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English-German translation for: ü.
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Dictionary English German: ü

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NOUN1   das Ü | die Ü
NOUN2   das ü | die ü
unit yocto- {prefix} <y> [10 ^ -24]
Yokto- <y>
unit yotta- {prefix} <Y> [10 ^ 24]
Yotta- <Y>
unit year <a, y, yr>
Jahr {n} <a, y>
ling. y [letter]
y {n} [Buchstabe]
chem. yttrium <Y>
Yttrium {n} <Y>
biochem. tyrosine <Tyr, Y> [C9H11NO3]
Tyrosin {n} <Tyr, Y>
television (outside) broadcast vehicle <OB vehicle>Fernsehübertragungswagen {m} <Ü-Wagen>
ling. print u with an umlautü {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print (capital) U with an umlautÜ {n} [Buchstabe]
RadioTV outside broadcasting van <OB van> [Br.]Übertragungswagen {m} <Ü-Wagen>
ling. print Y [letter]Y {n} [Buchstabe]
geogr. Y'Ami IslandY'Ami {n}
2 Words: Others
Y-shaped {adj}Y-förmig
Y-shaped {adj}y-förmig
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. adamsite-(Y) [NaY [CO3]2·6H2O]Adamsit-(Y) {m}
mineral. aeschynite-(Y) [(Y,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6]Aeschynit-(Y) {m}
mineral. agardite-(Y) [(Y,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3H2O]Agardit-(Y) {m}
mineral. allanite-(Y) [(Y,Ce,Ca)2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH)]Allanit-(Y) {m}
mineral. ashcroftine-(Y) [K5Na5(Y,Ca)12Si28O70(OH)2(CO3)8·8H2O]Ashcroftin-(Y) {m}
mineral. atelisite-(Y) [Y4Si3O8(OH)8]Atelisit-(Y) {m}
RadioTV B-Y signalB-Y-Signal {n}
mineral. bastnäsite-(Y) [(Y,Ce)(CO3)F]Bastnäsit-(Y) {m}
mineral. bijvoetite-(Y) [(Y,Dy)2(UO2)4(CO3)4(OH)6·11H2O]Bijvoetit-(Y) {m}
mineral. britholithe-(Y) [(Y,Ca)5(SiO4,PO4)3(OH,F)]Britholith-(Y) {m} [Abukumalit]
mineral. cappelenite-(Y) [Ba(Y,Ce)6Si3B6O24F2]Cappelenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. cayalsite-(Y) [CaY6Al2Si4O18F6]Cayalsit-(Y) {m}
mineral. caysichite-(Y) [Ca3Y4(Yb,Er) [OH|(CO3)6|Si8O20]·8H2O]Caysichit-(Y) {m}
mineral. chernovite-(Y) [YAsO4]Chernovit-(Y) {m}
mineral. chukhrovite-(Y) [Ca3(Y,Ce)Al2(SO4)F13·10H2O]Chukhrovit-(Y) {m}
mineral. churchite-(Y) [(Y,Er,La) [PO4]·2H2O]Churchit-(Y) {m}
mineral. decrespignyite-(Y) [(Y,Gd,Dy)4Cu [Cl|(OH)5|(CO3)4]·2H2O]Decrespignyit-(Y) {m}
mineral. dessauite-(Y) [(Sr,Pb)(Y,U)Fe2(Ti,Fe)18O38]Dessauit-(Y) {m}
mineral. donnayite-(Y) [Sr3NaCaY(CO3)6·3H2O]Donnayit-(Y) {m}
mineral. fergusonite-(Y) [YNbO4]Fergusonit-(Y) {m}
mineral. fluorbritholite-(Y) [(Y,Ca,Ln)5 [(Si,P)O4]3F]Fluorbritholit-(Y) {m}
mineral. fluorbritholite-(Y) [(Y,Ca,Ln)5 [(Si,P)O4]3F]Fluorbritholith-(Y) {m}
mineral. fluorthalenite-(Y) [Y3 [F|Si3O10]] [fluorthalénite-(Y)]Fluorthalénit-(Y) {m}
mineral. formanite-(Y) [YTaO4]Formanit-(Y) {m}
mineral. gadolinite-(Y) [Y2Fe2+Be2Si2O10]Gadolinit-(Y) {m}
mineral. gagarinite-(Y) [NaCaY(F,Cl)6]Gagarinit-(Y) {m}
mineral. gerenite-(Y) [(Ca,Na)2(Y,Ce)3 [Si6O18]·2H2O]Gerenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. gramaccioliite-(Y) [(Pb,Sr)(Y,Mn)(Fe)2(Ti,Fe)18O38]Gramaccioliit-(Y) {m}
mineral. hellandite-(Y) [(Ca,Y)4(Y,Dy,Gd)2(Al,Fe) [(O,OH,F)2|B4Si4O22]]Hellandit-(Y) {m}
mineral. hizenite-(Y) [Ca2Y6(CO3)11·14H2O]Hizenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. horvathite-(Y) [NaY [F2|CO3]] [horváthite-(Y)]Horváthit-(Y) {m}
mineral. hundholmenite-(Y) [(Y,REE,Ca,Na)15(Al,Fe)CaxAs1-x(Si,As)Si6B3(O,F)48]Hundholmenit-(Y) {m}
mineral. Iimoriite-(Y) [Y2(SiO4)(CO3)]Iimoriit-(Y) {m}
mineral. iwashiroite-(Y) [YTaO4]Iwashiroit-(Y) {m}
mineral. kainosite-(Y) [Ca2(Y,Ce)2Si4O12(CO3)·H2O]Kainosit-(Y) {m}
mineral. kamotoite-(Y) [(Y,Nd,Gd)2U4(CO3)3·14.5 H2O]Kamotoit-(Y) {m}
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