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English-German translation for: Semper Zelle
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Semper Zelle

Translation 1 - 50 of 184  >>

NOUN   die Semper-Zelle | die Semper-Zellen
biol. Semper cellSemper-Zelle {f}
biol. Semper cellSemper'sche Zelle {f}
Partial Matches
med. natural killer T cell <NKT cell>natürliche Killer-T-Zelle {f} <NKT-Zelle>
biol. beta cell <β-cell, B cell>Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle>
med. lupus erythematosus cell <LE cell>Lupus-erythematodes-Zelle {f} <LE-Zelle>
biol. cytotoxic T cell <Tc cell, CTC>zytotoxische T-Zelle {f} <Tc-Zelle>
orn. T
orn. T
biol. enterochromaffin cell <ECC, EC cell>enterochromaffine Zelle {f} <EC-Zelle>
Semper Fi [US Marine short form for "Semper Fidelis", "always faithful"]Semper Fidelis [Motto der US-Marines, "immer treu"]
hist. mil. Semper Talis [motto of former Prussian-German guard formations and the guard battalion of the German Bundeswehr, "always the same"]Semper Talis [Motto ehemaliger preußisch-deutscher Gardeverbände und des Wachbataillons der Bundeswehr <WachBtl BMVg>, "stets gleich"]
cellZelle {f}
electr. elementZelle {f}
biol. B cellB-Zelle {f}
lock-up [esp. a temporary jail]Zelle {f} [Gefängniszelle]
holding cellZelle {f} [Haftraum]
boothZelle {f} [Kabine]
mus. cell [figure, motif](motivische) Zelle {f}
electr. AAA batteryAAA-Zelle {f}
electr. triple-A (battery)AAA-Zelle {f}
alkaline cellalkalische Zelle {f}
anat. amacrine cell [Neuronum amacrinum]amakrine Zelle {f}
biol. adjacent cellangrenzende Zelle {f}
bot. antheridial cellantheridiale Zelle {f}
biol. antigen-presenting cellantigenpräsentierende Zelle {f}
consumable cellaufbrauchbare Zelle {f}
biol. basal cell <BC, Ceb> [Cellula basalis]basale Zelle {f}
electr. Becquerel cellBecquerel-Zelle {f}
biol. med. Betz cellBetz-Zelle {f}
biol. biological cellbiologische Zelle {f}
biol. bipolar cellbipolare Zelle {f}
biol. c-cell [parafollicular cell]C-Zelle {f}
biol. CHO cellCHO-Zelle {f}
biol. corneageanous cellcorneagene Zelle {f}
nucl. junior caveCurie-Zelle {f}
biol. Deiter cellDeiter-Zelle {f}
biol. diploid celldiploide Zelle {f}
electr. electrochemical cellelektrochemische Zelle {f}
close cellenge Zelle {f}
narrow cellenge Zelle {f}
med. degenerative cellentartete Zelle {f}
biol. enteroendocrine cellenteroendokrine Zelle {f}
biol. excitable cellerregbare Zelle {f}
biol. eukaryotic celleukaryotische Zelle {f}
meteo. Ferrel cellFerrel-Zelle {f}
electr. photocellfotoelektrische Zelle {f}
anat. biol. G cellG-Zelle {f}
electr. galvanic cellgalvanische Zelle {f}
electr. voltaic cellgalvanische Zelle {f}
biol. generative cellgenerative Zelle {f}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
Semper Fidelis
Sempersche Ruderschlange
Semper'sche Zelle
Semper Talis

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