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| – |
 | twelve-year-old {adj} [attr.] | zwölfjährig <12-jährig> [Junge, Kuh etc.] |  |
 | twelve-hour {adj} [attr.] | zwölfstündig <12-stündig> |  |
 | of twelve hours {adj} [postpos.] | zwölfstündig <12-stündig> |  |
 | twelve-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for twelve hours] | zwölfstündig <12-stündig> [zwölf Stunden dauernd] |  |
 | twelve-day {adj} [attr.] | zwölftägig <12-tägig> |  |
 | twelve-part {adj} [attr.] <12-part> [e.g. serial, course] | zwölfteilig <12-teilig> [z. B. Serie, Kurs] |  |
 | twelve-piece {adj} [attr.] <12-piece> [e.g. set] | zwölfteilig <12-teilig> [z. B. Service] |  |
 | twelve-week {adj} [attr.] <12-week> | zwölfwöchig <12-wöchig> |  |
Nouns |
 | twelve-year-old [female] <12-year-old> | Zwölfjährige {f} <12-Jährige> |  |
 | twelve-year-old <12-year-old> | Zwölfjähriger {m} <12-Jähriger> |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | cosmet. 12M [bathroom products / toiletries; time in months by which a product should be used after opening] | 12 M [Haltbarkeitsdatum; Wirksamkeit geöffneter kosmetischer Produkte; in diesem Beispiel: 12 Monate] |  |
 | mus. 12-string {adj} [attr.] [esp. guitars] | 12-saitig [bes. bei Gitarren] |  |
 | noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place exactly at noon] | 12-Uhr- |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. 12 percent alcohol {sg} by volume <12% AbV> | 12 Volumenprozent {pl} <12 Vol.-%> |  |
 | hunting zool. 12-point stag | 12-Ender {m} [Hirsch] |  |
 | twelve-step guy [Am.] [coll.] | 12-Schrittler {m} [ugs. für einen im (12-Schritte)-Programm lebenden AA] |  |
 | 12th century | 12. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | twelfth century | 12. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | anat. VetMed. twelfth thoracic vertebra <12th thoracic vertebra, T12 vertebra, T12> [Vertebra thoracica XII] | zwölfter Brustwirbel {m} <12. Brustwirbel, Th12, Th 12> |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | 12 a.m. [midnight] | 12 Uhr nachts [Mitternacht] |  |
 | 12 mn [midnight] | 12 Uhr nachts [Mitternacht] |  |
 | before noon {adv} | bis 12 Uhr |  |
 | by noon {adv} | bis 12 Uhr |  |
 | until noon | bis 12 Uhr |  |
 | Come before twelve o'clock! | Komm vor 12! |  |
 | at twelve o'clock {adv} | um 12 Uhr |  |
 | at twelve (o'clock) {adv} | um zwölf (Uhr) <um 12, um 12 Uhr> |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | the 1100s {pl} | (das) 12. Jahrhundert {n} |  |
 | med. MedTech. 12-lead ECG / EKG | 12-Kanal-EKG {n} |  |
 | 12-month period | 12-Monats-Zeitraum {m} |  |
 | mus. 12-string guitar [spv.] | 12-saitige Gitarre {f} [Rsv.] |  |
 | 12 nautical miles zone | 12-Seemeilen-Zone {f} |  |
 | sports 12-hours / 12-hour run | 12-Stunden-Lauf {m} |  |
 | mus. 12-bar blues | 12-taktiger Blues {m} |  |
 | noon flight | 12-Uhr-Flug {m} |  |
 | 12 o'clock position | 12-Uhr-Position {f} |  |
 | weapons 12-bore shotgun [Br.] | Flinte {f} Kaliber 12 |  |
 | weapons 12-gauge shotgun [Am.] | Flinte {f} Kaliber 12 |  |
 | psych. twelve-step programme <12-step programme> [Br.] | Zwölf-Schritte-Programm {n} <12-Schritte-Programm> |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | at noon sharp {adv} | (mittags) um Punkt 12 |  |
 | med. starting from the 12th week of pregnancy {adv} | ab der 12. Schwangerschaftswoche [12. SSW] |  |
 | on pages 10-12 {adv} | auf Seite 10-12 |  |
 | beyond 12 months {adv} | über 12 Monate hinaus |  |
 | at midday {adv} | um 12 Uhr (mittags) |  |
 | at noon {adv} | um 12 Uhr mittags |  |
 | at twelve noon {adv} | um 12 Uhr mittags |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | pharm. 12th AMG amendment | 12. Novelle {f} des AMG |  |
 | 3 to 12 months | 3 bis 12 Monate {pl} |  |
 | coffee service for twelve persons | Kaffeegeschirr {n} für 12 Personen |  |
 | dent. maxillary right lateral incisor | rechter seitlicher Schneidezahn {m} Oberkiefer <12> [gesprochen: eins zwei] |  |
 | dent. right maxillary lateral incisor | rechter seitlicher Schneidezahn {m} Oberkiefer <12> [gesprochen: eins zwei] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | publ. 12,000 copies of the book were published. | Das Buch hatte eine Auflagenhöhe von 12.000. |  |
 | archi. hist. travel The church dates back to the 12th century. | Die Kirche datiert aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. |  |
 | Shops close at noon. | Die Läden schließen um 12 Uhr. |  |
 | Somebody had 12 years' worth of loss. [Am.] | Es hat jemanden 12 Jahre seines Lebens gekostet. |  |
 | idiom It is high time. | Es ist 5 (Minuten) vor 12. [höchste Zeit] |  |
 | idiom There is no more time to waste. | Es ist 5 (Minuten) vor 12. [höchste Zeit] |  |
 | It's just turned 12 o'clock. | Es ist gerade 12 Uhr. |  |
 | It currently comprises 12 banks. | Es umfasst gegenwärtig 12 Banken. |  |
 | sth. dates from the 12th century | etw. datiert ins 12. Jahrhundert (zurück) |  |
 | around noon {adv} | gegen 12 Uhr (Mittag / mittags) |  |
 | at twelve o'clock or thereabout {adv} | um 12 Uhr oder so |  |
 | comm. available at a cut-price £12m {adj} [Br.] [postpos.] | zum Schnäppchenpreis von 12 Mio. £ zu haben [ugs.] [nachgestellt] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to appoint a 12-member committee | eine Kommission aus 12 Köpfen einsetzen |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | 12-year high | höchster Stand {m} in 12 Jahren |  |
 | middle grade [Am.] | Jugendalter {n} von 8 - 12 Jahren |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F 12 Monkeys [Terry Gilliam] | 12 Monkeys |  |
 | film F Midnight Express [Alan Parker] | 12 Uhr nachts – Midnight Express |  |
 | film F 12 Years a Slave [Steve McQueen] | 12 Years a Slave |  |
 | film F The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll [Terence Fisher] | Schlag 12 in London |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
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