| Translation 1 - 50 of 115 >> |
| English | German | |
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Partial Matches |
| econ. QM supply chain agility <SCA> | Supply-Chain-Agilität {f} [auch: Supply-Chain-Agility] | |
| stock keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock-keeping unit] [inventory management, supply chain management] | Artikelposition {f} [Warenbestandseinheit] [Bestandsmanagement, Supply Chain Management] | |
| econ. bullwhip effect [supply chain management] | Peitscheneffekt {m} | |
| econ. QM whiplash effect [supply chain management] | Peitscheneffekt {m} | |
| comm. econ. QM supply chain management <SCM> | Lieferantenkettenmanagement {n} [Supply Chain Management] | |
| stock-keeping unit <SKU> | Warenbestandseinheit {f} [Supply Chain Management] | |
| comm. econ. bullwhip effect [supply chain management] | Forrester-Aufschaukelung {f} [Peitscheneffekt] | |
| stock-keeping unit <SKU> | Lagerbestandseinheit {f} [Bestandsmanagement, Supply Chain Management] | |
| econ. supply chain <SC> | Wertschöpfungskette {f} [veraltend für Supply Chain, Lieferkette] | |
| QM delivered in full, on time, in spec / specification <DIFOTIS> [performance key indicator] | [vollständig geliefert, zeitgenau, artikelgenau; Leistungsindikator im Supply-Chain-Management] | |
| stock-keeping unit <SKU> [also: stock keeping unit] [inventory management, supply chain management] | Stock Keeping Unit {f}<SKU> [(eindeutig identifizierbare) Lagereinheit] | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| facility [agility] | Wendigkeit {f} | |
| nimbleness [agility] | Wendigkeit {f} | |
| spryness [nimbleness, agility] | Behändigkeit {f} | |
| spryness [nimbleness, agility] | Behendigkeit {f} [alt] | |
| sports ball training [strength and agility training using an exercise ball] | Balltraining {n} [körperliche Übungen mit einem Übungsball] | |
| to give [supply] | eingeben | |
| stock [supply] | Vorrat {m} | |
| to tether [chain] | anketten | |
| naut. tech. link [chain] | Kettenglied {n} | |
| ready {adj} [availability, supply] | griffbereit | |
| to issue [supply with] | ausrüsten | |
| to understand [supply mentally] | hinzudenken | |
| pool [stock, supply] | Vorrat {m} | |
| store [supply depot] | Vorratslager {n} | |
| delivery [supply, feed] | Zufuhr {f} | |
| armour material mail [chain mail] | Kettengeflecht {n} | |
| naut. ace [chain hook] | Kettenhaken {m} | |
| comprehensive {adj} [network, gas supply] | flächendeckend | |
| to purvey sth. [supply] | etw. liefern | |
| to issue sth. [supply] | etw. verteilen | |
| to background [supply background information] | informieren | |
| comm. to provide sb. [supply] | jdn. beliefern | |
| constr. cold-water service [supply] | Kaltwasserversorgung {f} | |
| bank [fig.] [supply, stock] | Vorrat {m} | |
| comm. [German department store chain] | Karstadt {m} | |
| hist. mil. weapons chainshot [also: chain shot] | Kettenkugel {f} | |
| astron. geol. catena [chain of craters] | Kraterkette {f} | |
| comm. ind. order [contract to manufacture or supply] | Auftrag {m} | |
| hydro. tech. surplus water [water supply] | Freiwasser {n} [Wasserversorgung] | |
| archi. store [supply depot, storing facility] | Lagerhaus {n} | |
| comm. supply costs [also supply cost] | Versorgungskosten {pl} | |
| comp. block chain | Blockchain {f} [auch: Block Chain] | |
| hist. mining tech. chain of dippers [chain pump] | Bulgenkunst {f} | |
| fell handle [chain saw] | Fällgriff {m} [Kettensäge] | |
| bot. T | | |
| bike tech. chain catcher [also: chain catch] | Kettenfänger {m} | |
| watchdog [kept on a chain] | Kettenhund {m} | |
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