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English-German translation for: Playback singen
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Dictionary English German: Playback singen

Translation 1 - 50 of 85  >>

VERB   Playback singen | sang Playback/Playback sang | Playback gesungen
to mime to a recordingPlayback singen
Partial Matches
playbackPlayback {n}
mus. lip-syncing {adj}playback singend
lit. F Playback [Raymond Chandler]Spiel im Dunkel / [später:] Playback
mus. to singsingen
mus. to vocalizesingen
mus. singingSingen {n}
mus. to cantillatesingen [Sprechgesang]
mus. to chantsingen [Sprechgesang]
mus. to carolsingen [Weihnachtslieder]
mus. chantingSingen {n} [Sprechgesang]
mus. to sing off-keyfalsch singen
mus. to carolFreudenlieder singen
mus. to sing highhoch singen
to belt outlaut singen
to sing aloudlaut singen
to sing low [in a low voice]leise singen
mus. to lip-synclippensynchron singen
mus. to rhapsodizerhapsodenartig singen
mus. to scat [jazz]Scat singen
mus. to sing out of tuneschräg singen
mus. to solfègeSolfège singen
to sing lowtief singen
mus. diphonic singingdiphonisches Singen {n}
mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs]Quempas-Singen {n}
mus. carolling [Br.] [in church or from house to house]Quempas-Singen {n}
to sing out / about [sl.] [betray to the police]singen [ugs.] [verpfeifen]
to suck at singing [Am.] [coll.]beschissen singen [vulg.]
mus. to sing flat [coll.]schief singen [ugs.]
to sing to sb.vor jdm. singen
to sing for joyaus Freude singen
mus. pol. to sing the Internationaledie Internationale singen
to sing to restdurch Singen beruhigen
mus. to sing a songein Lied singen
to sing a hymneine Hymne singen
mus. to sing a tuneeine Melodie singen
to sing for moneyfür Geld singen
mus. to chorusim Chor singen
to soothe by singingmit Singen beruhigen
mus. to sing from musicnach Noten singen
to blow one's own trumpet [idiom]sein Eigenlob singen
mus. to sing at sightvom Blatt singen
mus. to sing sharpzu hoch singen
to burst into a songzu singen anfangen
joy in singingFreude {f} am Singen
mus. vocal singingVokalsingen / Vokal-Singen {n}
mus. sight-singingVom-Blatt-Singen {n}
mus. tag singing [barbershop music]Tag-Singen {n} [Barbershop-Gesang]
mus. sight-singing(A-) Prima-Vista-Singen {n}
as for singingwas das Singen betrifft
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