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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Ball-Gletscher
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Ball Gletscher

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NOUN   der Ball-Gletscher | die Ball-Gletscher
geogr. Ball GlacierBall-Gletscher {m}
Partial Matches
ballBall {m}
sports bowlBall {m}
formal danceBall {m}
games to play at ballBall spielen
games to play ballBall spielen
sports cut ballangeschnittener Ball {m}
sports daisy cutterflacher Ball {m}
sports Ballon D'Or [football award: European Footballer of the Year]Goldener Ball {m}
sports incoming ballherankommender Ball {m}
sports high ballhoher Ball {m}
sports dollylahmer Ball {m}
sports long ball [football]langer Ball {m}
sports inactive ball [football]ruhender Ball {m}
games Skee-Ball™Skee-Ball {m}
sports rebounding ballzurückprallender Ball {m}
bot. T
dance prom [Am.]Ball {m} [insbes. Schulball]
sports Bosu ball [also: bosu ball] [BOSU®; BOth Sides Up, BOth Sides Utilised]Bosu-Ball {m} [BOSU®]
sports ground ball [baseball]Ground-Ball {m} [Baseball]
sports sitter [sl.]todsicherer Ball {m} [ugs.]
sports to punch (the ball away) [soccer](den Ball) fausten
sports to dwell on the ball [football]am Ball kleben
sports to deflect the ballden Ball abfälschen
sports to lay the ball off [coll.] [to pass]den Ball abgeben
sports to deflect the ball [e.g. football / soccer]den Ball ablenken
sports to pass the ballden Ball abspielen
sports to stop the ballden Ball abstoppen
sports to clear the ballden Ball abwehren
sports to give a cut to the ballden Ball anschneiden
to control the ballden Ball beherrschen
sports to make contact with the ballden Ball berühren
sports to hold on to the ball [football]den Ball halten
sports to touch down [rugby]den Ball niederlegen
sports to bounce the ballden Ball prellen
sports to batden Ball schlagen
sports to slog the ball [coll.]den Ball schleudern
sports to sky the ball [golf]den Ball unterschlagen
sports to kick the ball backden Ball zurückschießen
to romp about after a balleinem Ball hinterhertollen
to deliver a balleinen Ball abschlagen
to arrest a balleinen Ball aufhalten
to catch a balleinen Ball fangen
to give a balleinen Ball geben
sports to spike a ball [volleyball]einen Ball schmettern
sports to swat a balleinen Ball schmettern
sports to stop a balleinen Ball stoppen
to arrange a balleinen Ball veranstalten
to give a balleinen Ball veranstalten
games sports five-ball juggling5-Ball-Jonglage {f}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
ballaststoffreiche Kost
Ballast und Treibgut
Ball auf Schloss Kelsie
Ball aus dem Spiel
Ball berührt eine Linie.

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