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English-German translation for: MMA-Komplex
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Dictionary English German: MMA Komplex

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NOUN   der MMA-Komplex | die MMA-Komplexe
Keywords contained
VetMed. mastitis-metritis-agalactia complex <MMA complex>Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie-Komplex {m} <MMA-Komplex>
Partial Matches
chem. phys. charge-transfer complex <CT complex; CTC>Charge-Transfer-Komplex {m} <CT-Komplex>
chem. methyl methacrylate <MMA>Methylmethacrylat {n} <MMA>
sports mixed martial arts <MMA>gemischte Kampfkünste {pl} <MMA>
VetMed. mastitis-metritis-agalactia <MMA>Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie {f} <MMA>
complex {adj}komplex
complexly {adv}komplex
complicated {adj}komplex
involved {adj}komplex
sophisticated {adj}komplex
sophisticatedly {adv}komplex
complexKomplex {m}
psych. hang-up [complex]Komplex {m}
spec. irreducibly complex {adj}irreduzibel komplex
math. complex analytic {adj}komplex analytisch
spec. irreducibly complex {adj}nichtreduzierbar komplex
psych. Adonis complex [muscle dysmorphia]Adonis-Komplex {m}
psych. atavistic complexatavistischer Komplex {m}
biol. bithorax complexBithorax-Komplex {m}
psych. Cinderella complexCinderella-Komplex {m}
biol. condensin complexCondensin-Komplex {m}
biochem. dystroglycan complexDystroglykan-Komplex {m}
med. Eisenmenger / Eisenmenger's complexEisenmenger-Komplex {m}
med. Eisenmenger / Eisenmenger's defectEisenmenger-Komplex {m}
geol. Franciscan AssemblageFranciscan-Komplex {m}
geol. Franciscan ComplexFranciscan-Komplex {m}
biol. Golgi complexGolgi-Komplex {m}
relig. Sanctuary of Abraham [Cave of Machpelah]Machpela-Komplex {m}
biol. molecular complexmolekularer Komplex {m}
psych. little man syndromeNapoleon-Komplex {m}
psych. short man syndromeNapoleon-Komplex {m}
psych. small man syndromeNapoleon-Komplex {m}
astron. Orion Complex [also: Orion complex]Orion-Komplex {m}
med. QRS complexQRS-Komplex {m}
biochem. retromer complexRetromer-Komplex {m}
med. Shone's anomaly [Shone's complex]Shone-Komplex {m}
med. Shone's complex [Shone's syndrome]Shone-Komplex {m}
biol. synaptonemal complexsynaptischer Komplex {m}
biol. synaptonemal complexsynaptonemaler Komplex {m}
psych. Theresites complex [body dysmorphic disorder]Thersites-Komplex {m}
equest. zool. leopard complexTigerschecken-Komplex {m}
med. WAGR complexWAGR-Komplex {m}
set of issuesKomplex {m} [Fragen-, Themenkomplex]
psych. Napoleon complex [coll.]Napoleon-Komplex {m} [ugs.]
chem. pyruvate dehydrogenase complex <PDC>Pyruvatdehydrogenase-Komplex {m} <PDC>
biochem. vitamin B complexVitamin-B-Komplex {m}
spec. irreducibly complex {adj}nicht reduzierbar komplex
to have a chip on one's shoulder [coll.] [idiom]einen Komplex haben
med. AIDS dementia complexAIDS-Demenz-Komplex {m}
med. amygdalo-hippocampal complex <AHC>amygdalo-hippocampaler Komplex {m}
hist. mil. precision location strike system <PLSS>Aufklärungs-Schlag-Komplex {m}
med. Borrelia burgdorferi complexBorrelia-burgdorferi-Komplex {m}
math. de Rham complexDe-Rham-Komplex {m}
biochem. enzyme-substrate complexEnzym-Substrat-Komplex {m}
biochem. hormone-receptor complexHormon-Rezeptor-Komplex {m}
psych. co-adapted meme complexkoadaptiver Mem-Komplex {m}
med. migratory myoelectric complex <MMC>migratorischer myoelektrischer Komplex {m}
med. migrating motor complex <MMC>migrierender motorischer Komplex {m}
med. migratory motor complex <MMC>migrierender motorischer Komplex {m}
med. migrating myoelectric complex <MMC>migrierender myoelektrischer Komplex {m}
mil. military-industrial complexmilitärisch-industrieller Komplex {m}
chem. host-guest complexWirt-Gast-Komplex {m}
biochem. chaperonin complexChaperonin-Komplex {m} [auch: Chaperoninkomplex]
psych. God complexGott-Komplex {m} [ugs.] [Götterkomplex]
med. exstrophy-epispadias complex <EEC>Blasenekstrophie-Epispadie-Komplex {m} <BEK>
VetMed. eosinophilic granuloma complex <EGC>eosinophiler Granulom-Komplex {m} <EGK>
biochem. α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complexα-Ketoglutarat-Dehydrogenase-Komplex {m}
biochem. 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex <ODGC>2-Oxoglutarat-Dehydrogenase-Komplex {m} <ODGC>
philos. pol. sociol. power-knowledge complex [Michel Foucault]Macht-Wissen-Komplex {m} [nach Michel Foucault]
biol. RNA-induced silencing complex <RISC>RISC-Komplex {m} [auch: RNA-Induced Silencing Complex]
biochem. pigment-protein complexPigment-Protein-Komplex {m} [auch: Pigment-Proteinkomplex, Pigmentproteinkomplex]
chem. phys. electron-donor-acceptor complex <EDAC> [also: electron donor acceptor complex]Elektronen-Donator-Akzeptor-Komplex {m} [Charge-Transfer-Komplex]
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