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 | letter {adj} [attr.] [e.g. code, game, sequence] | 103 Buchstaben- [z. B. Code, Spiel, Folge] |  |
 | number {adj} [attr.] [e.g. line, code, combination, cruncher] | 75 Zahlen- [z. B. Strahl, Code, Kombination, Akrobat] |  |
 | comp. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program] | 45 Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm] |  |
 | comm. order {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, code, form, list, quantity] | 13 Bestell- [z. B. Adresse, Code, Formular, Liste, Menge] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. abbreviation, code, ID, name, selection] | 10 Länder- [z. B. Kennung, Code, Kennzahl, Name, Auswahl] |  |
 | Let's go, Brandon! | [euphemistischer Code zur Beleidigung des US-Präsidenten Joe Biden] |  |
Verbs |
 | to transcribe sth. | 55 etw. umschreiben [in andere Schrift, Code] |  |
Nouns |
 | comp. generator | 57 [Code erzeugendes Programm] |  |
 | aviat. squawk | 44 Squawk {m} [Transponder Code] |  |
 | code | 25 Kurzzeichen {n} [Code] |  |
 | comm. comp. codename [spv.] | Codebezeichnung {f} [auch: Code-Bezeichnung] |  |
 | comm. comp. code designation | Codebezeichnung {f} [auch: Code-Bezeichnung] |  |
 | comp. mil. codename [spv.] | Codename {m} [auch: Code-Name] |  |
 | direct part marking <DPM> [2D code] | Direktmarkierung {f} <DPM> [2D-Code] |  |
 | cloth. dress code | Dresscode {m} [Dress-Code] |  |
 | tech. vertical-down position <PG/3G, PG/3F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Fallposition {f} <PG/3G, PG/3F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | tech. horizontal-vertical position <PB/2F, PC/2G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Querposition {f} <PB/2F, PC/2G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | comp. Internet quishing [portmanteau of QR code and phishing] | Quishing {n} [Kunstwort aus QR-Code und Phishing] |  |
 | electr. type of protection [IP code] | Schutzart {f} [Code-Buchstabe IP] |  |
 | aviat. squawk code | Squawkcode {m} [auch: Squawk-Code] |  |
 | tech. vertical-up position <PF/3G, PF/3F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Steigposition {f} <PF/3G, PF/3F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | code word | Stichwort {n} [Code] |  |
 | comp. trait | Trait {m} [Methode zur Wiederverwendung von Code] |  |
 | tech. type code | Typenbezeichnung {f} [Code] |  |
 | tech. overhead position <PE/4G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Überkopfposition {f} <PE/4G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | tech. downhand position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | tech. flat position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] |  |
 | numeric code | Zahlencode {m} [auch: Zahlen-Code] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | market. quick-response {adj} <QR> | Quick-Response- <QR> [Code, Generator usw.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | engin. math. telecom. Hadamard code | Hadamard-Code {m} [Walsh-Code] |  |
 | insur. med. International Classification of Diseases code <CD code> | ICD-Schlüssel {m} [ICD-Code] |  |
 | comp. cruft | überflüssiger Müll {m} [ugs.] [nutzloser Code] |  |
 | electr. telecom. trellis code | Ungerboeck-Code {m} [Trellis-Code-Modulation] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | comp. error detection and correction code <EDAC code> | Fehlererkennungs- und Beseitigungscode {m} [EDAC-Code] |  |
 | econ. stat. manufacturing [NACE Code C] | Herstellung {f} von Waren [ÖNACE Code C] [österr.] |  |
 | comp. low-code development platform <LCDP> | Low-Code-Plattform {f} [auch Low-Code-Entwicklungsplattform] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. EU stat. other services activities [NACE Code S] | Erbringung {f} von sonstigen Dienstleistungen [NACE Code S] |  |
 | sports out-of-competition testing [World Anti-Doping Code] | Testung {f} außerhalb des Wettkampfs [Welt-Anti-Doping-Code] |  |
 | sports in-competition testing [World Anti-Doping Code] | Testung {f} während eines Wettkampfs [Welt-Anti-Doping-Code] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | mus. tech. ADD [SPARS code: analog tape recorder used during initial recording, digital tape recorder used during mixing / editing and for mastering] | analoge Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <ADD> [SPARS-Code] |  |
 | mus. tech. DAD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, analog tape recorder used during mixing / editing, digital mastering] | digitale Aufnahme, analoge Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DAD> [SPARS-Code] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | mus. tech. DDD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, mixing / editing and for mastering] | digitale Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DDD> [SPARS-Code] |  |
 | econ. stat. wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles [NACE Code G] | Handel; Instandhaltung und Reparatur von Kraftfahrzeugen [ÖNACE Code G] [österr.] |  |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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