am.]halbpanzerbrechende Bombe {f}
smart bombintelligente Bombe {f}
combustion bombkalorimetrische Bombe {f}
weapons laser-guided bomblasergelenkte Bombe {f}
weapons cascade bombMehrstufen-Bombe {f}
cascade bombmehrstufige Bombe {f}
mil. bomb with trajectory correctionnachgesteuerte Bombe {f}
mil. armor-piercing bomb [Am.]panzerbrechende Bombe {f}
clean bombsaubere Bombe {f}
weapons parachute-retarded bombschirmgebremste Bombe {f}
parachute-retarded bombschirmverzögerte Bombe {f}
weapons dirty bombschmutzige Bombe {f}
weapons radiological bomb [dirty bomb]schmutzige Bombe {f}
bot. Scholander bombScholander-Bombe {f}
ticking bombtickende Bombe {f}
mil. clock-operated bombuhrwerkgesteuerte Bombe {f}
weapons gravity bombungelenkte Bombe {f}
geol. (lava) bombvulkanische Bombe {f}
geol. volcanic bombvulkanische Bombe {f}
delayed-action bombzeitverzögerte Bombe {f}
delayed-action bombZeitzünder-Bombe {f}
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