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English-German translation for: Hop
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Dictionary English German: Hop

Translation 1 - 9 of 9


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NOUN   a hop | hops
VERB  to hop | hopped | hopped ... 
SYNO   hop | record hop | hops | to hop ... 
NOUN1   der Hop [Sport; EDV] | die Hops
NOUN2   das Hop [Droge] | die Hops
comp. hopHop {m}
2 Words
bunny hopBunny Hop {m} [Sprung mit dem Fahrrad]
mus. hip-hopHip-Hop {m}
comp. hop countHop-Anzahl {f}
dance Lindy hopLindy Hop {m}
3 Words
biol. med. hamster test [short: hamster zona-free ovum test]Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test>
biol. med. hamster zona-free ovum test <HZFO test> [sperm penetration assay]Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test>
mus. hip-hop groupHip-Hop-Gruppe {f}
5+ Words
travel TrVocab. hop-on-hop-off ticketHop-on-Hop-off-Fahrkarte {f} [Ticket, das zum beliebigen Ein- und Aussteigen (wörtlich: „Hüpf rein, hüpf raus“) berechtigt.]
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A 2015-06-12: (1) +hopp+ aus dem Französischen (allez hop) > los geht's; und hopp > und los
A 2015-06-06: In rap and hip-hop lyrics
A 2014-04-09: hip-hop / rap
A 2012-10-10: http://www.hamburg-dom-aktuell.de/hip-hop-jumper/
Q 2012-07-11: to hop through hoops - US natives please
A 2012-06-12: actually it is right , hoe is hip hop language , this means bitch slut
A 2011-11-07: +Bester+ Hip-Hop-Künstler
Q 2011-11-07: Dringend: "hip hop maverick"
Q 2011-06-06: hop-on, hop-off, 48-hour double-decker bus tour
A 2011-05-27: I like music, but not hip hop.
A 2010-10-18: bro, dawg (common in hip hop culture), homie, etc. (any slang word for friend)
A 2010-07-13: Würde ich auch sagen... Grad im Hip-Hop-Slang sind so gewollt witzige Grüß...
A 2010-02-28: the text is about hip hop culture
A 2010-02-09: short hop (AE)
A 2009-11-04: Don't know much about hip-hop...
A 2009-11-04: I recommend "Wir Sind Helden" - No hip-hop at all, hip-hop stinks.
A 2009-11-04: a hip a hop a hippity hop
Q 2009-05-07: as to what Hip Hop really is
A 2009-05-05: "Even though the (German) Hip-Hop artists may not be familiar with it. "
A 2009-05-02: like, as you could say "destroy hip-hop", innit?

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