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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: ÜM
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Dictionary English German: ÜM

Translation 1 - 6 of 6


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FireResc personal attack deviceÜberfallmelder {m} <ÜM> [z. B. Einbruchmeldetechnik]
unit yoctometer <ym> [Am.]Yoktometer {m} {n} <ym>
unit yoctometre <ym> [Br.]Yoktometer {m} {n} <ym>
unit yottameter <Ym> [Am.] [10^24 meters]Yottameter {m} {n} <Ym> [10^24 Meter]
unit yottametre <Ym> [Br.] [10^24 metres]Yottameter {m} {n} <Ym> [10^24 Meter]
comm. comp. yard management <YM>Yard-Management {n} <YM> [auch: Yardmanagement]
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• ÜM
um 017 C steigen
um 0 Grad
um 1
um 10
um 10 Uhr
um 10 Uhr abends
um 10 Uhr morgens
um 10 Uhr nachts
um 10 vor 5
um 10 wachsen

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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