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Dictionary English German: [also ]

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lit. F Chess [also: Chess Story; also: The Royal Game]Schachnovelle [Stefan Zweig]
happy-clappy [Br.] [coll.] [also pej.] [also: happy clapper][enthusiastisch fröhlicher, evangelikaler Christ]
entom. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mil. sports dug-out [also: dugout] [sports team shelter, e.g. in baseball, also military]Unterstand {m} [z. B. für Sportmannschaft, auch militärisch]
to coquet (with sb./sth.) [also fig.] [also: coquette](mit jdm./etw.) kokettieren [auch fig.]
to bind sth. [a book etc.] [also a wound] [also feet]etw. einbinden
kid's stuff [coll.] [also fig.] [also pej.]Spielkram {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Spielzeug] [auch pej.: Kinderkram]
hist. jougs {pl} [also: juggs, joggs] [treated as sg.] [also: joug {sg}]Halseisen {n}
mil. naut. beach head [also: beach-head] [spv.] [also fig.]Brückenkopf {m} [auch fig.]
well-oiled {adj} [also fig.] [also: well oiled]wohlgeölt [auch fig.]
chimney sweeping [also: chimney-sweeping] [also fig.]Kaminfegen {n} [auch fig.]
tool box [also fig.] [also: tool-box]Instrumentenkasten {m} [auch fig.]
to be a price worth paying [also fig.]ein Preis sein, den es sich zu zahlen lohnt [also fig.]
geogr. hist. Neumark [historical region in present-day northwest Poland] [also: New March] [also: East Brandenburg]Neumark {f} [historische Landschaft im Nordwestpolen]
cloth. pant liner [also: pantliner] [also for men and the woman's version may be for slimming, not hygiene]Slipeinlage {f}
to give sth. a spit shine [Am.] [also fig.] [also: ... spit-shine]etw. (mit Spucke) auf Hochglanz polieren [auch fig.]
handwringing [also fig.] [also hand-wringing]Händeringen {n} [auch fig.]
gastr. cancoillotte [also: cancoyotte] [also capitalized]Cancoillotte {m} [französischer Kochkäse]
tin foil hat [also: tinfoil hat] [also fig.]Aluhut {m} [auch: Aluminiumhut, Stanniolhut] [auch fig.]
mus. dramyin [also dranyen]Dran-nye {f} [also Dranyen]
film F Puppet Master [also: The Puppet Master, also: Puppetmaster] [David Schmoeller]Puppet Master
to squeeze sth. out [also: squeeze out sth.] [juice, etc., also fig.: money, etc.]etw. herausquetschen [ugs.] [Saft etc., auch fig.: Geld etc.]
You don't shoot an ambulance. [also fig.] [French proverb] [also: Don't shoot the ambulance.]Man schießt nicht auf einen Krankenwagen. [auch fig.] [vgl. Auf ein Lazarett schießt man nicht.]
fish T
cheeseheads [coll.] [also pej.] [also hum.] [referring to persons of Wisconsin, Holland]Käseköpfe {pl} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [auch hum.] [Leute aus Wisconsin, Holländer]
art lit. myth. Baucis and Philemon [also: Philemon and Baucis; rarely also with "Baukis"]Philemon und Baucis [seltener: Baucis und Philemon; selten auch mit „Baukis“]
accurately {adv} [also fig.]treffsicher
addable {adj} [also: addible]addierbar
afire {adj} [also fig.]entflammt
apologetical {adj} [also: apologetic]entschuldigend
Burgundy {adj} [also: burgundy]Burgunder-
caustic {adj} [also fig.]beißend
Partial Matches
covert {adj} [glance also]verstohlen
crepey {adj} [also: crêpey]kreppartig
crepy {adj} [also: crêpy]kreppartig
archi. deconstructivist {adj} [also capitalized]dekonstruktivistisch
desexualized {adj} [also: desexualised]entsexualisiert
discontinuous {adj} [also math.]unstetig
eke {adv} [archaic] [also]auch
eke {adv} [archaic] [also]ebenfalls
bot. etiolated {adj} [also fig.]blass
flutey {adj} [also: fluty]flötenartig
Galilean {adj} [also: Galilaean]galiläisch
hazily {adv} [also fig.]verschwommen
headscarved {adj} [also: headscarfed]kopftuchtragend
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