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English-German translation for: IV
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Dictionary English German: IV

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SYNO   4 | four | iv | IV ... 
games Emperor <IV> [also: emperor] [Tarot card]
Herrscher {m} <IV> [Tarotkarte]
econ. Federation of Austrian IndustryIndustriellenvereinigung {f} <IV> [Österreich]
biol. med. flu virusInfluenzavirus {n} <IV> [ugs. auch {m}]
med. influenza virus <IV>Influenzavirus {n} <IV> [ugs. auch {m}]
insur. disability pensionInvalidenversicherungsrente {f} <IV-Rente> [schweiz.]
insur. disability insurance <DI>Invaliditätsversicherung {f} <IV>
chem. potassium hexafluoronickelate(IV) [K2NiF6]Kaliumhexafluoronickelat(IV) {n}
2 Words: Nouns
chem. americium(IV) fluoride [AmF4]Americium(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. americium(IV) oxide [AmO2]Americium(IV)-oxid {n}
mineral. andorite IV [Ag15Pb18Sb47S96]Andorit IV {m}
chem. berkelium(IV) fluoride [BkF4]Berkelium(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. berkelium(IV) oxide [BkO2]Berkelium(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. miniumBlei(II,IV)-oxid {n}
chem. lead tetroxideBlei(II,IV)-oxid {n}
chem. lead(IV) acetate [C8H12O8Pb, Pb(C2H3O2)4, Pb(CH3COO)4]Blei(IV)-acetat {n}
chem. lead(IV) chloride [PbCl4]Blei(IV)-chlorid {n}
chem. lead(IV) fluoride [PbF4]Blei(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. lead(IV) oxide [PbO2] [lead dioxide]Blei(IV)-oxid {n} [Bleidioxid]
chem. californium(IV) oxide [CfO2]Californium(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. cerium(IV) fluoride [CeF4]Cer(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. cerium(IV) oxide [CeO2]Cer(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. cerium(IV) perchlorate [Ce(ClO4)4]Cer(IV)-perchlorat {n}
chem. cerium(IV) sulfate [Am.] [Ce(SO4)2]Cer(IV)-sulfat {n}
chem. chlorine(IV) oxide [ClO2]Chlor(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) chloride [CrCl4]Chrom(IV)-chlorid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) fluoride [CrF4]Chrom(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) oxide [CrO2]Chrom(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. curium(IV) fluoride [CmF4]Curium(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. curium(IV) oxide [CmO2]Curium(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. germanium(IV) fluoride [GeF4]Germanium(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. germanium(IV) iodide [GeI4]Germanium(IV)-iodid {n}
chem. germanium(IV) nitride [Ge3N4]Germanium(IV)-nitrid {n}
chem. germanium(IV) oxide [GeO2]Germanium(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. germanium(IV) sulfide [Am.] [GeS2]Germanium(IV)-sulfid {n}
chem. hafnium(IV) chloride [HfCl4]Hafnium(IV)-chlorid {n}
chem. hafnium(IV) fluoride [HfF4]Hafnium(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. hafnium(IV) iodide [HfI4]Hafnium(IV)-iodid {n}
chem. hafnium(IV) oxide [HfO2]Hafnium(IV)-oxid {n}
[German unemployment benefit paid after the first 12-18 months of unemployment]Hartz IV {n} [ugs.] [Arbeitslosengeld II]
med. integrated careintegrierte Versorgung {f} <IV>
med. intravenous infusion <i.v. inf., IV infusion>intravenöse Infusion {f} <i.v.-inf, IV-Infusion>
med. intravenous line <iv line, IV line>intravenöser Zugang {m} <i. v. Zugang, IV-Zugang>
chem. iridium(IV) chloride [IrCl4, Cl4Ir]Iridium(IV)-chlorid {n}
chem. iridium(IV) iodide [IrI4]Iridium(IV)-iodid {n}
chem. iridium(IV) oxide [IrO2]Iridium(IV)-oxid {n}
insur. disability pensionIV-Rente {f} [schweiz.]
chem. manganese(IV) fluoride [MnF4]Mangan(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. manganese(IV) oxide [MnO2]Mangan(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. molybdenum(IV) bromide [MoBr4]Molybdän(IV)-bromid {n}
chem. molybdenum(IV) chloride [MoCl4]Molybdän(IV)-chlorid {n}
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A 2023-04-15: +IV catalogue, inventory+
A 2023-03-07: Vgl. DRW +Acht IV 1+
A 2019-01-15: Offenbar sowohl +IV+ als auch +iv+ Bitte gib die Verknüpfung zu deinen Les...
Q 2019-01-14: IV
A 2015-12-12: Unprofitable chat from Henry IV, Part I, Act 1, Scene 3
A 2014-07-30: Nordic hat soweit Recht - das Fürsorgesystem heißt umgangssprachlich Hartz...
A 2014-03-05: Schwierigkeitsgrade - AD > ZS ... Der Schwierigkeitsgrad im Fels ist ZS...
Q 2014-03-05: Difficulty is AD-, sometimes III- and IV+ rock.
Q 2013-10-29: Kind eines Hartz-IV-Beziehers
A 2011-08-23: James I/IV granted a Royal Charter which gave Kilkenny the staus of a city.
A 2010-12-28: benefits (hier) = Sozialleistungen / Unterstützung ("Stütze") / Hartz IV
A 2010-12-15: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22veering+car%22&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&prmd=iv&...
A 2010-11-05: Tropf = Tropf und eine IV = IV .... sorry - yes I.V.
A 2010-09-07: IV = Innen Verteidiger - DMF = Defensives Mittelfeld
A 2010-08-18: Abteilung VI, not IV.
A 2009-02-20: The history of the murderous / ferocious war of religion is at bottom Euro...
Q 2008-12-09: unemployment benefits =Arbeitslosenunterstützung oder -geld? es geht um hö...
A 2008-09-07: the Roman numerals I, II, III, IV, ...
A 2008-08-25: ChromIV = chromium(IV)
A 2008-02-20: Transformation Management in IV-Projects

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