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English-German translation for: IuK-Technologie
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Dictionary English German: IuK Technologie

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

Keywords contained
comp. information and communication technology <ICT>Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie {f} <IKT, IuK-Technologie>
Partial Matches
technology [esp. methods, theory]Technologie {f}
appropriate technologyangepasste Technologie {f}
labour-intensive technology [Br.]arbeitsintensive Technologie {f}
econ. jobs tech. job-displacing technologyarbeitsplatzvernichtende Technologie {f}
laboursaving technologyarbeitssparende Technologie {f}
comp. tech. Unverified best-of-breed technologybestmögliche Technologie {f}
acad. pharm. biopharmaceutical technologybiopharmazeutische Technologie {f}
tech. booster technologyBooster-Technologie {f}
CD technologyCD-Technologie {f}
ecol. tech. carbon dioxide air captureCDR-Technologie {f}
ecol. tech. carbon dioxide removal <CDR>CDR-Technologie {f}
acad. biotech. DNA technologyDNA-Technologie {f}
tech. liquid crystal technology <LCT>Flüssigkristall-Technologie {f}
green technologygrüne Technologie {f}
cutting-edge technologyhochmoderne Technologie {f}
engin. ind. tech. leading-edge technologyhochmoderne Technologie {f}
state-of-the-art technologyhochmoderne Technologie {f}
groundbreaking technologyinnovative Technologie {f}
air-curtain technologyLuftschleier-Technologie {f}
engin. oxyfuel technologyOxyfuel-Technologie {f}
biol. phage-ligand technologyPhagenligand-Technologie {f}
tech. rigid-chain technologySchubketten-Technologie {f}
tech. SMD technologySMD-Technologie {f}
econ. technology pullTechnologie-Pull {m}
econ. technology pushTechnologie-Push {m}
tech. technology ratingTechnologie-Rating {n}
QM technology trend assessment <TTA> [ISO, IEC]Technologie-Trendbeurteilung {f}
biotech. terminator technologyTerminator-Technologie {f}
tech. zool. tracking technologyTracking-Technologie {f}
tech. legacy technologyveraltete Technologie {f}
comp. web technologyWeb-Technologie {f}
comp. web-based technologywebbasierte Technologie {f}
groundbreaking technologywegweisende Technologie {f}
telecom. wireless technologyWireless-Technologie {f}
dent. dental technologyzahnärztliche Technologie {f}
comp. spec. assistive technology <AT>assistive Technologie {f} <AT>
advanced technology <AT>fortgeschrittene Technologie {f} [Technik]
haptic technology [haptics]haptische Technologie {f} [Haptik]
pharm. pharmaceutical technology <PT>pharmazeutische Technologie {f} <PT>
pharm. QM process analytical technology <PAT>prozessanalytische Technologie {f} <PAT>
rapid technology <RT>Rapid-Technologie {f} <RT>
comp. cloud-native technologyCloud-Native-Technologie {f}
MedTech. direct digital technologydirekt-digitale Technologie {f}
biochem. biotech. DNA chip technologyDNA-Chip-Technologie {f}
comp. electr. tech. IO-Link technologyIO-Link-Technologie {f}
state-of-the-art technologyneueste / modernste Technologie {f}
MedTech. PET/CT technologyPET/CT-Technologie {f}
tech. rapid prototyping technologyRapid-Prototyping-Technologie {f}
biotech. recombinant DNA technologyrekombinante DNA-Technologie {f}
tech. remote service technologyRemote-Service-Technologie {f}
econ. disruptive technology [Am.]revolutionäre / umwälzende Technologie {f}
comp. electr. smart dust technologySmart-Dust-Technologie {f}
technology and materialsTechnologie {f} und Werkstoffkunde {f}
comp. web-based technologyweb-basierte Technologie {f}
astronau automot. aviat. shuttle technologyShuttle-Technologie {f} [auch: Shuttletechnologie]
high-tech {adj}mit hoher Technologie [nachgestellt]
high-technology {adj} [attr.]mit hoher Technologie [nachgestellt]
comp. electr. consultative group for technology of the DKEBeraterkreis {m} Technologie der DKE
employment of modern technologyEinsatz {m} der modernen Technologie
comp. electr. serial-to-Ethernet technologySeriell-zu-Ethernet-Technologie {f}
next-generation technologyTechnologie {f} der nächsten Generation
MedTech. liquid-metal lubricated spiral groove bearing technologyFlüssigmetall-Gleitlager-Technologie {f} [als Spiralrillenlager]
comp. electr. chip-on-board technology <COB>Chip-on-Board-Technologie {f} <COB>
educ. acad. tech. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology <KIT>Karlsruher Institut {n} für Technologie <KIT>
pol. Federal Minister for Research and TechnologyBundesminister {m} für Forschung und Technologie
pol. Federal Minister of Economics and TechnologyBundesminister {m} für Wirtschaft und Technologie
ind. beverage and liquid food technologyGetränke- und Liquid-Food-Technologie {f}
electr. tech. 24 V technology [also: 24 volt technology]24V-Technologie {f} [auch: 24-Volt-Technologie]
MedTech. total imaging matrix technology <TIM® technology>TIM®-Technologie {f} [Total-Imaging-Matrix-Technologie]
Federal Office for Professional Training and TechnologyBundesamt {n} für Berufsbildung und Technologie [schweiz.]
comp. multi-head technologyMulti-Head-Technologie {f} [Arbeiten mit mehreren Monitoren]
tech. formed in-place foam gasket technology <FIPFG technology>FIPFG-Technologie {f} [FIPFG = formed-in-place foam gasket]
comp. Channel Definition Format <CDF>XML-basiertes Format {n} für Push-Technologie im WWW
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