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|  |
 | [International Order Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit, registered association; international humanitarian order of chivalry] | Internationaler Orden {m} Cordon Bleu du Saint Esprit e. V. [offiziell] |  |
Partial Matches |
 | ind. QM American Society for Testing and Materials <ASTM> [until 2001, now the ASTM International] | ASTM {f} [ab 2001 ASTM International] |  |
 | med. Eurotransplant <ET> [short for: Eurotransplant International Foundation] | Eurotransplant {f} [kurz für: Eurotransplant International Foundation] |  |
 | pol. World Organisation for Animal Health <OIE [after the first French name »Office International des Epizooties«]> | Weltorganisation {f} für Tiergesundheit <OIE [nach dem ersten frz. Namen »Office International des Epizooties«]> |  |
 | sports breach of the Laws of the Game [violation of the Laws of the Game governing Association Football as fixed by the International Football Association Board] | Spielregelverletzung {f} [Übertretung der vom International Football Association Board für den Association Football aufgestellten Spielregeln] |  |
 | geogr. pol. national borders | Ländergrenzen {pl} [international] |  |
 | tariff [on international trade] | Handelszoll {m} |  |
 | sports clean sweep [international sports] | Dreifachsieg {m} |  |
 | RadioTV [Germany's international broadcaster] | Deutsche Welle {f} <DW> |  |
 | hist. print Swiss Style [International Typographic Style] | Schweizer Typografie {f} |  |
 | law publicist [expert in public or international law] | Rechtsexperte {m} |  |
 | weapons Taser® [electroshock weapon sold by TASER International] | Elektroimpulswaffe {f} |  |
 | weapons Taser® [electroshock weapon sold by TASER International] | Elektroschockwaffe {f} |  |
 | telecom. country code [for international phone calls] | internationale Telefonvorwahl {f} |  |
 | member countries [of an international organization] | Mitgliedsländer {pl} [Mitgliedsstaaten] |  |
 | member countries [of an international organization] | Mitgliedstaaten {pl} [Mitgliedsländer] |  |
 | member states [of an international organization] | Mitgliedsländer {pl} [Mitgliedsstaaten] |  |
 | local chapter [of a national or international organization] | Ortsgruppe {f} |  |
 | hist. pol. political advantage [of a country in international conflicts] | Staatsvorteil {m} |  |
 | on the international plane {adv} [international level] | auf internationaler Ebene |  |
 | [unfenced or unmarked section of an international border] | Grüne Grenze {f} |  |
 | [unfenced or unmarked section of an international border] | grüne Grenze {f} |  |
 | special rapporteur [esp. of international organizations] | Sonderberichterstatter {m} [bes. internationaler Organisationen] |  |
 | Save Our Souls <SOS> | Rettet unsere Seelen [international gebräuchliches Notrufzeichen] |  |
 | international atomic time scale <TAI> [Temps Atomique International] | internationale Atomzeitskala {f} |  |
 | admin. country director [esp. of international charities and foundations] | Landesleiter {m} [von Institutionen] |  |
 | guest brother [visiting] [mostly used in international student exchange programs] | Gastbruder {m} |  |
 | film F The Most Desired Man [international title] | Der bewegte Mann [Sönke Wortmann] |  |
 | host brother [host family] [mostly used in international student exchange programs] | Gastbruder {m} |  |
 | bibl. (all the) starry hosts {pl} [New International Version] | (alles) Heer {n} des Himmels [Luther] |  |
 | educ. vocational and technical high school diploma [international lingo] | technische Berufsmaturität {f} <BM> <BMS> [Schweiz] |  |
 | insur. Green Card [coll.] [international motor insurance certificate] | grüne Karte {f} [ugs.] [internationale Versicherungskarte für Motorfahrzeuge] |  |
 | pol. Francophonie [short: International Organization of the Francophonie] | Frankophonie {f} [hier als Kurzwort: Internationale Organisation der Frankophonie] |  |
 | sports Three positions [competition standard by the International Shooting Sports Federation] | Dreistellungskampf {m} [eine Disziplin im Sportschießen] |  |
 | law [Switzerland's Federal Code on Private International Law, CPIL] | Bundesgesetz {n} über das Internationale Privatrecht <IPRG> [Schweiz] |  |
 | law approval law [a federal law, with which national approval to an international treaty is given] | Zustimmungsgesetz {n} [Vertragsgesetz] |  |
 | diversion [of international aid etc.] | Umlenkung {f} [internationaler Hilfe etc.] |  |
 | law Interpol [International Criminal Police Organization] | Interpol {f} [Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation] |  |
 | weapons Taser® [electroshock weapon sold by TASER International] | Taser-Waffe {f} |  |
 | idiom Z for Zebra | Z wie Zürich [österr.] [schweiz.] [international] |  |
 | Sida [Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency] | Sida {f} [Schweden] |  |
 | publ. ISBN number [coll.] [International Standard Book Number] | ISBN-Nummer {f} [ugs.] [Internationale Standardbuchnummer] |  |
 | IR Trademark [International Registration] | IR-Marke {f} |  |
 | acc. according to the International Financial Reporting Standards {adv} <IFRS> [until 2001 published as: International Accounting Standards <IAS>] | gemäß den internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards |  |
 | International Standards Organization [coll.] [International Organization for Standardization (ISO)] | Internationale Standardisierungsorganisation {f} [ugs.] [Internationale Organisation für Normung (ISO)] |  |
 | International Special Committee on Radio Interference <CISPR> [Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques] | Internationales Sonderkomitee {n} für Funkstörungen <CISPR> |  |
 | naut. Blue Peter [the letter P, International Code of Signals] | Blauer Peter {m} [Signalflagge P] |  |
 | Green Zone [International Zone of Baghdad] [diplomatic district] | Grüne Zone {f} [Internationale Zone von Bagdad] |  |
 | acc. econ. fin. International Standards on Auditing <ISA> | ISA-Standards {pl} [international anerkannte Grundsätze zur Abschlussprüfung (wirtschaftliches Prüfungswesen)] |  |
 | geogr. pol. seastead [artificial settlement in international waters] | Seastead {f} [künstliche Wohninsel in internationalen Gewässern] |  |
 | law restorative justice | Restorative Justice {f} [international gebräuchlicher Begriff; nicht allumfassend übersetzbar ins Deutsche] |  |
 | phonet. print primary stress mark <ˈ > [in the International Phonetic Alphabet] | Betonungszeichen {n} <ˈ > [im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet] |  |
 | phonet. print secondary stress mark <ˌ > [in the International Phonetic Alphabet] | Nebenbetonungszeichen {n} <ˌ > [im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet] |  |
 | comp. QM registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards] | Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur] |  |
 | phonet. print colon <ː > [as a symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet] | Längezeichen {n} <ː > [im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet] |  |
 | gastr. haute cuisine | Haute Cuisine {f} [international geläufiger Begriff für gehobene Küche] |  |
 | archi. Unverified [housing development, constructed as part of the 1957 International Building Exhibition in the Hansaviertel area of West Berlin] | Interbau {f} |  |
 | ecol. World Conservation Union <IUCN> [International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources] | Weltnaturschutzunion {f} <IUCN> [Internationale Union für Naturschutz] |  |
 | aviat. New York-JFK [coll.] <JFK, KJFK> [John F. Kennedy International Airport] | John F. Kennedy International Airport {m} <JFK, KJFK> |  |
 | law naut. rules of the road [coll.] [International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, COLREGs] | Kollisionsverhütungsregeln {pl} <KVR> [Kurztitel] [Internationale Regeln von 1972 zur Verhütung von Zusammenstößen auf See] |  |
 | FireResc Star of Life [international emergency medical services symbol] | Star of Life {m} [internationales Zeichen für Einrichtungen des Rettungsdienstes] |  |
 | bibl. relig. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. [New International Version ] | Der Herr lasse sein Angesicht leuchten über dir und sei dir gnädig. [Luther] |  |
 | bot. ecol. zool. Washington Convention <CITES> [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora] | Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen {n} <WA> [Übereinkommen über den internationalen Handel mit gefährdeten Arten freilebender Tiere und Pflanzen] |  |
 | anat. med. Nomina Anatomica <NA> [book of official international nomenclature for anatomy] | Nomina anatomica {f} <NA> |  |
 | aviat. JFK Airport [coll.] <JFK, KJFK> [John F. Kennedy International Airport] | John F. Kennedy International Airport {m} <JFK, KJFK> |  |
 | film Berlinale [international film festival in Berlin] | Berlinale {f} [internationale Filmfestspiele in Berlin] |  |
 | law between X, of the one part, and Y, of the other part {adv} [esp. in international contracts] | zwischen X einerseits und Y andererseits [bes. in internationalen Verträgen] |  |
 | Black Lives Matter <BLM> [an international human rights movement] | Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung {f} <BLM> [internationale Bewegung] [wörtlich: „Schwarze Leben zählen“] |  |
 | telecom. DX / dx [morse code abbreviation, telegraphic shorthand] [international: "(long) distance (contact)", "distant (exchange)"] [English also: "foreign countries"] | DX / dx [Morsezeichen-Abkürzung] [„(große) Entfernung“, „(weit) entfernt“, „Fernverbindung“] |  |
 | ling. phonet. ezh <Ʒ, ʒ> [letter used in the International Phonetic Alphabet] [also called the "tailed z"] | Ezh {n} <Ʒ, ʒ> [Buchstabe im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet] |  |
 | sports breach of the Laws of the Game [violation of the Laws of the Game governing Association Football as fixed by the International Football Association Board] | Spielregelverstoß {m} [Spielregelverletzung] |  |
 | International Holocaust Remembrance Day [short for: International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust] | Holocaust-Gedenktag {m} [kurz für: Internationaler Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust] |  |
 | fin. (Deutsche) Bundesbank <BBk, DBB> [DBB = international abbr.] | (Deutsche) Bundesbank {f} <BBk, DBB> [DBB = internationale Abk.] |  |
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