| English | German | |
– | |
| art Conté pencil [also: Conte pencil, conte pencil] | Conté-Stift {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| mil. naut. Conte di Cavour class [battleship] | Conte-di-Cavour-Klasse {f} | |
| tech. gib | Stift {m} | |
| nib | Stift {m} | |
| tech. sprig | Stift {m} | |
| comp. spec. tech. stylus | Stift {m} | |
| crayon | Stift {m} [Buntstift] | |
| felt-tip (pen) | Stift {m} [Filzstift] | |
| felt-tipped pen | Stift {m} [Filzstift] | |
| biro [Br.] [generic term] [Biro™] | Stift {m} [Kugelschreiber] | |
| tech. pin | Stift {m} [Metall] | |
| spike | Stift {m} [Nagel] | |
| tack [nail - esp. with small head] | Stift {m} [Nagel] | |
| (light) wand | Stift {m} [Strichcodeleser] | |
| relig. diocese | Stift {n} [Bistum] | |
| relig. cathedral chapter | Stift {n} [Domstift] | |
| relig. collegiate foundation | Stift {n} [Kollegiatsstift] | |
| relig. seminary | Stift {n} [Theologiestift] | |
| blue pencil | blauer Stift {m} | |
| med. styptic pencil | blutstillender Stift {m} | |
| electronic pen | elektronischer Stift {m} | |
| Pritt stick® | Pritt-Stift® {m} | |
| dent. self-threading pin | selbstschraubender Stift {m} | |
| automatic pencil | selbstschreibender Stift {m} | |
| archi. relig. Göttweig Abbey | Stift {n} Göttweig | |
| archi. relig. UWH Melk Abbey | Stift {n} Melk | |
| archi. relig. UWH Quedlinburg Abbey | Stift {n} Quedlinburg | |
| comp. touch screen pen | Touchscreen-Stift {m} | |
| comp. touchscreen pen | Touchscreen-Stift {m} | |
| comp. USB flash drive pen | USB-Stift {m} | |
| stud [nail] | Stift {m} [Nagel, Stollen] | |
| light pen | Stift {m} [Strichcode-Leser] | |
| entom. bee egg | Stift {m} [ugs.] [Bienenei] | |
| nipper [coll.] | Stift {m} [ugs.] [Knirps] | |
| jobs apprentice | Stift {m} [ugs.] [Lehrling] | |
| jobs apprentice (boy) | Stift {m} [ugs.] [Lehrling] | |
| dent. pivot tooth | Stift {m} [ugs.] [Stiftzahn] | |
| pen [something to write with] | Stift {m} [zum Schreiben] | |
| tech. cylindrical pin <cyl. pin> | Zylinderstift {m} <Zyl.-Stift> | |
| conductive pencil | elektrisch leitender Stift {m} | |
| aglet | Stift {m} eines Schnürsenkels | |
| archi. relig. St. Florian Monastery [also: Sankt Florian Monastery] | Stift {n} Sankt Florian | |
| educ. relig. [Evangelisches Stift; house of studies for Protestant theological students in Tübingen] | Tübinger (Evangelisches) Stift {n} | |
| electr. prong | Stift {m} [dicker Kontakt-, Steckerstift] | |
| archi. relig. abbey | Stift {n} [österr.] [Abtei, Kloster] | |
| mechanical pencil [Am.] | mechanischer Stift {m} [seltener] [Druckbleistift] | |
| propelling pencil [Br.] [mechanical pencil] | mechanischer Stift {m} [seltener] [Druckbleistift] | |
| art coloured by stencil {adj} [Br.] | mit dem Stift koloriert | |
| without lifting the pen from the paper {adv} | ohne den Stift abzusetzen | |
| electr. Pin 11: not used | Stift 11: nicht belegt | |
| dowel (pin) [Br.] | Stift {m} [kleiner Verbindungs-, Zentrierstift etc.] | |
| pencil | Stift {m} [Schreibstift, Malstift, dünner Kosmetikstift] | |
| pol. (voter's) stylus | Stift {m} [Wahlen in den USA] | |
| foundation [institution] | Stift {n} [Stiftung, meist in Namen] | |
| ... and retrace with a smudge-proof pen. | ... und mit wischfestem Stift nachziehen. | |
| weapons to pull the pin (of a hand grenade) | den Stift (einer Handgranate) ziehen | |
| tools pin spanner wrench [Am.] | Hakenschlüssel {m} mit Stift [Zapfen] [für Kreuzlochmuttern] | |
| tools pin wrench [Br.] | Hakenschlüssel {m} mit Stift [Zapfen] [für Kreuzlochmuttern] | |
| tools pin-type spanner wrench [Am.] | Hakenschlüssel {m} mit Stift [Zapfen] [für Kreuzlochmuttern] | |
| Anybody got a pen? | Hat hier (zufällig) jemand einen Stift? | |
| peg | Stift {m} [kleiner Holzstift, auch Verbindungs-, Zentrierstift etc.] | |
| dent. pivot | Stift {m} [zum Verankern, z. B. von Stiftzahn] | |
| archi. relig. monastery [collegial body or building, based on a donation] | Stift {n} [gestiftete religiöse Anstalt bzw. deren Gebäude] | |
| cosmet. stick | Stift {m} [meist dicker Kosmetikstift, z. B. Lippenstift, Deostift] | |
| home [institution, esp. old people's home or almshouse] | Stift {n} [veraltend] [Heim für die Betreuung notleidender, meist alter Menschen] | |
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