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English-German translation for: Nordic-Walking-Stock
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Dictionary English German: Nordic Walking Stock

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NOUN   der Nordic-Walking-Stock | die Nordic-Walking-Stöcke
sports (Nordic) walking poleNordic-Walking-Stock {m}
Partial Matches
sports Nordic walkingNordic Walking {n}
sports pole walkingNordic Walking {n}
sports to do Nordic WalkingNordic Walking machen
sports Nordic walkerNordic Walker {m}
mus. walking bassWalking Bass {m}
film F The Walking Dead [Frank Darabont]The Walking Dead
film F Dead Man Walking [Tim Robbins]Dead Man Walking - Sein letzter Gang
cane [stick for aid in walking or standing]Stock {m}
totally {adv}stock- [ugs.]
geol. stockworkStock {m} [Lagerstättenform]
sports ski poleStock {m} [Schistock]
staff [stick, rod]Stock {m} [Stab]
sports stock [Bavarian curling]Stock {m} [Stockschießen]
archi. constr. floor [storey]Stock {m} [Stockwerk]
archi. constr. RealEst. storey [Br.]Stock {m} [Stockwerk]
archi. constr. story [Am.]Stock {m} [Stockwerk]
stavederber Stock {m}
archi. RealEst. first floor [Br.] [Aus.] [NZ]erster Stock {m}
archi. RealEst. second floor [Am.]erster Stock {m}
archi. top flooroberster Stock {m}
sports cross-check [ice hockey]Stock-Check {m}
stick [tree branch]Stock {m} [eines Baums]
hort. stockStock {m} [Rosen, Wein]
hist. the stocks {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [instrument of punishment](der) Stock {m} [Fußblock]
spec. stocks stock exchange <SE>Stock Exchange {f} <SE>
white stick [white cane for the blind]weißer Stock {m} [Blindenstock]
three flights upim dritten Stock
on the top floor {adv}im obersten Stock
to walk with a stickam Stock gehen
to whittle a stick to a pointeinen Stock anspitzen
to break a stickeinen Stock durchbrechen
to brandish a stickeinen Stock schwingen
to wield a stickeinen Stock schwingen
to throw off the humpvom Stock drehen
comm. stockStock {m} [Bestand an Waren]
wooden walking stickStock {m} [Gehstock aus Holz]
to be worn outam Stock gehen [fig.]
over hedge and ditch {adv}über Stock und Stein
over rough and smooth {adv}über Stock und Stein
second floor hallway [Am.]Flur {m} im ersten Stock
lit. F Prisoner's Base / Out Goes She [UK title] [Rex Stout]Gast im dritten Stock
art F Seated Man with a Cane [Amedeo Modigliani]Sitzender Mann mit Stock
idiom to be knackered [Br.] [coll.]am Stock gehen [fig.] [ugs.]
across country {adv}über Stock und Stein [Redewendung]
to cane sb.jdn. mit einem Stock verhauen
fin. stocks CEE Stock Exchange Group <CEESEG>CEE Stock Exchange Group {f} <CEESEG>
sports hooking [ice hockey]Haken {n} mit dem Stock [Eishockey]
myth. F Stock im Eisen [Viennese legend]Stock im Eisen [Wiener Sage]
dance dancing cane [magic trick]tanzender Stock {m} [auch: Tanzender Stock] [Zaubertrick]
to club sb./sth.jdn./etw. mit einem Stock prügeln
to club sb./sth.jdn./etw. mit einem Stock schlagen
idiom He's as stiff as a poker.Er ist steif wie ein Stock.
idiom We wandered over hill and dale.Wir wanderten über Stock und Stein.
to lean on a sticksichAkk. auf einen Stock stützen
lit. theatre F The Man Who Turned Into A Stick [Kōbō Abe]Der Mann, der zum Stock wurde
stock-keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock keeping unit] [inventory management, supply chain management]Stock Keeping Unit {f}<SKU> [(eindeutig identifizierbare) Lagereinheit]
ramrod straight {adv} [fig.]als hätte er einen Stock verschluckt [Redewendung]
sports pole [e.g. ski pole, slalom pole, (Nordic) walking pole]Stock {m} [z. B. Schistock, Slalomstock, Nordic-Walking-Stock]
comm. new old stock <NOS>New Old Stock {m} <NOS> [neuwertige Ware aus alten Lagerbeständen]
idiom to be worn to a shadowam Stock gehen [fig.] [ugs.] [ein Schatten seinerselbst / ihrerselbst sein]
proverb Give a dog a bad name and hang him.Man findet schnell einen Stock, wenn man einen Hund schlagen will.
proverb Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words / names will never hurt me.Stock und Stein brechen mein Gebein, doch Worte bringen keine Pein.
fin. stocks Financial Times Stock Exchange Index <FTSE>Financial Times Stock Exchange Index {m} [UK Börsenindizes z. B. FTSE-100]
to have a stick up one's ass [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.] [idiom] [be overly formal or humorless]einen Stock im Arsch haben [ugs.] [vulg.] [pej.] [Redewendung] [übermäßig steif und humorlos sein]
completely {adv}stock- [ugs.] [durch und durch]
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