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| market. collaborative commerce strategy <c-commerce strategy> | C-Commerce-Strategie {f} | |
Partial Matches |
| market. collaborative commerce <c-commerce> | Collaborative Commerce {m} <C-Commerce> | |
| unit cycles per second <cps, c/sec, c/s> | Zyklen {pl} pro Sekunde <cps, c/sec, c/s> | |
| law precontractual liability | culpa in contrahendo {f} <c. i. c.> | |
| law culpa in contrahendo | culpa in contrahendo {f} <c.i.c.> | |
| math. set of complex numbers <ℂ, C> | Menge {f} der komplexen Zahlen <ℂ, C> | |
| econ. Internet QM e-commerce | E-Commerce {m} | |
| econ. Internet electronic commerce | Electronic Commerce {m} | |
| comm. Internet s-commerce | S-Commerce {m} | |
| comm. e-commerce company | E-Commerce-Unternehmen {n} | |
| mus. C minor <c, Cm> | c-Moll {n} <c, Cm> | |
| mus. top C <c3, c'''> | dreigestrichenes C {n} <c3, c'''> | |
| mus. middle C <c1, c'> | eingestrichenes C {n} <c1, c'> | |
| mus. bass C <c0, c> [also: tenor C] | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| mus. tenor C | kleines C {n} <c0, c> | |
| mus. double top C <c4, c''''> | viergestrichenes C {n} <c4, c''''> | |
| mus. treble C <c2, c''> | zweigestrichenes C {n} <c2, c''> | |
| unit degree centigrade <degree C, °C> | Grad {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C> [auch {m}, fachspr. nur {n}] | |
| mus. basso continuo | Basso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc> | |
| mus. figured bass | Basso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc> | |
| math. d open bracket b plus c close bracket < d(b+c) > | d Klammer auf b plus c Klammer zu < d(b+c) > | |
| mus. C major <C> | C-Dur {n} <C> | |
| mus. pedal C <C> | großes C {n} <C> | |
| chem. carbon-carbon composites <CCCs> | C/C-Verbunde {pl} | |
| fin. payment based on provisional assessment [down payment] | Akonto {f} <a/c> <a c.> [Akontozahlung] | |
| consumer-to-consumer {prefix} <C2C, C-to-C> [e.g. market, transaction] | Consumer-to-Consumer- <C2C, C-to-C> [z. B. Markt, Transaktion] [Verbraucher-zu-Verbraucher] | |
| RadioTV F The Man from U.N.C.L.E. | Solo für O.N.C.E.L. / Solo für U.N.C.L.E. | |
| comm. ecol. engin. cradle-to-cradle principle <C2C principle> | Cradle-to-Cradle-Prinzip {n} <C2C-Prinzip, C-2-C-Prinzip> [Kreislaufwirtschaft] | |
| med. subcutaneous infusion <s.c. infusion, SC infusion, sc inf, sc inf.> | subcutane Infusion {f} <s.c.-Inf, s.c.-Infusion> | |
| phys. charm quark <c quark, c> | Charm-Quark {n} <c-Quark, c> | |
| unit degree Celsius <degree C, °C> | Grad {m} {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C> | |
| game plan | Strategie {f} | |
| mil. generalship | Strategie {f} | |
| policy | Strategie {f} | |
| strategy | Strategie {f} | |
| wait-and-see strategy | abwartende Strategie {f} | |
| adaptive strategy | anpassungsfähige Strategie {f} | |
| econ. market. business strategy | Business-Strategie {f} | |
| fin. contrarian strategy | Contrarian-Strategie {f} | |
| detailed strategy | detaillierte Strategie {f} | |
| comp. digital strategy | digitale Strategie {f} | |
| elaborate strategy | durchdachte Strategie {f} | |
| ambitious strategy | ehrgeizige Strategie {f} | |
| recommended strategy | empfohlene Strategie {f} | |
| winning strategy | erfolgreiche Strategie {f} | |
| financial strategy | finanzielle Strategie {f} | |
| appropriate strategy | geeignete Strategie {f} | |
| common strategy | gemeinsame Strategie {f} | |
| community strategy | gemeinschaftliche Strategie {f} | |
| mixed strategy | gemischte Strategie {f} | |
English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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