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Dictionary English German: [question ]

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softball question [coll.] [fig.] [a simple-to-answer question in place of a sensitive or embarrassing question]Gefälligkeitsfrage {f}
unanswerable {adj} [question]unbeantwortbar
inquiry [question]Frage {f}
interrogation [question]Frage {f}
facile {adj} [question, comparison]vordergründig
responded {past-p} [to a question]erwidert
roundabout {adj} [answer, question]umständlich
to hedge [a question]ausweichen
to pose [question]aufwerfen [Frage]
issue [key question]Kernfrage {f}
issue [question]Frage {f} [Thema]
answerable {adj} [of a question]beantwortbar
awkward {adj} [problem, question, situation]heikel
embarrassing {adj} [situation, question, etc.]verfänglich
poser [difficult question]knifflige Frage {f}
poser [perplexing question]verwirrende Frage {f}
subquestion [also: sub-question]Teilfrage {f}
teaser [difficult question]schwierige Frage {f}
circumlocutionary {adj} [answer, question]umständlich [Antwort, Frage]
sb. responded [to a question]jd. beantwortete
sb. responds [to a question]jd. beantwortet
unquestioned {adj} [not called into question]unhinterfragt
to interpose [remark, question]einwerfen [Bemerkung, Frage]
matter [substance, also: subject, question]Materie {f}
to remain undecided [case, question]dahingestellt bleiben
hist. pol. Danube question [also: Danube Question]Donaufrage {f}
psych. spec. identity issue [question of identity]Identitätsfrage {f}
answerability [e.g. of a question]Beantwortbarkeit {f}
aspect [of question, subject etc.]Seite {f} [Aspekt]
question [problem, formulation of a question]Fragestellung {f}
stumper [extremely difficult question] [coll.]knifflige Frage {f}
math. set covering [question in complexity theory]Mengenüberdeckung {f}
to grill sb. [fig.] [question intensely]jdn. ausgiebig befragen
to sort sth. out [matter, question]etw.Akk. klären
hist. lit. Homeric question [also: Question]homerische Frage {f} [auch: Homerische]
law point of fact [also: question of fact]Tatfrage {f}
poser [coll.] [difficult problem or question]harte Nuss {f} [ugs.]
double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark, etc.]zweideutig [doppelsinnig]
in hand {adj} [postpos.] [matter, problem, question, issue, etc.]vorliegend
to dispose of sth. [question, matter]etw.Akk. erledigen [regeln]
ling. closed question [yes-no question]Entscheidungsfrage {f} [Ja-Nein-Frage]
By all means. [as answer to question]Ich bitte darum.
hist. war-guilt question [also: question of war guilt]Kriegsschuldfrage {f}
to challenge sth. [to call sth. into question]etw.Akk. (kritisch) hinterfragen
to revolve around sth. [fig.] [question, problem]sich um etw. drehen
On the contrary! [contradicting a negative question or statement]Doch!
to come down to [to be a question of]ankommen auf [+Akk.]
to answer a question with a questionmit einer Gegenfrage antworten
to contest sth. [call sth. into question]etw. anzweifeln [etw. infrage stellen]
to grill sb. [fig.] [question intensely]jdn. grillen [Redewendung] [ins Kreuzverhör nehmen]
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