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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Welcher Witzbold war das
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Welcher Witzbold war das in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Welcher Witzbold war das

Translation 1 - 50 of 7891  >>

Which of you jokers did that?Welcher Witzbold war das?
Partial Matches
What joker did that?Was für ein Witzbold war das?
Which of you jokers did that?Welcher von euch Witzbolden war das?
Which ever could it be?Welcher könnte das nur sein?
That's all.Das war's.
That's it.Das war's.
Worst of all was ...Das Allerschlimmste war ...
idiom That's all past now.Das war einmal.
idiom Wouldn't you know it.Das war klar.
That was a close call.Das war knapp!
That was close!Das war knapp!
idiom That was a close shave.Das war knapp.
It was rigged!Das war Manipulation!
That was a cheap shot.Das war unfair.
That was incredible!Das war unglaublich!
Was that it?War es das?
What was that for?Wofür war das?
Was that it?War's das? [ugs.]
The bed was turned down. [prepared for sleeping]Das Bett war aufgeschlagen.
The rifle had the safety catch off.Das Gewehr war entsichert.
mus. The concert was a sellout.Das Konzert war ausverkauft.
The match was a sellout.Das Spiel war ausverkauft.
idiom It was just a giggle. [esp. Br.]Das war bloß Spaß.
This has been a mistake.Das war ein Fehler.
That was a stupid thing to do.Das war ein Schildbürgerstreich.
That figures.Das war ja klar.
I was being sarcastic.Das war sarkastisch gemeint.
That was to be expected.Das war zu erwarten.
That was a scream.Das war zum Schreien.
That was too funny for words.Das war zum Schreien.
Was there something else?War das jetzt alles?
What was that again?Wie war das nochmal?
What was the weather like?Wie war das Wetter?
lit. F Dirty Money [Richard Stark]Das Geld war schmutzig
film F A Scene at the Sea [Takeshi Kitano]Das Meer war ruhig
film F The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean [John Huston]Das war Roy Bean
That was plain enough!Das war deutlich! [unmissverständlich, taktlos]
idiom It was the bomb! [Am.] [coll.] [great]Das war der Hammer! [ugs.]
What a blast! [coll.]Das war ein Mordsspaß! [ugs.]
idiom He didn't give a toss. [Br.] [coll.]Das war ihm piepegal. [ugs.]
That was not the subject of ...Das war nicht Gegenstand [+Gen.] ...
That was killer. [Am.] [sl.]Das war riesig / super. [ugs.]
idiom That was it for today.Das war's für heute.
Ta ta for now. <TTFN>Das war's für jetzt.
The rifle had the safety catch on.Das Gewehr war nicht entsichert.
Fortune smiled on me.Das Glück war mir gnädig.
It was all a trick.Das war (alles) nur Bluff.
It was all just sound and fury.Das war alles nur Theaterdonner.
We were sliding all over the place.Das war eine schöne Rutschpartie.
It was quite a novelty.Das war etwas ganz Neues.
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