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Dictionary English German: C

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NOUN   a C [letter; note] | Cs/C's
NOUN1   das C [Buchstabe; Note] | die C/[ugs.] Cs
NOUN2   das c [Buchstabe; Note] | die c/[ugs.] cs
unit cubic {prefix} <cu>
Kubik- <c, cb>
unit centi- {prefix} <c> [10 ^ -2]
Zenti- <c>
med. pharm. preprandial {adj} <pp, ac, a.c.>
präprandial <pp, ac, a.c.>
med. subcutaneously {adv} <s.c. / SC>
subkutan <s.c.>
mus. coll'arco {adv} <c.a.>coll'arco <c.a.>
chem. carbon <C>
Kohlenstoff {m} <C>
unit Celsius <C> [centigrade]
Celsius {n} <C>
biochem. cytosine <C, Cyt> [C4H5N3O]
Cytosin {n} <C, Cyt>
unit carat <C, ct> [measure of the purity of gold]
Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung]
biochem. cysteine <Cys, C> [C3H7NO2S]
Cystein {n} <Cys, C> [fachspr.]
anat. axis <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]
Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]
ling. mus. print c [letter, musical note]
c {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
electr. unit coulomb <C>
Coulomb {n} <C>
fin. payment based on provisional assessment [down payment]Akonto {f} <a/c> <a c.> [Akontozahlung]
anat. VetMed. atlas vertebra <C1, C1 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis I] [first cervical vertebra]Atlas {m} <C1, C 1> [erster Halswirbel]
anat. VetMed. epistropheus <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [axis]Axis {m} <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel]
ling. mus. print C [letter, musical note]C {n} [Buchstabe, Ton]
mus. C flat <C♭>Ces {n} <C♭>
mineral. chaoite <C>Chaoit {m} <C>
phys. chargino <C͂> [hypothetical elementary particle]Chargino {n} <C͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen]
mus. C sharp <C♯>Cis {n} <C♯>
anat. VetMed. axis vertebra <C2, C2 vertebra> [Vertebra cervicalis II] [second cervical vertebra]Dreher {m} [ugs.] <C2, C 2> [zweiter Halswirbel, Axis]
acad. honorary doctorEhrendoktor {m} <Dr. h. c.>
acad. honorary degree [doctoral degree]Ehrendoktorat {m} <Dr. h. c.>
mus. garklein (recorder)Garkleinblockflöte {f} [in c''']
unit karat <K, kt> [Am.] [measure of the purity of gold]Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung]
relig. Clarissines [Poor Clares] <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>
relig. Poor Clares <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>
phys. speed of light <c>Lichtgeschwindigkeit {f} <c>
chem. molarity <c> [molar concentration]Molarität {f} <c> [veraltet] [Stoffmengenkonzentration]
anat. VetMed. first cervical vertebra <1st cervical vertebra, C1 vertebra, C1> [Vertebra cervicalis I]Nicker {m} [ugs.] <C1, C 1> [erster Halswirbel, Atlas]
phys. radiocarbon [also: radio carbon] <carbon-14, C-14, 14C>Radiokohlenstoff {m} <Carbon-14, C-14, 14C>
relig. Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR>Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR>
sigma <Σ, σ, ς, C> [Greek letter]Sigma {n} <Σ, σ, ς, C> [griechischer Buchstabe]
chem. (substance) concentration <c, mol/l, M>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/l, M>
chem. amount-of-substance concentration <c, mol/l, M>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/l, M>
chem. amount concentration <c, mol/L>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/L>
chem. molar concentration <c>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c>
med. subcutaneous injection <s.c. / SC / sc injection>Subkutaninjektion {f} <s.c.-Injektion>
biochem. cysteine <Cys, C> [C3H7NO2S]Zystein {n} <Cys, C>
2 Words: Others
mus. a capella {adj} {adv}a cappella <a c.>
fin. on account {adj} {adv} [payment]a conto <a c.>
pharm. before meals {adv}ante cenam <a.c.> [auf Rezepten; vor den Mahlzeiten, vor dem Essen]
biochem. carboxyl-terminal {adj} <C-terminal>C-terminal
spec. ceteris paribus [with other things the same]ceteris paribus <c. p.; cet. par.> [alles andere bleibt gleich]
educ. with academic quarter {adv}cum tempore <ct, c.t.> [geh.]
mus. from the beginning [da capo] <D.C.>da capo <d. c.> [Spielanweisung]
honorary {adj} <hon>honoris causa <h. c.> [ehrenhalber]
loco citato <loc. cit.>loco citato <l. c.>
pharm. after meals {adv}post cenam <p.c.> [auf Rezepten; nach der Mahlzeit, nach dem Essen]
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Q 2025-01-01: C & F landed {adv} [unloading costs to be borne by seller] ?=? an Land verbracht
A 2024-11-22: Okay, Cameron-C und aph
A 2023-04-04: Except maybe b. I would probably replace b entries with a or c, or split t...
Q 2023-03-29: Trying to determine if C. F. Blumhardt is referring to land, influence, etc.
A 2023-03-29: How dare you contradict? You'll end up in c-c's bad books ...
A 2022-09-25: Einstufung C für den Umfang der Problemwahrnehmung / Wahrnehmung der Probl...
A 2022-05-17: Nach Gobber > https://www.le-couteau.com/couteaux-d-office-c-149.html
A 2022-01-14: +l. b. c.+ bedeutet im britischen Planungsrecht einzig das gestern aus dem...
A 2021-10-06: Das Problem bei jeder Form von P.C.-Zelotismus ist halt:
A 2021-09-06: The homage +nation of shopkeepers,+ paid to the 19th-c. UK, may well have ...
A 2021-08-04: lateinisch: discriminare = unterscheiden ; mathematisch: in quatratischen ...
A 2021-05-09: figure who — +figure which+ would be 17th-c Bible English
A 2020-12-22: Zitat / l.c. 00:13
A 2020-11-23: phoney > etymology > late 19th c, origin unknown
A 2020-08-06: Steven C. Hayes
A 2020-06-21: 15th c. notation has been but patchily explored. Thus it provides ample gr...
A 2020-06-14: per Adresse +exp.+ > care of ; c/o +[Bus.]+
A 2019-09-10: May I add W.C. Fields to that list:
Q 2019-05-25: Umdeutung: LMAA = *L ä c h l e m e h r a l s A n d e r e*
A 2019-05-25: Fazit: *M i r i s t n i c h t m e h r z u h e l f e n (grins).*

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