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| med. Ormond's syndrome [Am.] [also: Ormond syndrome, Albarran-Ormond's / Ormond syndrome] [retroperitoneal fibrosis] | Ormond-Syndrom {n} [auch: Albarran-Ormond-Syndrom] | |
| med. office eye syndrome <OES> | Büroaugensyndrom {n} [auch: Büroaugen-Syndrom, Büro-Augen-Syndrom] | |
| med. carotid sinus syndrome <CSS> | Karotissinussyndrom {n} <KSS> [auch: Karotissinus-Syndrom, Karotis-Sinus-Syndrom] | |
| med. vibration-induced white finger <VWF> | Vibrationssyndrom {n} [auch: Vibrations-Syndrom] [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom] | |
| med. traumatic vasospastic disease <TVD> [vibration-induced white fingers] | Vibrationssyndrom {n} [auch: Vibrations-Syndrom] [vibrationsbedingtes vasospastisches Syndrom] | |
| med. carotid sinus syndrome <CSS> | Carotissinussyndrom {n} <CSS> [auch: Carotissinus-Syndrom, Carotis-Sinus-Syndrom] | |
| med. postpolio syndrome <PPS> | Postpoliosyndrom {n} <PPS> [auch: Postpolio-Syndrom, Post-Polio-Syndrom] | |
| med. anti-phospholipid (antibody) syndrome <APS, APLA syndrome> [Hughes syndrome] | Antiphospholipidantikörpersyndrom {n} <APS> [auch: Antiphospholipid-Antikörper-Syndrom, Antiphospholipidsyndrom, Antiphospholipid-Syndrom] | |
| med. Lightwood-Albright syndrome | Butler-Albright-Lightwood-Syndrom {n} [auch: Lightwood-Butler-Albright-Syndrom, Lightwood-Albright-Syndrom] [renale tubuläre Azidose mit Nephrokalzinose] | |
| med. Bársony-Teschendorf syndrome [also: Barsony-Teschendorf syndrom] [corkscrew esophagus] | Barsony-Teschendorf-Syndrom {n} [Bársony-Teschendorf-Syndrom] | |
| psych. Othello syndrome | Eifersuchtswahn {m} [Othello-Syndrom] | |
| psych. Thersites syndrome | Hässlichkeitssyndrom {n} [Thersites-Syndrom] | |
| med. gracilis syndrome | Fußballerleiste {f} [ugs.] [Gracilis-Syndrom] | |
| med. steakhouse syndrome | Steakhousesyndrom {n} [auch: Steakhouse-Syndrom] | |
| med. steroid-withdrawal pseudorheumatism | Steroidpseudorheumatismus {m} [Slocumb-Syndrom] | |
| equest. VetMed. navicular syndrome <NS> | Strahlbeinlahmheit {f} [Podotrochlose-Syndrom] | |
| med. oculofacial paresis | okulofaziale Parese {f} [Möbius-Syndrom] | |
| med. pseudothalidomide syndrome | Pseudothalidomid-Syndrom {n} [Roberts-Syndrom] | |
| VetMed. spinal ataxia | spinale Ataxie {f} [Wobbler-Syndrom] | |
| psych. impostorism [impostor syndrome] | Hochstaplersyndrom {n} [auch: Hochstapler-Syndrom] | |
| med. dead finger [Digitus mortuus] | Leichenfinger {m} [Raynaud-Syndrom] | |
| med. mongolism [Down's syndrome] | Mongolismus {m} [Down-Syndrom] | |
| med. steal syndrome <SS> | Stealsyndrom {n} [auch: Steal-Syndrom] | |
| med. supinator (tunnel) syndrome | Supinatortunnelsyndrom {n} [auch: Supinatortunnel-Syndrom] | |
| med. thalamic pain syndrome | Thalamussyndrom {n} [auch: Thalamus-Syndrom] | |
| med. dead finger [Digitus mortuus] | Totenfinger {m} [Raynaud-Syndrom] | |
| med. persistent vegetative state <PVS> | Wachkoma {n} [apallisches Syndrom] | |
| psych. Othello psychosis | psychotische Eifersucht {f} [Eifersuchtswahn, Othello-Syndrom] | |
| med. cotton-wool spots | Purtscher-Flecken {pl} [Purtscher-Syndrom] | |
| med. Leigh syndrome | subakute nekrotisierende Enzephalomyopathie {f} [Leigh-Syndrom] | |
| med. blind loop syndrome <BLS> | Blindsacksyndrom {n} [auch: Blindsack-Syndrom] | |
| med. economy class syndrome <ECS> | Flugthrombose {f} [Economy-Class-Syndrom] | |
| med. Nonne's compression syndrome | Kompressionssyndrom {n} [Nonne-Froin-Syndrom] | |
| med. mixed connective tissue disease <MCTD> | Mischkollagenose {f} [Sharp-Syndrom] | |
| biochem. med. metabolic syndrome <MS> | Stoffwechselsyndrom {n} [seltener für: metabolisches Syndrom] | |
| med. congenital bladder neck obstruction | angeborene Blasenhalsstenose {f} [Marion-Syndrom] | |
| med. (Horner's) oculopupillary syndrome | okulopupilläres Syndrom {n} [Horner-Syndrom] | |
| med. mongol [female] [offensive] | [beleidigend für Frau mit Down-Syndrom] | |
| med. Aspie [coll.] [Aspergian] | Aspi {m} [ugs.] [jd. mit Asperger-Syndrom] | |
| equest. VetMed. equine rhabdomyolysis syndrome <ERS> | Muskelschmerzsyndrom {n} [ugs.] [equines Rhabdomyolyse-Syndrom] | |
| med. whistling face (syndrome) [Freeman-Sheldon syndrome] | Pfeifgesicht {n} [Pfeifgesicht-Syndrom] | |
| med. esophageal food bolus obstruction [Am.] | Steakhousesyndrom {n} [auch: Steakhouse-Syndrom] | |
| med. oesophageal food bolus obstruction [Br.] | Steakhousesyndrom {n} [auch: Steakhouse-Syndrom] | |
| med. psych. small penis syndrome <SPS> | Umkleideraumsyndrom {n} [ugs.] [Kleiner-Penis-Syndrom] | |
| med. granuloma fungoides [Mucosis fungoides] | Wucherflechte {f} [veraltend] [Alibert-Bazin-Syndrom] | |
| med. mongol | an Mongolismus Leidender {m} [veraltet] [am Down-Syndrom Leidender] | |
| med. histamine-like syndrome | Histamin-ähnliches Syndrom {n} [auch: histaminähnliches Syndrom] | |
| psych. survivor's guilt [also: survivor guilt] | Überlebendensyndrom {n} [auch: Überlebenden-Syndrom] | |
| comp. fat-finger problem [coll.] <FFP> | Wurstfingerproblem {n} [ugs.] [Fat-Finger-Syndrom] | |
| med. locked-in syndrome <LIS> | Eingeschlossensein-Syndrom {n} [ugs.] [Locked-in-Syndrom] | |
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