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English-German translation for: Johne'sche Krankheit
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Johne'sche Krankheit in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Johne'sche Krankheit

Translation 1 - 50 of 862  >>

VetMed. Johne's disease [paratuberculosis]Johne'sche Krankheit {f} [paratuberkulöse Darmentzündung]
Partial Matches
med. Addison's diseaseAddison'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Alzheimer's disease <AD>Alzheimer'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Baerensprung / Baerensprung's disease [erythrasma] [also Bärensprung's disease]Baerensprung'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Basedow's diseaseBasedow'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Graves disease <GD>Basedow'sche Krankheit {f}
equest. VetMed. Borna disease <BD>Borna'sche Krankheit {f}
VetMed. Glässer's diseaseGlässer'sche Krankheit {f}
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]Heck'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Ormond's diseaseOrmond'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Pott's diseasePott'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Recklinghausen's diseaseRecklinghausen'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Schamberg / Schamberg's disease [Purpura pigmentosa progressiva, Dermatosis pigmentaria progressiva]Schamberg'sche Krankheit {f}
med. VetMed. hemorrhagic jaundice [Am.] [Weil's disease]Weil'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Wolman's / Wolman disease <WD>Wolman'sche Krankheit {f}
med. Hansen's disease <HD> [leprosy]Hansen'sche Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
med. hansenosis [leprosy] [caused by Mycobacterium leprae]Hansen'sche Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
med. Huntington's disease <HD>Huntington'sche Krankheit {f} <HK>
med. Parkinson's disease <PD>Parkinson'sche Krankheit {f} <PK>
VetMed. Tyzzer's disease <TD>Tyzzer'sche Krankheit {f} <TK>
med. de Quervain's / Quervain diseasede Quervain'sche Krankheit {f}
VetMed. Bang's disease [brucellosis]Bang'sche Krankheit {f} [seuchenhaftes Verkalben]
med. Osgood-Schlatter's diseaseOsgood'sche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter]
med. Osgood-Schlatter's disease [also: Osgood-Schlatter disease]Schlatter'sche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Osgood-Schlatter]
math. Möbius / Lie geometry of circlesMöbius'sche / Lie'sche Geometrie {f} für die Kreisebene
math. Riemann's zeta function <Riemann's ζ-function>Riemann'sche Zetafunktion {f} <Riemann'sche ζ-Funktion>
med. affliction [illness]Krankheit {f}
med. ailmentKrankheit {f}
med. complaint [illness]Krankheit {f}
med. VetMed. diseaseKrankheit {f}
med. distemper [archaic] [disease]Krankheit {f}
med. illnessKrankheit {f}
med. maladyKrankheit {f}
med. medical conditionKrankheit {f}
med. morbus [disease]Krankheit {f}
med. sicknessKrankheit {f}
to propagate diseaseKrankheit verbreiten
to spread diseaseKrankheit verbreiten
to feign illnessKrankheit vorschützen
med. to malingerKrankheit vortäuschen
to pretend illnessKrankheit vortäuschen
to sham to be illKrankheit vortäuschen
med. Addison's diseaseAddison-Krankheit {f}
med. Addison's disease <AD> [also: Addison disease]addisonsche Krankheit {f}
med. maple bark diseaseAhornrindenschäler-Krankheit {f}
med. current diseaseaktuelle Krankheit {f}
med. Alzheimer disease <AD>Alzheimer-Krankheit {f}
med. Alzheimer's disease <AD>alzheimersche Krankheit {f}
med. communicable diseaseansteckende Krankheit {f}
med. contagious diseaseansteckende Krankheit {f}
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