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English-German translation for: F & A
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Dictionary English German: F A

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Keywords contained
for the birds {adv} [coll.] [idiom]für A und F [österr.] [südd.] [vulg.] [Redewendung] [für Arsch und Friederich] [umsonst]
questions and answers <Q&A>Fragen {pl} und Antworten <F & A, F&A>
fin. mergers and acquisitions <M&A>Fusionen und Übernahmen {pl} <F&Ü, F&Ue, M&A>
to be for the birds [coll.] [idiom]für A und F sein [österr.] [südd.] [vulg.] [Redewendung] [für Arsch und Friederich sein] [umsonst sein]
to look like shit [vulg.] [idiom]wie A. und F. aussehen [Redewendung] [kurz für: wie Arsch und Friederich aussehen] [ugs.] [vulg.]
math. a open bracket b plus c minus e open parenthesis f minus g close parenthesis, close bracket [esp. Am.] <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>a eckige Klammer auf b plus c minus e runde Klammer auf f minus g runde Klammer zu, eckige Klammer zu <a [b+c-e(f-g)]>
law certified true copyfür die Richtigkeit {f} der Abschrift <F.d.R.d.A., fdRdA> [Vollständigkeits- und Richtigkeitsvermerk]
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> [+Gen.]
by order and for account of sb./sth. {adv}im Auftrag und für Rechnung <i. A. u. f. R.> von jdm./etw.
geogr. French Southern and Antarctic LandsTerres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises {pl} <T.A.A.F.>
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Q 2025-01-04: title page of edition of a text in German, followed by an English translation
A 2024-12-03: group of a hundred officers ???
Q 2024-10-27: wreck of a building = Zerstörung eines Gebäudes (f) ?
A 2024-07-05: a political paragon, a shining example of a polititian
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
A 2024-03-18: Because of a rustling noise maybe?
Q 2024-02-13: to fall off the back of a lorry
A 2024-01-05: when dealing with / handling youths / young people (of sb. of a differen...
A 2024-01-04: When you yourself cannot deduce the meaning of a phrase, reflect first on ...
Q 2023-11-21: Notarsprache / language of a notary public
A 2023-09-01: cause of action -- is a legal phrase
A 2023-08-08: The definition of a neologism is so blurry as to be useless, today's neolo...
Q 2023-08-03: foot rudiment [of a vase etc.] = Fußansatz {m} [einer Vase etc.] ?
A 2023-05-28: I can't think of a situation where it would be used for a single person.
A 2023-04-26: Tatbild ~ Tatbestand > material elements of a crime ( +actus reus+ leaving...
A 2023-04-23: oder vielleicht: with the elegance of an old nag / plowhorse masquerading ...
A 2023-03-14: Language keeps changing, but who can keep abreast of latest usage without ...
A 2023-02-21: Und wie heißt der auf US-Am.? Ugly son of a bitch? ;-)
Q 2023-02-03: the syntax of a sentence
Q 2022-12-26: a speech of a black servant

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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