Johnsenit-(Ce) in other languages:
Deutsch - EnglischDictionary English ← German: Johnsenit Ce | Translation 1 - 50 of 131 >> |
English | German | |||||
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mineral. johnsenite-(Ce) [Na12(Ce,REE,Sr)3Ca6Mn3Zr3W(Si25O73)(OH)3(CO3)·H2O] | Johnsenit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
Partial Matches | ||||||
chem. cerium <Ce> | Cer {n} <Ce> | |||||
chem. cerium <Ce> | Cerium {n} <Ce> | |||||
med. chemoembolisation <CE> [Br.] | Chemoembolisation {f} <CE> | |||||
med. chemoembolization <CE> | Chemoembolisation {f} <CE> | |||||
chem. cerium <Ce> | Zer {n} <Ce> | |||||
mineral. abenakiite-(Ce) [Na26(Ce,Nd,La,Pr,Th,Sm)6 [O|SO2|(CO3)6|(PO4)6|Si6O18]] | Abenakiit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. aeschynite-(Ce) [(Ce,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6] | Aeschynit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. agardite-(Ce) [CeCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3H2O] | Agardit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. ancylite-(Ce) [SrCe(CO3)2(OH)·H2O] | Ankylit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. arisite-(Ce) [NaCe2(CO3)2 [(CO3)1-xF2x]F] | Arisit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. arsenoflorencite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)Al3(AsO4)2(OH)6] | Arsenoflorencit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. astrocyanite-(Ce) [Cu2(Ce,Nd,La,Pr,Sm,Ca,Y)2(UO2)(CO3)5(OH)2·3H2O] | Astrocyanit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. bastnäsite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)(CO3)F] | Bastnäsit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. belovite-(Ce) [NaSr3(Ce,La)(PO4)3(F,OH)] | Belovit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. biraite-(Ce) [(Mg,Fe)(Ce,La,Nd)2 [CO3|Si2O7]] | Birait-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. braitschite-(Ce) [(Ca,Na2)7(Ce,La)2B22O43·7H2O] | Braitschit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. britholite-(Ce) [(Ce,Ca)5(SiO4,PO4)3(OH,F)] | Britholit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. bussyite-(Ce) [(Ce,REE)3(Na,H2O)6MnSi9Be5(O,OH)30F4] | Bussyit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. byelorussite-(Ce) [NaBa2(Ce,La)2MnTi2Si8O26(F,OH)·H2O] | Byelorussit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. calcioankylite-(Ce) [(Ca,Sr)Ce(CO3)2(OH)·H2O] | Calcioankylit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. calkinsite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)2(CO3)3·4H2O] | Calkinsit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
EU tech. CE marking | CE-Kennzeichen {n} | |||||
EU CE marking | CE-Kennzeichnung {f} | |||||
econ. EU tech. requirement for CE marking | CE-Kennzeichnungspflicht {f} | |||||
econ. EU tech. CE declarations of conformity | CE-Konformitätserklärungen {pl} | |||||
econ. EU tech. CE conformity mark | CE-Konformitätszeichen {n} | |||||
EU tech. CE label | CE-Label {n} | |||||
EU CE certification mark [Communauté Européenne] | CE-Prüfzeichen {n} | |||||
tech. CE mark | CE-Zeichen {n} | |||||
EU CE certification | CE-Zertifizierung {f} | |||||
CE approval | CE-Zulassung {f} | |||||
mineral. cerianite-(Ce) [(Ce,Th)O2] | Cerianit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. ceriopyrochlore-(Ce) [(Ce,Ca,Y)2(Nb,Ta)2O6(OH,F)] | Ceriopyrochlor-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. cerite-(Ce) [(Ce,La,Ca)9(Fe,Mg) [(OH)3|SiO3(OH)|(SiO4)6]] | Cerit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. cerotungstite-(Ce) [CeW2O6(OH)3] | Cerotungstit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. cervandonite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)(Fe,Fe,Ti,Al)3 [O2 (Si2O7)0,5-1 (AsO3)1-1,5 (OH)0-1]] | Cervandonit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. chevkinite-(Ce) [(Ce,La,Ca,Na,Th)4(Fe,Mg)2(Ti,Fe)Si4O22] | Chevkinit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. christofschäferite-(Ce) [(Ce,La,Ca)4Mn(Ti,Fe)3(Fe,Ti)(Si2O7)2O8] | Christofschäferit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. chukhrovite-(Ce) [Ca3(Ce,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·10H2O] | Chukhrovit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. cordylite-(Ce) [NaBaCe2 [F|(CO3)4]] | Cordylit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. coskrenite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)2 [(SO4)2|C2O4]·8H2O] | Coskrenit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. daqingshanite-(Ce) [(Sr,Ca,Ba)3(Ce,La)(CO3,OH,F)3(PO4)] | Daqingshanit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. davidite-(Ce) [(Ce,La,U,Y)2Fe2(Ti,Fe)18O38] | Davidit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. dingdaohengite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)4Fe(Ti,Fe,Mg,Fe)2Ti2Si4O22] | Dingdaohengit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. dissakisite-(Ce) [Ca(Ce,La)(Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)2Si3O12(OH)] | Dissakisit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. diversilite-(Ce) [Na2(Ba,K)6Fe2+Ce2Ti3 [SiO3(OH)|Si3O9]3·9(OH,H2O)] | Diversilit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. dollaseite-(Ce) [CaCeMg24AlSi3O11(OH,F)2] | Dollaseit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. fergusonite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)NbO4] | Fergusonit-(Ce) {m} | |||||
mineral. ferronordite-(Ce) [Na3(Sr,Ca)(Fe,Mn)(Ce,La) [Si6O17]] | Ferronordit-(Ce) {m} |
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