| English | German | |
– | |
| mineral. johnbaumite-M [(Ca,Sr)5(AsO4,PO4)3(OH)] | Johnbaumit-M {m} | |
| mineral. johnbaumite [Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)] | Johnbaumit {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| in my opinion {adv} <IMO> | meiner Meinung nach <mMn, m.M.n.> | |
| the way I see it {adv} [coll.] | meiner Meinung nach <mMn, m.M.n.> | |
| metres above sea level <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [official height in Great Britain] | Meter {pl} über dem Meeresspiegel <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [amtliche Höhenangabe in Großbritannien] | |
| mus. metronome marking <M.M.> | Metronomzahl {f} <M.M.> [Mälzels Metronom] | |
| mutatis mutandis {adv} <m. m.> | mutatis mutandis [geh.] <m. m.> | |
| naut. meters above the sea [Am.] | Meter {pl} über Meer <m ü. M.> [Bezeichnung von Höhen über dem Meeresspiegel in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein] | |
| geogr. metres above the sea [Br.] | Meter {pl} über Meer <m ü. M.> [Bezeichnung von Höhen über dem Meeresspiegel in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein] | |
| in conjunction with {prep} | in Verbindung mit [+Dat.] <i. Verb. m., i. Vbdg. m., i. V. m.> | |
| jobs orientation and mobility <O&M> [instruction for the blind] | Orientierung und Mobilität <O&M, O+M> [Training für Blinde] | |
| naut. metres above sea level [Br.] [reference height of Western Germany until 1992] | Meter {pl} über Normalnull <m. ü. N. N., m. ü. NN> [Deutsche Referenzhöhe, gültig bis 1992 (alte Bundesländer und West-Berlin)] | |
| unit mega- {prefix} <M> [10 ^ 6] | Mega- <M> | |
| unit milli- {prefix} <m> [10 ^ -3] | Milli- <m> | |
| phys. rotational force [torque] | Drehmoment {n} <M > | |
| ling. print M [letter] | M {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling. print m [letter] | m {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| percent by mass | Masseprozent {n} <%-M.> | |
| unit meters <m> [Am.] | Meter {pl} <m> | |
| unit metres <m> [Br.] | Meter {pl} <m> | |
| astron. unit solar mass <M☉> | Sonnenmasse {f} <M☉> | |
| mineral. hydroxylapatite-M [(Ca,Na)5 [(P,S)O4]3(OH,Cl)] | Hydroxylapatit-M {m} | |
| chem. pharm. 3-hydroxycinnamic acid [C9H8O3] [also: meta-coumaric acid] | m-Cumarsäure {f} | |
| chem. pharm. m-coumaric acid [C9H8O3] | m-Cumarsäure {f} | |
| biol. M-line | M-Linie {f} | |
| phys. M-theory | M-Theorie {f} | |
| mineral. mimetesite-M [Pb5(AsO4)3Cl] | Mimetesit-M {m} | |
| RadioTV F M Squad | Dezernat M | |
| with {prep} <w/> | mit [+Dat.] <m.> | |
| electr. unit megaohm <MΩ> | Megaohm {n} <MΩ> | |
| electr. unit megohm <MΩ> | Megohm {n} <MΩ> | |
| chem. electromeric effect <M effect> | Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt> | |
| chem. mesomeric effect <M effect> | Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt> | |
| chem. resonance effect <M effect> | Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt> | |
| biochem. methionine <Met, M> [C5H11NO2S] | Methionin {n} <Met, M> | |
| electr. unit milliohm <mΩ> | Milliohm {n} <mΩ> | |
| chem. molality <b, m> | Molalität {f} <b, m> | |
| six-foot-three | 1,90 m | |
| biochem. immunoglobulin M <IgM> | Immunglobulin M {n} <IgM> | |
| mud and snow tyre <M+S> [Br.] | M+S-Reifen {m} | |
| astron. astronau mean anomaly <M> | mittlere Anomalie {f} <M> | |
| chem. phys. unit molar mass <M> | molare Masse {f} <M> | |
| biochem. vitamin M [C19H19N7O6] [folic acid] | Vitamin {n} M [selten] | |
| idiom M as in Mike [Am.] | M wie Martha | |
| idiom M for Mary [Br.] | M wie Martha | |
| [extended secondary school graduation in parts of Germany] | erweiterter Realschulabschluss (m) | |
| mil. naut. radio log for general messages | Funkkladde {f} M-Allgemein | |
| mil. naut. radio log for "Officer only" messages | Funkkladde {f} M-Offizier | |
| comm. comp. Internet mobile business development | M-Business-Entwicklung {f} | |
| zool. M-shaped forehead marking [of an animal, e.g. tabby cats] | M-förmige Stirnzeichnung {f} | |
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