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English-German translation for: Cushing-Reflex
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Dictionary English German: Cushing Reflex

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NOUN   der Cushing-Reflex | -
med. Cushing's law [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Reflex {m}
med. Cushing's reflex [also: Cushing reflex]Cushing-Reflex {m}
med. Cushing's phenomenon [also: Cushing phenomenon] [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Phänomen {n}
Partial Matches
med. Cushing's syndromeCushing-Syndrom {n}
med. Cushing's triad [also: Cushing triad] [Cushing's sign]Cushing-Triade {f}
med. Cushing's triad [also: Cushing triad]Cushing-Trias {f}
med. Cushing's effect [also: Cushing effect] [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Effekt {m} [Cushing-Reflex]
med. Cushing's reaction [also: Cushing reaction] [Cushing reflex]Cushing-Reaktion {f} [Cushing-Reflex]
med. pseudo-Cushing's syndrome <PCS> [also: pseudo-Cushing syndrome]Pseudo-Cushing-Syndrom {n} <PCS>
jerkReflex {m}
reflexReflex {m}
sports reflex save [football]Reflex {m}
lit. F Reflex [Dick Francis]Reflex
reflection [of an image]Reflex {m} [Spiegelung]
med. acoustic reflexakustischer Reflex {m}
med. anocutaneous reflex <ACR>anokutaner Reflex {m}
med. perineal reflexanokutaner Reflex {m}
med. Babinski / Babinski's responseBabinski-Reflex {m}
med. Babinski reflexBabinski-Reflex {m}
med. Babkin reflex [also: Babkin's reflex]Babkin-Reflex {m}
med. atrial reflex [Brainbridge reflex]Bainbridge-Reflex {m}
med. Bainbridge reflexBainbridge-Reflex {m}
conditioned reflexbedingter Reflex {m}
med. Bing reflex [Bing's sign]Bing-Reflex {m}
med. Brissaud's reflex [also: Brissaud reflex]Brissaud-Reflex {m}
med. Brudzinski's reflex [also: Brudzinski reflex, Brudziński's reflex Brudziński reflex]Brudzinski-Reflex {m}
med. Chaddock's reflex [also: Chadock reflex]Chaddock-Reflex {m}
med. infant reflex [neonatal reflex]frühkindlicher Reflex {m}
med. infantile reflex [neonatal reflex]frühkindlicher Reflex {m}
med. neonatal reflexfrühkindlicher Reflex {m}
med. newborn reflexfrühkindlicher Reflex {m}
med. gastrocolic reflexgastrokolischer Reflex {m}
med. gastrocolic responsegastrokolischer Reflex {m}
med. eye-closure pupil reaction [Gifford's reflex]Gifford-Reflex {m}
med. Gifford reflex [also: Gifford's reflex]Gifford-Reflex {m}
psych. conditioned reflexkonditionierter Reflex {m}
med. VetMed. Moro / Moro's reflexMoro-Reflex {m}
med. Oppenheim reflex [also: Oppenheim's reflex] [Oppenheim' sign]Oppenheim-Reflex {m}
med. abnormal reflexpathologischer Reflex {m}
biol. med. pilomotor reflexpilomotorischer Reflex {m}
med. proprioceptive reflexpropriorezeptiver Reflex {m}
med. proprioceptive reflexpropriozeptiver Reflex {m}
med. stretch reflexStretch-Reflex {m}
med. Strümpell's reflex [Strümpell's sign]Strümpell-Reflex {m}
med. myotatic reflex [stretch reflex]myotatischer Reflex {m} [Dehnreflex]
med. Robinson reflex [grasping reflex]Robinson-Reflex {m} [Greifreflex]
med. vestibulo-ocular reflex <VOR>vestibulookulärer Reflex {m} <VOR>
med. Bekhterev-Jacobsohn reflexBechterew-Jacobsohn-Reflex {m}
med. Bekhterev-Mendel reflex [also: Mendel-Bekhterev reflex]Bechterew-Mendel-Reflex {m}
med. Bezold-Jarisch reflex [also: Jarisch-Bezold reflex]Bezold-Jarisch-Reflex {m}
med. Churchill-Cope reflexChurchill-Cope-Reflex {m}
med. Gauer-Henry reflexGauer-Henry-Reflex {m}
med. tonic myotatic reflextonisch-myotatischer Reflex {m}
med. Leri reflex [also: Léri reflex, Leri's reflex, Léri's reflex]Léri-Reflex {m} [Léri-Zeichen]
audio med. Lombard reflexLombard-Reflex {m} [Lombard-Effekt]
med. primitive reflexprimitiver Reflex {m} [frühkindlicher Reflex]
med. vestibulo-ocular reflex <VOR>vestibulo-okulärer Reflex {m} <VOR>
audio med. cochleopalpebral / cochleo-palpebral reflex [startle reflex]cochleopalpebraler / cochleo-palpebraler Reflex {m}
med. Mendel's reflex [Bekhterev-Mendel reflex]Mendel-Reflex {m} [Bechterew-Mendel-Reflex]
med. monosynaptic reflexmonosynaptischer Reflex {m} [Eigenreflex der Skelettmuskulatur]
med. oculocephalic reflex <OCR>okulozephaler Reflex {m} [früher] [vestibulookulärer Reflex]
med. Gordon's reflex [also: Gordon reflex]Gordon-Reflex {m} [auch: Gordon-Scharfer-Reflex]
med. Euler-Liljestrand reflex [rare for: Euler-Liljestrand mechanism]Euler-Liljestrand-Reflex {m} [hypoxische pulmonale Vasokonstriktion]
med. Liddell-Sherrington reflexLiddell-Sherrington-Reflex {m} [selten] [myotatische Reflex]
psych. Semmelweis reflexSemmelweis-Reflex {m} [reflexartige Ablehnung einer neuen Erkenntnis]
audio med. ear-eyelid reflexOhr-Lidschlag-Reflex / Ohr-Lidschlagreflex {m}
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