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English-German translation for: Department of Commerce
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Dictionary English German: Department of Commerce

Translation 1 - 50 of 64877  >>

SYNO   Commerce | Commerce Department ... 
pol. Department of Commerce <DOC> [Am.]Handelsministerium {n}
pol. Department of Commerce <DOC> [Am.]Wirtschaftsministerium {n}
Partial Matches
market. collaborative commerce <c-commerce>Collaborative Commerce {m} <C-Commerce>
comm. fin. law electronic commerce <e-commerce>elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr {m} [E-Commerce]
market. mobile commerce <M-Commerce>mobiler Handel {m}
comm. Internet silent commerce <s-commerce, S-commerce>stiller Handel {m}
comm. article of commerceHandelsartikel {m}
article of commerceHandelsgut {n}
bank of commerceHandelsbank {f}
comm. chamber of commerceHandelskammer {f}
chambers of commerceHandelskammern {pl}
comm. channel of commerceHandelsweg {m}
comm. freedom of commerceWirtschaftsfreiheit {f}
comm. hist. history of commerceHandelsgeschichte {f}
comm. hub of commerceHandelsdrehscheibe {f}
comm. hub of commerceHandelszentrum {n}
interdiction of commerceHandelsverbot {n}
line of commerceWirtschaftszweig {m}
pol. ministry of commerceHandelsministerium {n}
center of commerce [Am.]Wirtschaftszentrum {n}
comm. centre of commerce [Br.]Handelszentrum {n}
comm. pol. Secretary of Commerce [Am.]Handelsminister {m}
econ. pol. Secretary of Commerce [Am.]Wirtschaftsminister {m}
acad. comm. econ. Berlin School of CommerceHandelshochschule {f} Berlin
econ. Chambers of Commerce AbroadAuslandshandelskammern {pl}
comm. econ. foreign chamber of commerceAuslandshandelskammer {f}
comm. local chamber of commerceörtliche Handelskammer {f}
comm. Chamber of Commerce Abroad [Germany]Auslandshandelskammer {f} <AHK> [Deutschland]
comm. International Chamber of Commerce <ICC>Internationale Handelskammer {f}
to deflect a stream of commerceeinen Handelsstrom umlenken
hist. treaty of amity and commerceFreundschafts- und Handelsvertrag {m}
comm. activities of the chamber of commerceAktivitäten {pl} der Handelskammer
Chamber of Commerce and Industry <CCI>Industrie- und Handelskammer {f} <IHK>
stocks shares in a branch of commerceAktien {pl} in einem Wirtschaftszweig
admin. law publ. Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce <SOGC>Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt {n} <SHAB>
comm. educ. upper secondary vocational college of commercekaufmännisches Berufskolleg {n}
econ. Joint Committee of German Industry and CommerceGemeinschaftsausschuss {m} der deutschen gewerblichen Wirtschaft
market. collaborative commerce strategy <c-commerce strategy>C-Commerce-Strategie {f}
comm. German Chambers of Commerce - Worldwide Network [the AHKs]Deutsche Auslandshandelskammern <AHK> {pl}
admin. pol. Department of AgricultureLandwirtschaftsministerium {n}
admin. educ. pol. department of educationErziehungsdirektion {f} [schweiz.] [Schweizer Äquivalent der dt. Kultusministerien etc.]
pol. Department of HealthGesundheitsministerium {n}
admin. Department of HealthGesundheitsressort {n}
acad. hist. department of historyFachbereich {m} Geschichte
acad. hist. Department of HistoryGeschichtsfachbereich {m} [Fachbereich Geschichte]
department of investigationUntersuchungsabteilung {f}
acad. law Department of LawFachbereich {m} Rechtswissenschaft
med. Unverified department of otolaryngologyHals-Nasen-Ohren-Abteilung {f} <HNO-Abteilung>
med. department of radiologyStrahlenabteilung {f}
med. department of surgeryAbteilung {f} für Chirurgie
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