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English-German translation for: [foreign]
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Dictionary English German: [ foreign]

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Partial Matches
abroad {adv} [to a foreign country or to foreign countries]ins Ausland
quote [The foreigner is only foreign in a foreign land.]Fremd ist der Fremde nur in der Fremde. [Karl Valentin]
tramontane {adj} [foreign]fremd
strange {adj} [foreign, outlandish]fremdartig
pol. diplomacy [foreign relations]Gesandtschaftswesen {n}
pol. national [not foreign]Inländer {m}
outlandish {adj} [archaic] [foreign, alien]fremdländisch
overseas {adv} [to foreign country]ins Ausland
strange {adj} [archaic] [foreign]nicht heimisch
comm. econ. external trade [foreign trade]Außenwirtschaft {f}
relig. [pastoral work with foreign minorities]Ausländerseelsorge {f}
econ. external company [foreign company]ausländische Gesellschaft {f}
fin. pol. forex reserves {pl} [foreign exchange reserves]Währungsreserve {f}
fin. stocks forex trading [foreign exchange trading]Devisenhandel {m}
jobs journ. editor-at-large [foreign correspondent]Auslandsberichterstatter {m}
ling. foreign-language {adj} [attr.] [also foreign language]fremdsprachlich
to join [club, Foreign Legion, religious order]eintreten in
expulsion [of a foreign citizen]Wegweisung {f} [schweiz.] [Ausweisung]
fin. foreign exchange holdings [also: foreign-exchange holdings]Devisenbestände {pl}
abroad {adv} [in a foreign country or countries]im Ausland
ling. fluency [in a foreign language]fließende Beherrschung {f} [einer Fremdsprache]
war children [children with a foreign military parent]Besatzungskinder {pl}
pol. foreign affairs chief [coll.] [foreign minister]Außenamtschef {m} [ugs.] [Außenminister]
med. extraction [of a foreign body]Entfernung {f} [z. B. einer Kugel]
alien [male person of foreign ethnicity]Fremdstämmiger {m} [veraltet] [auch Nazi-Terminologie]
expatriate [permanent resident in a foreign country]ständig im Ausland Lebender {m}
educ. ling. word [esp. of a foreign language you learn]Vokabel {f} [österr. auch {n}]
[belonging to a foreign race] {adj}außenbürtig [selten] [Nazi-Begriff, neben "fremdrassig"] [vgl. echtbürtig]
foreigner [here: male person of foreign ethnicity]Fremdstämmiger {m} [veraltet] [auch Nazi-Terminologie]
pol. tricky area [e.g. in foreign politics]glattes Parkett {n} [fig.] [schwieriges Terrain]
to foreignize sb./sth. [make foreign in character]jdm./etw. einen fremdländischen Charakter verleihen
ling. accent [esp. a regional or very slight foreign one]Sprachfärbung {f} [Tonfall, Aussprache, Sprachmelodie]
host mother [for a foreign-exchange student]Gastmutter {f} [bei Auslandsaufenthalt in einer Gastfamilie]
biol. med. introduction [e. g. of foreign species, diseases]Einschleppung {f} [z. B. von fremden Arten, Krankheiten]
to bring sb./sth. back home [e.g. troops from a foreign war]jdn./etw. heimholen
to adopt sth. [e.g. foreign ideas]etw.Akk. rezipieren [geh.] [aufnehmen, übernehmen, z. B. fremde Gedanken]
[cuss word for foreigners, foreign looking people, punks, lefties etc.]Zecken {pl} [ugs.] [Ausdruck der rechtsradikalen Szene]
ling. conversant {adj} [Am.] [able to hold a conversation in a foreign language]konversationsfähig
med. allotransfusion [foreign blood donation]Allotransfusion {f} [Fremdblutspende]
hist. pol. Splendid Isolation [British foreign policy 19th century]Splendid Isolation {f} [britische Außenpolitik des 19. Jahrhunderts]
mus. accidental [note foreign to the key indicated by the key signature]Akzidens {n} [fachspr.]
[a hoax foreign word created in Germany in the first half of the 20th century]repunsieren
... or the equivalent value in ... [stamps, foreign currency (e.g. francs), etc.]... oder der Gegenwert in ... [Briefmarken, Fremdwährung (z. B. Francs) usw.]
hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government]Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet]
Yank sweetheart [slightly pej.] [foreign girlfriend of an American, esp. an American military member]Ami-Liebchen {n} [leicht pej.]
telecom. DX / dx [morse code abbreviation, telegraphic shorthand] [international: "(long) distance (contact)", "distant (exchange)"] [English also: "foreign countries"]DX / dx [Morsezeichen-Abkürzung] [„(große) Entfernung“, „(weit) entfernt“, „Fernverbindung“]
hist. ling. pol. Interpretatio graeca [Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon.]Interpretatio Graeca {f} [Gleichsetzung nichtgriechischer mit griechischen Göttern in der Antike]
mil. locally employed civilian [local employee of the foreign forces stationed in the federal republic of Germany]lokaler Zivilangestellter {m} [örtlicher Mitarbeiter der in der BRD stationierten ausländischen Truppen]
law New York Convention [New York United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958]New Yorker Abkommen {n} [über die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Schiedsansprüche von 1958]
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